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The Daily Stoic / – You’ve Just Got To Keep Going Back | Ask DS

The Daily Stoic – You’ve Just Got To Keep Going Back | Ask DS

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In this episode of “The Daily Stoic,” the host explores the importance of perseverance, justice, and finding a center within oneself. Drawing inspiration from historical figures like John Dore, John Meredith, and Kato, the host delves into the timeless wisdom of Stoicism and its application in everyday life.

Main Takeaways

The Fight for Justice

  • The fight to end segregation in America was a long and arduous battle, involving years of court cases and resistance from southern politicians and law enforcement officers.
  • John Dore, assistant attorney general for civil rights during the 1960s, exemplified the philosophy of “You’ve just got to keep going back,” filing motions, appealing decisions, and never losing heart.
  • Justice, a core Stoic virtue, goes beyond mere moral high ground; it requires active fighting and seizing the high ground.

Inspiration from Historical Figures

  • Kato’s relentless determination to keep Rome a republic inspired the founding fathers, just as their words inspired figures like John Dore and Martin Luther King.
  • Marcus Aurelius, through his book “Meditations,” provides timeless wisdom that remains relevant today.
  • Even historical figures like Marcus Aurelius faced relatable struggles, such as struggling to get out of bed in the morning.

Personal Growth and Productivity

  • Athletes understand the importance of clearing their minds and being present in the moment for optimal performance.
  • Cultivating the ability to start fresh and wipe the slate clean is crucial for personal and professional growth.
  • Setting oneself on the right track and finding a center within oneself is vital for productivity and achieving goals.


The Fight for Justice and Inspiration from Historical Figures

The fight to end segregation in America was a lengthy process that required relentless determination. John Dore, as assistant attorney general for civil rights, embodied the philosophy of perseverance and never giving up. His efforts, along with the bravery of individuals like John Meredith, eventually led to progress. Stoicism teaches us that justice is not merely about being right; it necessitates active fighting and seizing the moral high ground. Historical figures like Kato and the founding fathers serve as inspirations, demonstrating the enduring impact of their words and actions. Marcus Aurelius, through his book “Meditations,” imparts timeless wisdom that remains applicable today, reminding us that even great figures faced relatable struggles.

Personal Growth and Productivity

Athletes understand the importance of being present and clearing their minds to perform at their best. Cultivating the ability to start fresh and wipe the slate clean is crucial for personal and professional growth. Finding a center within oneself and setting the right track is vital for productivity and achieving goals. By applying Stoic principles, we can navigate life’s challenges and strive for continuous improvement.


By drawing inspiration from historical figures and embracing Stoic principles, we can cultivate resilience, fight for justice, and find inner peace. The journey towards personal growth and productivity requires perseverance, self-reflection, and a commitment to constant improvement. As we face challenges, let us remember the words of John Dore: “You’ve just got to keep going back.”

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