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The Daily / – The Sunday Read: ‘The Ongoing Mystery of Covid’s Origin’

The Daily – The Sunday Read: ‘The Ongoing Mystery of Covid’s Origin’

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In this episode of “The Daily,” the ongoing mystery surrounding the origin of the COVID-19 coronavirus is explored. The debate revolves around three main hypotheses: natural origin, bio-weapon, and lab leak. The lack of concrete evidence and the implications of determining the virus’s origin are discussed, along with the shifting public opinion on the lab leak theory. The episode delves into the scientific investigations, political influences, and human tendency towards conspiracy theories.

Main Takeaways

The Origin Debate

  • The origin of the COVID-19 coronavirus remains controversial and fraught with facts sparking amid a tangle of analyses and hypotheticals.
  • The origins debate centers on three main hypotheses: natural origin, bio-weapon, and lab leak.
  • While the evidence is heavily on the side of a natural origin, there’s quite a bit of inclination among the public to believe that COVID came from a lab leak.
  • It is important to determine the origin of the virus to inform research priorities for pandemic preparedness around the world.
  • “Those contrarians are wrong. It does matter.” – David Kwaman, author and journalist.
  • The answer to the origin question of COVID-19 will have lasting effects on science policies and public opinion.

The Lab Leak Hypothesis

  • Much of the evidence that could provide an answer has been lost or is still unavailable.
  • Chinese authorities closed the Huanan market on January 1st, 2020, without sampling the most suspect forms of wildlife.
  • A recent article in the Sunday Times of London posited a lab-engineered bio-weapon hypothesis, but did not provide concrete evidence.
  • The lab leak scenario involves the Eco-Health Alliance and Dr. Cheng Li-Shi, who study coronaviruses, and remains a suspicion, hypothesis, and accusation with no concrete proof.
  • Scientists associated with the People’s Liberation Army have done coronavirus work, but no known viruses are a progenitor of SARS-CoV-2.

Views on the Origin

  • There are many ways of viewing the origin of SARS-CoV-2, and prior beliefs can influence how people regard the hypothesis.
  • Scientists who study zoonotic diseases might assume a natural origin, while those who argue against gain of function research might assume a lab leak.
  • An evolutionary biologist at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, Jesse Bloom, says his own prior inclination would be toward a natural spillover, but there could be other possibilities.

Evidence and Investigations

  • Human contact with non-human animals accounts for many virus outbreaks, such as SARS, HIV, and Nipa virus.
  • Natural spillover from animals to humans happens often, sometimes with dire consequences.
  • Research accidents have also occurred in the history of dangerous new viruses.
  • The location of the first COVID-19 cases in Wuhan, China, could fit both a natural spillover or a lab leak explanation.
  • The lack of a definitive account of how SARS-CoV-2 got into the human population forces experts to frame their views as probabilities.

Public Opinion and Skepticism

  • Public opinion on the origin of the virus has shifted over time, with more Americans now believing in the lab leak theory.
  • Michael Wariby, an evolutionary virologist at the University of Arizona, is one expert who believes in considering the lab leak hypothesis.
  • Seeds of distrust have been growing in America’s civic garden and the world for a long time, leading to assumptions of deliberate concealment.
  • The popular belief in the lab leak theory is driven by cynicism and narrative appeal, rather than scientific evidence.


The Ongoing Mystery of Covid’s Origin

The origin of the COVID-19 coronavirus has sparked a contentious debate, with three main hypotheses being considered: natural origin, bio-weapon, and lab leak. While the evidence points towards a natural origin, public opinion has leaned towards the lab leak theory. Determining the origin is crucial for pandemic preparedness, and the implications of the answer will shape science policies and public opinion. However, much of the evidence is unavailable or lost, making it difficult to reach a definitive conclusion. The lab leak hypothesis involves the Eco-Health Alliance and Dr. Cheng Li-Shi, but concrete proof is lacking. Views on the origin are influenced by prior beliefs, with some scientists favoring a natural spillover and others considering a lab leak. The lack of a definitive account and shifting public opinion highlight the complexity of the issue. Skepticism and distrust play a role in the popularity of the lab leak theory, driven by narrative appeal rather than scientific evidence.


The ongoing debate about the origin of COVID-19 highlights the complexities of scientific investigations and the influence of public opinion. While evidence points towards a natural origin, the lab leak theory has gained traction, fueled by skepticism and narrative appeal. Determining the origin is crucial for pandemic preparedness and shaping science policies. However, the lack of concrete evidence and the shifting public opinion make it challenging to reach a definitive conclusion. The process of scientific discovery is complicated, and it is important to distinguish between scientific hypotheses and conspiracy theories. As the search for answers continues, it is essential to approach the topic with critical thinking and an understanding of the complexities involved.

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