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The Daily / – A Texas Town Wanted Tougher Border Security. Now They Regret It

The Daily – A Texas Town Wanted Tougher Border Security. Now They Regret It

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In this episode of “The Daily,” we explore the town of Eagle Pass, Texas, and its experience with the Governor’s plan to enhance border security. Initially receptive to the plan, residents now regret their support as they face the consequences of increased illegal crossings and the militarization of their community.

Main Takeaways

Eagle Pass Residents’ Initial Support for Border Security

  • Eagle Pass, Texas was once receptive to the Governor’s plan to use local law enforcement to stop the flow of migrants across the US-Mexico border.
  • Eagle Pass is a border town with about 30,000 residents, where many live on one side and work on the other side.
  • Magali, a long-time resident of Eagle Pass, was once supportive of migrants and even put water on her property for them.

The Shock of an Influx of Migrants

  • In 2021, there was an influx of migrants, including women and unaccompanied children, which shocked many residents.
  • The experiment to tackle illegal crossings in Texas has caused Eagle Pass residents to turn against the plan.
  • Eagle Pass residents overwhelmed by illegal crossings in their backyards.

Operation Lone Star and its Impact on Eagle Pass

  • Texas Governor Greg Abbott launched Operation Lone Star to fill the gap left by the federal government.
  • Magali and other residents of Eagle Pass welcome Abbott’s plan.
  • Even Democrats like Jesse Fuentes see the need for intervention at the border.
  • Operation Lone Star was initiated to help control the border crisis.
  • People in Eagle Pass were optimistic and welcoming of the help.
  • National Guard members and state troopers were brought in to help border patrol deal with the surge.
  • State police had to work with private landowners to arrest migrants for trespassing.
  • The initial agreement was to allow the state police to build a fence to deter migrants from crossing to the property.

Negative Consequences of Operation Lone Star

  • Concertina wire and buoys were installed on Magali’s property to deter migrants from crossing.
  • State officials built roads on Magali’s orchard, damaging her trees and affecting the growth of her pecans.
  • Jesse, a canoe and kayak operator, had to close his business due to the militarization of the park where he operated.
  • The militarization of the park caused the destruction of river banks, islands, and wildlife, leaving no place for Jesse to operate his business.
  • Operation Lone Star, which was originally welcomed, is now causing frustration and headaches for many in Eagle Pass.
  • Multiple incidents over the summer have caused frustration and anger among residents of Eagle Pass.
  • Four migrants drowned in the Rio Grande in a 48-hour time span.
  • Claims of mistreatment of legal immigrants by DPS troopers and denial of water to migrants.
  • Backlash from locals who see it as a moral failure.
  • Operation Lone Star has not been effective in stopping crossings, and the costs for residents have been high.
  • Texas Governor Greg Abbott is seeking new legal powers to strengthen Operation Lone Star by making illegal crossings a state crime.


Eagle Pass Residents’ Initial Support for Border Security

Initially, the residents of Eagle Pass, Texas were supportive of the Governor’s plan to enhance border security. Living in a border town with a significant number of residents who commute across the border for work, they hoped that increased law enforcement presence would deter illegal crossings and ensure their safety.

The Shock of an Influx of Migrants

However, in 2021, Eagle Pass experienced a sudden influx of migrants, including women and unaccompanied children. This surge of illegal crossings caught residents off guard and overwhelmed their community. The situation quickly shifted public opinion and led to regret over their initial support for stricter border security measures.

Operation Lone Star and its Impact on Eagle Pass

In response to the border crisis, Texas Governor Greg Abbott launched Operation Lone Star, deploying National Guard members and state troopers to assist border patrol. Initially, residents welcomed the help, as they believed it would alleviate the burden on their community. State police worked with private landowners to arrest trespassing migrants and even installed deterrents like fences and concertina wire.

Negative Consequences of Operation Lone Star

However, the implementation of Operation Lone Star brought unintended negative consequences for Eagle Pass residents. Magali, a long-time resident, saw her property impacted by the installation of concertina wire and buoys. State officials also built roads on her orchard, damaging her trees and affecting the growth of her pecans. Jesse, a local business owner, had to shut down his canoe and kayak operation due to the militarization of the park where he operated.


The experience of Eagle Pass, Texas highlights the complexities and challenges of border security measures. What initially seemed like a solution to a pressing issue has resulted in frustration, economic losses, and environmental damage for the residents. As the debate surrounding border security continues, it is crucial to find comprehensive and sustainable solutions that address the concerns of border communities while upholding humanitarian values.

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