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The Daily Stoic / – You Either Are Or You Aren’t | Your Actual Needs Are Small

The Daily Stoic – You Either Are Or You Aren’t | Your Actual Needs Are Small

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In this episode of “The Daily Stoic,” the focus is on the importance of putting in the work for philosophy and self-improvement. It explores the idea that our actual needs are small and that by reflecting on what we used to accept as normal, we can adjust our worries and fears accordingly. The episode also emphasizes the benefits of cultivating a mindset of gratitude and the power of self-control. Additionally, it introduces a new book, “Discipline is Destiny,” which delves into the subject of self-control and is available for pre-order.

Main Takeaways

The Path of Philosophy and Self-Improvement

  • You either are, or you aren’t. You’re either putting in the work for philosophy and self-improvement or you’re not.
  • Stoics delight in their own improvement day to day and make it a priority.

The Power of Perspective

  • Your actual needs are small. There is very little that could happen that would truly threaten your survival.
  • It can be beneficial to reflect on what you used to accept as normal and adjust your worries and fears accordingly.

The Value of Minimalism

  • Cultivate a place where you don’t have more than you need and people can’t take that from you, as Kato the elder said.
  • The less you desire, the richer, freer, and more powerful you are.
  • Realizing how little you need allows you to feel true wealth and excess.

Gratitude and Contentment

  • Success should make you grateful, not paranoid.
  • Don’t cling too tightly to material things, as they can be taken away from you.

New Book Announcement

  • The new book, “Discipline is Destiny,” explores the power of self-control and is available for pre-order.


Putting in the Work for Philosophy and Self-Improvement

The episode emphasizes the importance of actively engaging in philosophy and self-improvement. It highlights that true growth and progress require consistent effort and a deliberate choice to prioritize personal development. Stoics find joy in their own improvement and make it a daily practice.

The Power of Perspective and Minimalism

By recognizing that our actual needs are small and that there is very little that could truly threaten our survival, we can gain a sense of perspective and adjust our worries and fears accordingly. Cultivating a mindset of minimalism, where we focus on having only what we truly need, allows us to feel richer, freer, and more powerful. It also protects us from becoming too attached to material possessions, which can be taken away.

Gratitude, Contentment, and Self-Control

Success should inspire gratitude rather than paranoia. By practicing gratitude and contentment, we can find true wealth and abundance in the simplicity of our lives. This mindset also helps us let go of the need for excessive material possessions and appreciate the power of self-control. The episode introduces a new book, “Discipline is Destiny,” which explores the subject of self-control and its impact on our lives.


By actively engaging in philosophy and self-improvement, adjusting our perspective and desires, cultivating gratitude and contentment, and practicing self-control, we can lead more fulfilling and meaningful lives. The episode encourages listeners to reflect on their own journey of personal growth and consider the power of minimalism and gratitude in finding true wealth and abundance.

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