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Ted Talks Daily / The case for a new Great Migration in the US | Charles M. Blow | Ted Talks Daily

The case for a new Great Migration in the US | Charles M. Blow | Ted Talks Daily

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In this episode of Ted Talks Daily, writer Charles Blow presents a plan for achieving true racial equality in the US without relying on marches or pleading with the federal government. He discusses historical patterns, the importance of political power, and the potential for a new Great Migration to bring about change.

Main Takeaways

Historical Patterns and Backlash

  • Progress for black people in America is often met with backlash and force from some white people.
  • This leads to a cycle of advancement and regression every 50 years or so.
  • Legislative efforts to restrict voting and protests, as well as bills meant to restrict discussions on race, gender, and history in schools, followed the Black Lives Matter movement.

Increasing Political Power

  • Charles Blow aims to create a plan for equality that does not require marching and pleading, but rather focuses on increasing political power and influence over state power.
  • He emphasizes the importance of concentrating and increasing political power to address crucial issues affecting black people.
  • Concentrating Black voting power in southern states could lead to more equitable state-level policies and increased pressure on the federal government.

The Great Migration and Jim Crow

  • In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, terrorists in the South engaged in violence and voter suppression, leading to the codified oppression known as Jim Crow.
  • The Great Migration was fueled by the push and pull of northern factory recruitment and the oppressive conditions in the South, leading to a significant exodus of Black people from the region.
  • The loss of Black majorities in southern states was due in part to terrorism, and the belief that Black people should return to the South to regain political influence and control.

Success of Concentrated Voting Power

  • There is a precedent for the success of this plan, as seen in the transformation of Vermont through a similar migration strategy.
  • The reverse migration of Black people back to the South is already underway, with Georgia serving as a key hub.
  • Black voters played a pivotal role in electing two Democratic senators in Georgia, and candidates favored by the majority of black voters won in the state in 2020.


Breaking the Cycle of Advancement and Regression

Writer Charles Blow presents a plan to achieve racial equality in the US by sidestepping the cycle of advancement and regression that often occurs. He highlights the historical patterns of progress followed by backlash and discusses the legislative efforts to restrict voting and discussions on race. Blow emphasizes the need to increase political power and influence over state power to address crucial issues affecting black people.

The Great Migration and Political Influence

Blow discusses the significance of the Great Migration, fueled by oppressive conditions in the South and the pull of northern factory recruitment. He explains how the loss of Black majorities in southern states was influenced by terrorism and the belief that Black people should return to regain political influence and control. Concentrating Black voting power in southern states could lead to more equitable state-level policies and increased pressure on the federal government.

Success of Concentrated Voting Power

Blow cites the success of a similar migration strategy in Vermont as a precedent for the potential success of his plan. He highlights the ongoing reverse migration of Black people back to the South, with Georgia serving as a key hub. The influence of Black voters in Georgia is evident in the election of two Democratic senators and the success of candidates favored by the majority of black voters in the state in 2020.


Charles Blow presents a compelling plan for achieving true racial equality in the US by increasing political power and influence over state power. By learning from historical patterns, concentrating Black voting power, and looking to successful examples like Vermont and Georgia, Blow offers a path forward that bypasses the cycle of advancement and regression. Through a new Great Migration, he envisions a future where black people can reclaim political power and address crucial issues affecting their communities.

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