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The Daily / – Canada Confronts India Over Alleged Assassination

The Daily – Canada Confronts India Over Alleged Assassination

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In this episode of “The Daily,” Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau accuses India of involvement in the assassination of a Canadian citizen on Canadian soil. Trudeau names the individual, Hardeep Singh Nijar, and claims that Canadian security agencies have credible evidence linking Indian government agents to the killing. This accusation from the highest level of the Canadian government is a rare and explosive moment, as it involves one democracy accusing another democracy of such a crime.

Main Takeaways

Canada-India Relations

  • Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau accuses India of involvement in killing a Canadian citizen on Canadian soil.
  • Trudeau names the individual, Hardeep Singh Nijar, and states that Canadian security agencies have credible evidence linking Indian government agents to the killing.
  • Trudeau’s accusation is a breach of Canada’s sovereignty and contrary to the fundamental rules of democratic societies.
  • It is rare for a state to kill someone in another democracy’s territory and is associated with non-democratic governments.
  • Canada’s Prime Minister accusing India of such a killing is a hugely explosive moment.

Halestan Advocacy and Violence

  • Hardeep Singh Nijar, the victim, was heavily involved in advocacy for the creation of an independent country for Sikhs called Halestan.
  • Halestan cause has been around for decades and climaxed in a violent period in the 1980s in Punjab.
  • The Indian government sees advocacy for Halestan as terrorism.
  • The killing of Indira Gandhi, India’s Prime Minister, in 1984 incensed the wider Sikh population and resulted in pogroms in Sikh neighborhoods.
  • The movement for a separate state was largely crushed in India, but sentiment remained in diasporas.

Accusations and Denials

  • Trudeau accuses India of killing Hardeep Singh Nijar, but no evidence has been offered publicly.
  • India denies Trudeau’s accusation and accuses Canada of sheltering terrorists.
  • India’s response reflects domestic politics and the need for a threat to protect against.
  • Prime Minister Modi’s image as a strong man protector of the country depends on protecting against threats.
  • Accusations of violence don’t deter Modi’s supporters as it aligns with the Hindu nationalist vision of reshaping the country.

International Response and Visa Suspensions

  • Western allies’ response to the accusation has been muted due to their need for India as a counterbalance to China and a rising economy.
  • Canada’s Prime Minister Trudeau is alone in his support for the accusation.
  • India’s economic promise and counterbalance to China give it a “get out of jail free card”.
  • India suspends visa applications for Canadian nationals, citing safety threats to Indian consulates in Canada.


Canada-India Relations: A Rare and Explosive Accusation

In a highly unusual move, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau accuses India of involvement in the assassination of a Canadian citizen on Canadian soil. Trudeau names the individual, Hardeep Singh Nijar, and claims that Canadian security agencies have credible evidence linking Indian government agents to the killing. This accusation is a breach of Canada’s sovereignty and contrary to the fundamental rules of democratic societies. It is rare for one democracy to accuse another democracy of such a killing, making this a hugely explosive moment in Canada-India relations.

The Halestan Advocacy and Violence

Hardeep Singh Nijar, the victim, was heavily involved in advocating for the creation of an independent country for Sikhs called Halestan. This cause has been around for decades and reached a violent peak in the 1980s in Punjab. The Indian government views advocacy for Halestan as terrorism. The killing of Indira Gandhi, India’s Prime Minister, in 1984 further fueled tensions, leading to violence against ordinary Sikhs. While the movement for a separate state was largely crushed in India, sentiment remained in diasporas.

Accusations, Denials, and Political Implications

Trudeau accuses India of killing Hardeep Singh Nijar, but no evidence has been publicly presented. India denies Trudeau’s accusation and counters by accusing Canada of sheltering terrorists. India’s response is driven by domestic politics and the need to maintain a perceived threat to protect against. Prime Minister Modi’s image as a strong protector of the country relies on countering threats. Interestingly, accusations of violence do not deter Modi’s supporters, as it aligns with their Hindu nationalist vision of reshaping the country.

International Response and Visa Suspensions

Western allies have responded cautiously to Trudeau’s accusation, as they rely on India as a counterbalance to China and a growing economic power. Canada’s Prime Minister finds himself alone in his support for the accusation. India’s economic promise and its role as a counterbalance to China give it a “get out of jail free card” on the international stage. In response, India suspends visa applications for Canadian nationals, citing safety threats to Indian consulates in Canada.


The accusation made by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau against India regarding the alleged assassination of a Canadian citizen on Canadian soil has sparked a rare and explosive moment in Canada-India relations. The involvement of Hardeep Singh Nijar, an advocate for the creation of an independent Sikh state, adds complexity to the situation. While the international response has been muted, India’s economic promise and its role as a counterbalance to China have allowed it to navigate the situation with relative ease. The political implications of the accusation and the ongoing tensions between the two countries remain to be seen.

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