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The Daily Stoic / – When You Don’t Like What You See | Looking Out For Each Other

The Daily Stoic – When You Don’t Like What You See | Looking Out For Each Other

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In this episode of “The Daily Stoic” podcast, the hosts discuss the importance of empathy, selflessness, and celebrating the success of others. They draw inspiration from the teachings of Marcus Aurelius and Seneca, highlighting the value of self-reflection and personal growth. Join them as they explore the power of discipline and the happiness that comes from living without envy.

Main Takeaways

Practicing Self-Acceptance

  • Marcus Aurelius would check himself in the mirror and not always like what he saw.
  • Celebrate behaving like a human and pick yourself back up when you fail.

Celebrating Others’ Success

  • Seneca’s moral letters teach us to show affection for our friends and celebrate their success as our own.
  • Empathy and selflessness are a matter of practice, and we should actively cheer for other people’s success.
  • Mittenfroy is the active wishing of success or goodwill towards people.
  • Living without envy and celebrating other people’s successes is a much happier and wonderful way to live.

Overcoming Pettiness and Ego

  • Pettiness is rooted in ego, and it’s something that needs to be constantly pushed away.
  • Discipline is destiny, and the power of self-control is important.


Practicing Self-Acceptance

Marcus Aurelius, a Stoic philosopher and Roman Emperor, recognized the importance of self-reflection and self-acceptance. By checking himself in the mirror and acknowledging his imperfections, he embraced the reality of being human. Similarly, we should celebrate our humanity, learn from our failures, and strive to be better each day.

Celebrating Others’ Success

Seneca’s moral letters emphasize the value of showing affection for our friends and celebrating their success as if it were our own. This practice of empathy and selflessness requires conscious effort and a genuine desire for others to thrive. The concept of “Mittenfroy” encapsulates the active wishing of success and goodwill towards others. By living without envy and genuinely celebrating the achievements of others, we can cultivate a happier and more fulfilling life.

Overcoming Pettiness and Ego

Pettiness, often driven by ego, can hinder personal growth and relationships. To overcome pettiness, we must recognize its roots in our own ego and actively push it away. Discipline and self-control play crucial roles in this process. By practicing discipline, we can choose to rise above petty thoughts and behaviors, ultimately shaping our destiny and fostering healthier connections with others.


Embracing self-acceptance, celebrating the success of others, and overcoming pettiness are essential aspects of Stoic philosophy. By incorporating these principles into our lives, we can cultivate empathy, selflessness, and personal growth. Let us strive to be better individuals who cheer for the success of others, live without envy, and embrace the power of discipline. Through these practices, we can find happiness and fulfillment in our own lives and contribute positively to the world around us.

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