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The Daily / – The Secret History of Gun Rights

The Daily – The Secret History of Gun Rights

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In this episode of “The Daily,” the focus is on the secret history of gun rights in the United States. The National Rifle Association (NRA) has played a significant role in shaping American politics and firearms policy. Contrary to common belief, members of Congress have influenced the NRA’s strategies and policies. The episode delves into the story of John Dingo, the longest-serving member of Congress, who had a profound impact on the NRA’s direction and tactics. Through his radicalization and strategic maneuvers, Dingo transformed the NRA into a powerful lobbying organization aligned with the Republican party. This episode explores the consequences of his actions and the polarization of the gun debate in the country.

Main Takeaways

The Influence of the NRA on American Politics

  • The NRA has a significant influence on American politics and firearms policy.
  • Some members of Congress not only support the NRA but also serve on its board of directors.
  • Members of Congress have influenced the NRA’s strategies and policies, contrary to the commonly understood narrative that the NRA controls lawmakers.

The Role of John Dingo

  • John Dingo, the longest-serving member of Congress, was a member of the NRA since childhood and had a significant influence on the organization’s policies.
  • Dingo became increasingly radicalized in the 1960s, believing that there was an existential threat to Second Amendment rights.
  • Dingo advocated internally that the NRA shift its focus and become more aggressive in fighting legislation to impose restrictions on guns.

The NRA’s Transformation into a Lobbying Organization

  • Dingo wrote a memo in 1968, laying out the rationale for a new direction that the NRA should take, focusing on establishing a constitutional right for individual ownership of a gun, unconnected to the common defense.
  • Dingo’s plan for the creation of the NRA’s lobbying institute became the original document that laid out the lobbying playbook for the NRA.
  • The NRA’s political landscape started to bear a lot more resemblance to the Republican party, reflected in the choices of candidates for the Supreme Court and the people who joined the board during this time.

The NRA’s Tactics and Impact

  • The NRA became increasingly uncompromising in their views and willingness to enforce their will on Congress members who deviated from it.
  • The NRA created voter report cards and ramped up campaign donations to support their views, frequently targeting Democrats with low grades.
  • The modern NRA is a creature of what Congressman Dingle wanted it to be, positioning itself as the dominant player in Washington politics when it comes to lobbying.

The Legacy of John Dingo

  • John Dingo’s legacy includes the shift in favor of the gun lobby and the institutionalization of many of the NRA’s goals, such as reshaping the view of the Second Amendment and making gun ownership a political identifier.
  • Dingo expressed reservations in his memoir about whether he contributed to the polarization of the gun debate and the current state of gun violence in the country.


The NRA’s Influence and John Dingo’s Role

The National Rifle Association (NRA) holds significant sway over American politics and firearms policy. Contrary to popular belief, members of Congress have influenced the NRA’s strategies and policies. John Dingo, the longest-serving member of Congress, played a crucial role in shaping the NRA’s direction. He became increasingly radicalized in the 1960s, perceiving an existential threat to Second Amendment rights. Dingo advocated for a more aggressive stance against legislation imposing restrictions on guns. His memo in 1968 laid the foundation for the creation of the NRA’s lobbying institute, reshaping the organization into a powerful lobbying force closely aligned with the Republican party.

The NRA’s Tactics and Impact

The NRA adopted uncompromising views and enforced them upon Congress members who deviated from their stance. They employed voter report cards and increased campaign donations to support their agenda, often targeting Democrats with low grades. Congressman Dingo’s vision transformed the NRA into the dominant player in Washington politics when it comes to lobbying, reshaping the view of the Second Amendment and making gun ownership a political identifier.

John Dingo’s Legacy and Controversy

John Dingo’s legacy includes the shift in favor of the gun lobby and the institutionalization of many of the NRA’s goals. However, he expressed reservations in his memoir about his contribution to the polarization of the gun debate and the current state of gun violence in the country. Dingo’s insider position as a member of Congress on the NRA’s board allowed him to craft and carry out strategies from within, highlighting the unique and potentially conflicted arrangement of members of Congress serving on a lobbying group’s board.


The secret history of gun rights in the United States reveals the significant influence of the NRA on American politics. John Dingo’s role in reshaping the NRA into a powerful lobbying organization aligned with the Republican party has had far-reaching consequences. The NRA’s tactics and impact serve as a cautionary tale for other lobbying groups in Washington, D.C. However, Dingo’s legacy also raises questions about the polarization of the gun debate and the current state of gun violence in the country.

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