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The Daily / – Russia’s Newest Target: The Global Food Supply

The Daily – Russia’s Newest Target: The Global Food Supply

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In this episode of “The Daily,” the focus is on Russia’s impact on the global food supply. The collapse of the deal between Russia and Ukraine to restart food shipments has put the world’s food supply at risk. The podcast explores the delicate process of brokering the deal, the consequences of its failure, and the use of food as a weapon by Russia. It also highlights the tensions and challenges faced by Ukraine and the international community.

Main Takeaways

Impact on Global Food Supply

  • Russia and Ukraine are major producers of key crops, such as wheat, barley, corn, sunflower, and palm oil, accounting for a significant portion of the world’s supply.
  • Russia’s invasion of Ukraine resulted in a naval blockade on Ukraine’s black sea ports, trapping millions of tons of grain and disrupting the global food supply.
  • The collapse of the deal to restart food shipments between Ukraine and Russia has put the global food supply at risk, affecting tens of millions of people worldwide.

The Delicate Deal and Mediation

  • Turkey played a crucial role in mediating talks between Ukraine and Russia to find a solution to the food supply crisis.
  • The deal was brokered through Turkey and the United Nations, involving separate signings by both parties and a focus on grain exports.
  • The deal has two parts: the UN promises to help Russia with better export terms for its fertilizer, and Russia grants safe passage for cargo ships through the Black Sea.

Consequences and Tensions

  • The collapse of the deal led to intense bombardment by Russia on the Ukrainian port city of Odessa, impacting its economy and military strategy.
  • Russia’s use of economic pressure by shutting off Ukraine’s agricultural exports, particularly grain, has further strained the situation.
  • Russia is effectively using food as a weapon, attempting to disrupt the global food market and blackmail the international community.
  • The collapsed deal has created a tense environment on the Black Sea, with surging grain prices and ships waiting at sea for access to Ukrainian ports.


The Impact of Russia’s Actions

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the collapse of the food shipment deal have had severe consequences on the global food supply. With Russia and Ukraine being major producers of essential crops, the disruption in their trade has led to potential shortages and increased prices. The delicate process of brokering the deal involved Turkey and the United Nations, highlighting the international efforts to find a solution. However, tensions and demands from Russia eventually led to the deal falling apart, resulting in intense bombardment on the Ukrainian port city of Odessa.

Food as a Weapon

Russia’s use of food as a weapon has further complicated the situation. By shutting off Ukraine’s export of agricultural goods, particularly grain, Russia aims to exert economic pressure and weaken Ukraine’s economy. This tactic not only affects Ukraine but also has ripple effects on the global food market, potentially leading to a food crisis. The international community is faced with the challenge of responding to Russia’s actions and finding alternative solutions to ensure a stable food supply.


The collapse of the food shipment deal between Russia and Ukraine has highlighted the vulnerability of the global food supply and the potential consequences of geopolitical conflicts. The use of food as a weapon by Russia adds another layer of complexity to the situation. Efforts to mediate and find a solution continue, but the urgency to address the impact on the global food supply remains high. The world is closely watching the developments in this crisis and hoping for a resolution that ensures food security for all.

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