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The Daily Stoic / – What Is The Function of Worry? | How Stoicism Can Help You Get Sober (And Stay Sober)

The Daily Stoic – What Is The Function of Worry? | How Stoicism Can Help You Get Sober (And Stay Sober)

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In this episode of “The Daily Stoic,” the function of worry and its role in creating judgments is explored. The podcast also delves into how Stoicism can help individuals overcome addiction and maintain sobriety. The importance of discipline, self-awareness, and being of service to others are discussed, along with the concept of the dichotomy of control. The episode concludes with insights on celebrating one’s humanity and pursuing good things with hard work.

Main Takeaways

The Function of Worry and Mindfulness

  • The function of worry is to create judgments of things, not the things themselves
  • Mindfulness helps to recognize that problems we thought we needed to solve aren’t actually there
  • Much of our suffering around physical pain is psychological contraction and anxiety
  • Worry is pointless, it is a thought-based delusion that can be discarded
  • Change your judgment about things to avoid making them make you miserable twice over.

Stoicism and Sobriety

  • Addiction comes when something gains complete power over us, making us powerless to not do that thing
  • Stoicism teaches us about sobriety, discipline, and taking control of ourselves to battle addictions
  • Discipline is destiny, and it’s the way out of turbulence in life
  • Rehab requires hard work every day, and it’s against habits or practices we’ve had our whole life

Self-Awareness and Being of Service

  • Self-awareness is a big part of stoicism and involves monitoring why you’re feeling what you’re feeling.
  • Being of service to others is an important part of stoicism and can help us gain perspective on our own problems.
  • The essence of stoic philosophy is being in command of yourself and not giving power over to someone or something else.
  • Moderation and temperance are key virtues in stoicism, and finding the right amount of things is important.

The Dichotomy of Control and Overcoming Addictions

  • Seneca defines poverty as not having too little but wanting more.
  • The reason we battle our addictions is to be fit to be good parents, leaders, and bosses, so we can be in command of ourselves.
  • The dichotomy of control: there’s some stuff that’s up to us, some stuff that’s not up to us. The chief task in life is discerning what’s up to us and what’s not.
  • If it’s up to you, it deserves 100% of your energy. If it’s not up to you, it’s none of your concern.

Celebrating Humanity and Pursuing Good Things

  • It is inevitable that we will fall short, but what matters is that you come back to the rhythm of it.
  • Celebrate the fact that you’re a human being.
  • Stick to your goals, even if you slip up sometimes
  • Pursue good things with hard work, as the good endures
  • Consider what has power over you and what leaves a residue in your life
  • True freedom depends on something, otherwise pleasure turns into pain


The Role of Worry and Stoicism in Overcoming Addiction

Worry serves the purpose of creating judgments about things rather than the things themselves. By practicing mindfulness, individuals can recognize that many problems they believed they needed to solve are not actually present. Psychological contraction and anxiety contribute to much of the suffering around physical pain. Stoicism teaches individuals that worry is a pointless delusion that can be discarded. Changing one’s judgment about things can help avoid experiencing misery twice over.

Stoicism’s Lessons on Sobriety and Discipline

Stoicism offers valuable insights on battling addiction and maintaining sobriety. Addiction occurs when something gains complete power over individuals, rendering them powerless to resist. Stoicism emphasizes the importance of discipline as a means to overcome turbulence in life. The process of rehab requires daily hard work and involves breaking free from long-standing habits and practices.

Self-Awareness, Service, and Virtues in Stoicism

Self-awareness plays a significant role in stoicism, involving the monitoring of one’s emotions and understanding the reasons behind them. Being of service to others is an essential aspect of stoicism, helping individuals gain perspective on their own problems. Stoic philosophy revolves around being in command of oneself and not surrendering power to external influences. Moderation and temperance are key virtues in stoicism, emphasizing the importance of finding the right balance in life.

The Dichotomy of Control and Celebrating Humanity

Seneca’s definition of poverty highlights the concept of wanting more rather than lacking. Overcoming addictions is driven by the desire to be fit for important roles in life, such as being a good parent, leader, or boss. The dichotomy of control distinguishes between things that are within our control and those that are not. It is crucial to focus 100% of our energy on things within our control while letting go of concerns about matters beyond our influence. Celebrating one’s humanity and embracing the inevitable setbacks are essential in stoicism. Persistence and sticking to goals, even in the face of occasional slip-ups, are emphasized. True freedom depends on having something to depend on, as pleasure can turn into pain without a foundation.

Pursuing Good Things and Reflecting on Power

Stoicism encourages individuals to pursue good things with hard work, as the good endures. Reflecting on what has power over us and what leaves a lasting impact on our lives helps in making informed choices. Stoicism teaches that true freedom is not found in unlimited pleasure but in having something to depend on. Listening to other podcasts, such as “Killer Psyche Daily” and “I Love My Kid, But,” can provide additional insights on motivations, behaviors, and parenting stories.


By understanding the function of worry, practicing mindfulness, and embracing stoic principles, individuals can overcome addiction, maintain sobriety, and lead more fulfilling lives. Stoicism emphasizes the importance of discipline, self-awareness, and being of service to others. The dichotomy of control helps individuals discern what they can and cannot control, enabling them to focus their energy effectively. Celebrating one’s humanity, pursuing good things, and reflecting on power are essential aspects of stoicism. Through hard work and perseverance, individuals can achieve true freedom and find lasting fulfillment.

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