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The Daily Stoic / – You Took The Job

The Daily Stoic – You Took The Job

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In this episode of “The Daily Stoic” podcast, the focus is on leadership and the challenges that come with it. The host explores the life of Emperor Hadrian and how he dealt with the overwhelming demands placed upon him. The episode also introduces “The Daily Stoic Leadership Challenge,” a course that provides practical tools for effective leadership.

Main Takeaways

Emperor Hadrian’s Approach to Leadership

  • Emperor Hadrian’s life was an endless demand for favors.
  • Leaders struggle under the burden of requests.
  • Hadrian tried to create barriers to maintain sanity.
  • A woman asked for help while Hadrian was on an imperial tour.
  • Hadrian realized that helping was part of his job.

The Daily Stoic Leadership Challenge

  • The Daily Stoic Leadership Challenge is a 6+ week course on leadership.
  • The course provides tangible tools for leadership.
  • The course features an interview with a two-star general in the Air Force.
  • The course has been well-received and loved by many.


Emperor Hadrian’s Approach to Leadership

Emperor Hadrian, known for his wise leadership, faced constant demands for favors from the people around him. This created a significant burden for him as a leader, as he had to balance his responsibilities with the overwhelming requests. Hadrian attempted to create barriers to protect his sanity, but he soon realized that helping others was an essential part of his job. This realization highlights the challenges faced by leaders in managing the demands placed upon them.

The Daily Stoic Leadership Challenge

The Daily Stoic Leadership Challenge is a comprehensive course designed to equip leaders with practical tools for effective leadership. The course spans over six weeks and offers tangible strategies and techniques that can be implemented in various leadership scenarios. One of the highlights of the course is an interview with a two-star general in the Air Force, providing valuable insights and perspectives from a seasoned leader. The course has garnered positive feedback and has been well-loved by many individuals seeking to enhance their leadership skills.


Leadership is a demanding role that requires individuals to navigate overwhelming requests and responsibilities. Emperor Hadrian’s approach to leadership and the insights provided by “The Daily Stoic Leadership Challenge” offer valuable lessons for leaders seeking to thrive in their roles. By understanding the challenges and equipping themselves with practical tools, leaders can effectively tackle the demands they face and make a positive impact on those they lead.

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