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The Daily Stoic / – Go Out And Live Today | A Hard Winter Training

The Daily Stoic – Go Out And Live Today | A Hard Winter Training

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In this episode of “The Daily Stoic,” the importance of taking breaks and engaging in hard training is explored. The hosts discuss how overworking can be detrimental and why it’s essential to live life fully. They also delve into the concept of hard winter training and how it prepares individuals for challenges. Tune in to gain insights on building mental and physical strength through discipline and practice.

Main Takeaways

The Importance of Taking Breaks

  • Taking a break is crucial for the mind and body as it improves and sharpens them.
  • Overworking is selfish and can lead to breakdowns, injuries, and dullness in the rational soul.
  • Nobody likes a person who is all business all the time, so it’s important to live life and take breaks.

Preparing for Challenges

  • Hard training is necessary to prepare for any challenge and can be achieved through discipline, study, practice, and reflection.
  • Hard winter training is essential to prepare for challenges.
  • Soldiers practice maneuvers in peacetime to be ready for war.
  • Adversity is a good teacher, but seek it out only when necessary.
  • Engage in training that makes you mentally and physically tough.
  • Push yourself to do uncomfortable things to override impulses and build mental strength.
  • Use adversity as a training ground to build mental strength.
  • Build active daily or weekly practices to overcome resistance and weakness in life.

Recommended Podcast: Sports Explains the World

  • The Sports Explains the World podcast shares surprising and wild sports stories.
  • The podcast covers stories that redefine understanding of sports and their impact on the world.
  • Listen to Sports Explains the World on the Wondery app or wherever you get your podcasts, or on Wondery Plus for early and ad-free access.


The Importance of Taking Breaks

Recognizing the significance of taking breaks, the hosts emphasize how it benefits both the mind and body. Overworking can lead to negative consequences such as breakdowns, injuries, and a lack of mental clarity. It is crucial to find a balance between work and leisure, as a person who is always focused on business may be perceived as uninteresting. By embracing breaks and living life fully, individuals can maintain their well-being and enhance their rational soul.

Preparing for Challenges

Preparing for challenges requires hard training, which can be achieved through discipline, study, practice, and reflection. Winter training is particularly important as it simulates harsh conditions and prepares individuals for adversity. The hosts draw a parallel to soldiers practicing maneuvers in peacetime to be ready for war. While adversity can be a valuable teacher, it should be sought out only when necessary. Engaging in training that challenges both the mind and body helps build mental strength and resilience. By pushing oneself to do uncomfortable things, individuals can override impulsive behaviors and develop the necessary toughness to face challenges.

Recommended Podcast: Sports Explains the World

The hosts also recommend the Sports Explains the World podcast, which offers fascinating and unconventional sports stories. The podcast goes beyond the surface of sports and explores their impact on the world. Listeners can gain a deeper understanding of the cultural, social, and historical aspects of sports. To enjoy these captivating stories, tune in to Sports Explains the World on the Wondery app or any preferred podcast platform.


By recognizing the importance of taking breaks and engaging in hard training, individuals can enhance their well-being and prepare themselves for challenges. Balancing work and leisure is crucial for maintaining mental and physical health. Additionally, seeking out training that challenges one’s comfort zones builds mental strength and resilience. Finally, for those interested in exploring the fascinating world of sports, the Sports Explains the World podcast offers a unique perspective on the impact of sports on society. Take the time to rest, train, and expand your knowledge through engaging podcasts.

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