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The Daily / – A Fiery First Republican Debate — Without Trump

The Daily – A Fiery First Republican Debate — Without Trump

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In this episode of “The Daily,” the absence of Donald Trump from the Republican debate creates a dilemma for the other candidates. The moderators try to steer the conversation towards important issues, but the candidates end up using their opening statements to introduce themselves. Entrepreneur and first-time candidate Vivek Ramaswamy makes a strong impression, while Chris Christie emphasizes the need for truth-telling in politics. The debate focuses on Vecra Mouswamy, who defends Trump and dominates the discussion. The first half of the debate addresses conventional Republican issues, while the second half delves into Trump’s legal issues and the events of 2020 and January 6th. The candidates’ responses to whether they would still support Trump if he’s convicted are reluctant. Overall, the debate showcases the tension within the Republican Party in a post-Trump world.

Main Takeaways

Trump’s absence and the candidates’ dilemma

  • Trump’s absence from the debate created a dilemma for the other candidates: whether to focus on attacking him or improving their own standing in the polls by attacking each other.
  • The debate could influence the rest of the race, with candidates looking to gain momentum and break through.

The moderators steer the conversation towards issues

  • The moderators tried to steer the conversation towards issues, with more than 65% of Americans saying the country is headed in the wrong direction.

The candidates defy the moderators’ instructions

  • The candidates all ended up using the opening statement to introduce themselves, despite the moderators asking them not to.

Vivek Ramaswamy makes a strong impression

  • Entrepreneur and first-time candidate, Vivek Ramaswamy, made a strong impression during the debate.

Chris Christie emphasizes truth-telling in politics

  • Chris Christie emphasizes the need for truth-telling in politics, disregarding polls.

Nikki Haley highlights Republicans’ responsibility

  • Nikki Haley points out that Republicans are also responsible for the country’s problems.

Mike Pence criticizes lack of experience

  • Mike Pence criticizes the lack of experience of some candidates, while Vecra Mouswamy dismisses the prepared slogans and calls for a real discussion.

Christie attacks Vecra Mouswamy

  • Christie attacks Vecra Mouswamy, comparing him to a political amateur like Barack Obama.

Vecra Mouswamy becomes a target

  • The Republican candidates are targeting Vecra Mouswamy due to his rising popularity and alignment with Trump.
  • Vecra Mouswamy is the most vocal defender of Trump on the stage, making him a natural target for those who want to criticize the former president.

Vecra Mouswamy stands out with clear answers

  • Vecra Mouswamy’s clear and firm answers make him stand out, while other candidates like Ron DeSantis give wishy-washy responses.
  • Vecra Mouswamy dominates the debate and emerges as the protagonist of the night.
  • The Vegrama Swami dominates the debate and creates memorable moments.

The debate addresses Trump’s legal issues

  • The second half of the debate addresses Trump’s legal issues and the events of 2020 and January 6th.
  • Candidates are asked if they would still support Trump if he’s convicted, resulting in a reluctant response.
  • Christie finally criticizes Trump’s conduct, which he had promised to do from the beginning.

Pence’s decision on January 6th

  • Pence talks about his decision to choose the Constitution over Trump’s request to reject or return votes unilaterally on January 6th, 2021.
  • Pence received praise from many on stage for certifying the 2020 election except for Trump.
  • Rameswamy challenges Pence to agree to pardon Trump if elected, but Pence refuses to commit.

DeSantis’s position on Ukraine

  • DeSantis’s position on supporting Ukraine is unclear, while Rameswamy opposes funding and others pile on.
  • DeSantis tries to avoid conflicts and viral moments during the debate.

Rameswamy aligns with Trump and faces attacks

  • Rameswamy takes positions aligned with Trump, leading to attacks from others on stage.
  • Rama Swami had a standout performance and left the debate in a better position than he went into it, which could lead to a rise in fundraising and attention.


The Republican debate without Trump as a participant showcases the tension within the party. Candidates grapple with attacking each other or focusing on important issues. Vivek Ramaswamy makes a strong impression, while Vecra Mouswamy dominates the debate with clear answers and defense of Trump. The debate addresses Trump’s legal issues and the events of 2020 and January 6th, resulting in reluctant responses from the candidates. Overall, the debate highlights the ongoing struggle of the Republican Party in a post-Trump world.

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