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The Daily Stoic / – What Matters Is What You Can Do In The Moment | Check Your Privilege

The Daily Stoic – What Matters Is What You Can Do In The Moment | Check Your Privilege

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In this episode of “The Daily Stoic,” the focus is on the importance of living in the present moment and being mindful of our privileges. The hosts discuss the teachings of Masonius Rufus, also known as the Roman Socrates, and how his lessons on patience and understanding can inspire us to make a positive impact on others.

Main Takeaways

The Power of Mindfulness

  • Mindfulness is the ability to stay focused and present, even in the face of distractions or challenges.
  • True stoicism, zen, and enlightenment can only be achieved by fully embracing the present moment.

Patience and Understanding

  • Understanding and being patient with others is not only a virtue but also our duty.
  • Masonius Rufus, the Roman Socrates, taught Epictetus the importance of patience and understanding towards others.
  • Despite his difficult past, Masonius Rufus helped Epictetus become great through his guidance and support.

Awareness of Privilege

  • We all have privileges and advantages in our lives, whether it’s access to technology or a supportive family.
  • Masonius Rufus understood his privilege and used it to advocate for women in philosophy, being generous and open-minded.
  • It’s important to be patient and understanding with those who don’t have the same privileges and to uplift and support them.

Leaving a Lasting Legacy

  • Like Masonius Rufus, we can have a positive impact on others and leave a lasting legacy through our actions and attitudes.
  • Moussoni’s Rufus, Epictetus, and their generosity, patience, and understanding can serve as inspiration for us to make a difference in the world.


The Power of Mindfulness

Mindfulness is the key to being fully present in our lives. It allows us to focus on what truly matters and overcome distractions and challenges. By embracing the present moment, we can experience true stoicism, zen, and enlightenment.

Patience and Understanding

Masonius Rufus, the Roman Socrates, taught Epictetus the importance of being patient and understanding towards others. Despite his own difficult past, Masonius Rufus helped Epictetus become great by providing guidance and support. We can learn from their example and strive to be patient and understanding with those around us.

Awareness of Privilege

We all have privileges and advantages in our lives, whether it’s access to technology or a supportive family. Masonius Rufus understood his privilege and used it to advocate for women in philosophy. It’s important for us to recognize our own privileges and be patient and supportive of those who don’t have the same advantages.

Leaving a Lasting Legacy

Masonius Rufus and Epictetus serve as examples of individuals who left a lasting legacy through their generosity, patience, and understanding. Their teachings and actions continue to inspire us to make a positive impact on others and create a meaningful legacy of our own.


By embracing mindfulness, practicing patience and understanding, and being aware of our privileges, we can strive to live a more fulfilling and impactful life. The lessons from Masonius Rufus and Epictetus remind us of the importance of being present in the moment and making a positive difference in the lives of others.

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