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The Daily Stoic / – Will You Understand Or Be Understood? | Ask DS

The Daily Stoic – Will You Understand Or Be Understood? | Ask DS

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In this episode of “The Daily Stoic,” the host explores the concept of understanding and being understood. Drawing from the teachings of Marcus Aurelius and the principles of Stoicism, the episode delves into the importance of striving to understand others while accepting that being understood is not entirely in our control. The host also discusses the practical application of Stoic philosophy in various aspects of life.

Main Takeaways

Striving for Understanding

  • Being understood is not fully up to us, as it depends on flawed and busy individuals.
  • Instead of turning inward, channel your energy towards being a positive difference maker for others.
  • Strive to understand others even if you can’t always be understood.
  • Marcus Aurelius teaches to be tolerant with others and strict with yourself.
  • Stoics think about their friend group and try to be a positive influence.

Beliefs of Stoicism

  • Stoics believe that everything that happens to you is ordained since the beginning of time.
  • They also believe that there is a higher power guiding things along.
  • The obstacle is the way: Stoics turn obstacles into opportunities.
  • A “more fatty” is a big fire that turns everything into fuel.
  • Stoics were real people who did things in the real world, and their philosophy had a practical application.

Challenging Routines

  • Routine can become dogmatic and rigid, leading to fragility and dependence.
  • Having different routines, plural, can be helpful in adapting to different situations.
  • Deliberately practicing the opposite of one’s routine can prove that the routine doesn’t actually matter.
  • There is no superpower in routines; they are just in one’s head.
  • Stoicism can be applied practically to break out of comfort zones and seek new experiences.


Understanding Others and Stoic Beliefs

One of the main takeaways from this episode is the idea that being understood is not entirely within our control. People are flawed and busy, and their understanding of us may be limited. Instead of becoming frustrated or turning inward, Stoicism encourages us to focus on being a positive difference maker for others. This involves striving to understand others even if we can’t always be understood ourselves. Marcus Aurelius teaches us to be tolerant with others while maintaining strictness with ourselves. Stoics also emphasize the importance of considering our friend group and being a positive influence in their lives.

Stoic Beliefs and Challenging Routines

Stoics have a unique perspective on life. They believe that everything that happens to us is ordained since the beginning of time and that there is a higher power guiding events. They see obstacles as opportunities and actively turn them into fuel for growth. The concept of a “more fatty” represents a big fire that consumes everything, symbolizing the Stoic approach to life. Stoicism is not just a theoretical philosophy; it has practical applications in the real world. It can help us break free from rigid routines that may lead to fragility and dependence. By adopting different routines and deliberately practicing the opposite of our usual habits, we can challenge the notion that routines hold any inherent power. Stoicism encourages us to break out of our comfort zones and seek new experiences.


Understanding and being understood are complex aspects of human interaction. Stoicism offers valuable insights into how we can navigate these dynamics. By striving to understand others and focusing on being a positive influence, we can cultivate meaningful connections. Stoic beliefs about the ordination of events and the presence of a higher power provide a framework for accepting and embracing life’s challenges. Challenging routines and seeking new experiences can help us break free from stagnation and find growth. By incorporating Stoic principles into our lives, we can develop resilience, empathy, and a deeper understanding of ourselves and others.

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