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The Daily / – An Unexpected Battle Over Banning Caste Discrimination

The Daily – An Unexpected Battle Over Banning Caste Discrimination

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In this episode of “The Daily,” the focus is on the unexpected battle over banning caste discrimination in California. The caste system, an ancient system of social stratification that originated in India, still remains a strong marker of identity in many places, despite being outlawed on paper. The podcast explores the push to make caste discrimination illegal in California, the resistance faced by the bill, and the arguments from both sides. It also delves into personal stories of discrimination and the challenges of enforcing the law. Additionally, the episode touches on other topics such as the end of a strike by TV and film writers and the potential US government shutdown due to demands for deep spending cuts.

Main Takeaways

California’s Battle Against Caste Discrimination

  • California is set to become the first state in the US to outlaw caste discrimination with Senate Bill 403.
  • The bill aims to make caste discrimination illegal in various areas, including housing and employment.
  • The caste system is an ancient social hierarchy that people are born into, with Brahmins at the top and “untouchables” at the bottom.
  • Despite being banned in India and Nepal, caste discrimination still persists as a strong marker of identity.
  • Isabel Wilkerson compares the caste system in India to the way race operates in America.

Growing Awareness and Resistance

  • California’s bill on caste discrimination is driven by patterns of immigration and a diverse South Asian community in the state.
  • The conversation around caste discrimination has gained traction due to the Black Lives Matter movement.
  • Stories of wage theft, social exclusion, and workplace discrimination have been shared, highlighting the need for legal protection.
  • An individual named Beam Narayan Vishokarma shares his personal experiences with caste discrimination in Nepal and California.
  • Opponents argue that caste-based discrimination doesn’t exist in the US and that the community is free from discrimination.

Debate and Concerns

  • California State Senator Ayesha Wilhab introduced the bill, facing intense resistance from the South Asian diaspora.
  • Opponents fear that passing the law will impose an identity they don’t actively practice and bring caste back into the conversation.
  • Concerns are raised about potential misuse of the law and targeting of specific communities.
  • Supporters argue that stories of discrimination outweigh concerns and that caste-based discrimination is nuanced and complex.
  • Enforcing the law may be challenging due to jurors’ lack of knowledge and experience with the caste system.

Other Topics

  • The episode briefly touches on the end of a strike by TV and film writers demanding higher royalty payments and protection from AI encroachment.
  • There is a potential US government shutdown due to demands for deep cuts to annual spending by far-right lawmakers.
  • Shutdowns have become a common tactic in recent years for lawmakers to push their agendas.
  • The US has experienced multiple government shutdowns, with the longest lasting 35 days in 2018-2019.


California’s Battle Against Caste Discrimination

California is on the verge of becoming the first state in the US to outlaw caste discrimination through Senate Bill 403. The bill aims to address the persistent caste system, an ancient social hierarchy that people are born into. Despite being banned in India and Nepal, caste discrimination remains a strong marker of identity. Isabel Wilkerson draws parallels between the caste system in India and the racial dynamics in America, highlighting the need for legal protection against discrimination.

Growing Awareness and Resistance

The conversation around caste discrimination has gained momentum in California due to patterns of immigration and a diverse South Asian community. The Black Lives Matter movement has also contributed to increased awareness. Personal stories of wage theft, social exclusion, and workplace discrimination have shed light on the urgent need for legal measures. Beam Narayan Vishokarma shares his experiences of discrimination in Nepal and California, emphasizing the impact on housing and employment opportunities.

Debate and Concerns

The introduction of the bill by California State Senator Ayesha Wilhab has faced resistance from the South Asian diaspora. Opponents argue that caste-based discrimination doesn’t exist in the US and that passing the law will reintroduce caste as an identity they don’t actively practice. Concerns are raised about potential misuse of the law and targeting of specific communities. Supporters stress the importance of addressing discrimination and view caste-based discrimination as a nuanced and complex issue. However, enforcing the law may present challenges due to limited knowledge and understanding of the caste system among American jurors.

Other Topics

Aside from the discussion on caste discrimination, the episode briefly mentions the end of a strike by TV and film writers demanding higher royalty payments and safeguards against AI encroachment. There is also a looming potential US government shutdown due to demands for deep spending cuts by far-right lawmakers. Shutdowns have become a common tactic for lawmakers to advance their agendas, and the political polarization and gridlock in Congress contribute to the likelihood of future shutdowns.


The battle over banning caste discrimination in California highlights the ongoing struggle to address systemic discrimination and protect marginalized communities. While the push for legal measures has faced resistance, personal stories and growing awareness have underscored the need for change. Enforcing the law may present challenges, but the hope is that it will provide a platform for individuals with experiences of caste-based discrimination to seek justice. The episode also touches on other pressing issues, such as the end of a writers’ strike and the potential US government shutdown, demonstrating the complex landscape of social and political challenges in the country.

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