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The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett / The Food Doctor: “Extra Protein Is Making You Fatter!” The 6 Food Lies Everyone Still Believes! (Brand NEW Food Science) – Tim Spector | The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett

The Food Doctor: “Extra Protein Is Making You Fatter!” The 6 Food Lies Everyone Still Believes! (Brand NEW Food Science) – Tim Spector | The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett

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In this episode of “The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett,” Steven interviews Tim Spector, a renowned expert in food science. They delve into various misconceptions about nutrition and explore the importance of fiber, gut health, and the impact of protein supplements. Tim shares valuable insights on how our food choices affect our long-term health and provides practical tips for improving our diet.

Main Takeaways

The Truth About Protein

  • Protein supplements are often unnecessary, as most people get enough protein from their regular diet.
  • Excess protein is either eliminated or stored as fat in the body.
  • The recommended protein intake is 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight, but most people consume around 1.4 grams per kilogram.
  • Elderly, sick, or strict vegetarians/vegans may need to focus on protein intake, but for most people, it’s not a concern.
  • Natural food is better for the body than protein supplements or powders.

The Power of Fiber

  • Only about one in 20 people are getting enough fiber for good health, which has a dramatic effect on avoiding cancers, mental health, and longevity.
  • Fiber is crucial for good health, avoiding cancers, mental health, and longevity.
  • Increasing fiber intake by just 5 grams can reduce the risk of death by 14-15%.
  • Fiber is found in carbohydrates and is food for gut microbes.
  • Eating diverse fiber is important for overall health and immunity.

The Impact of Ultra-Processed Foods

  • Labels claiming low sugar, low fat, and high protein are often misleading and are based on outdated science.
  • Ultra-processed foods have many chemicals that counteract good gut microbes.
  • Companies use fake health halos and buzz words like “natural” to confuse consumers and market unhealthy foods.
  • Ultra-processed foods make people overeat by a quarter, even if they are labeled as “low fat” or “no sugar.”
  • Processed snacks often contain stabilizers and emulsifiers that can affect gut microbes, increase hunger, and impact heart health.

The Importance of Gut Health

  • Microbes in our gut need a diverse range of foods to survive and flourish.
  • Fermentation is a process of modifying food with microbes to create probiotic foods that are taste different, taste better, and are healthier.
  • Fermented foods have a greater variety of microbes than probiotic capsules.
  • Populations that consume large amounts of fermented foods have better gut microbiomes and delay chronic diseases by at least 10 years.
  • Gut microbes can prevent cancer and heart disease and interact with medications to make them more effective.


The Truth About Protein and Fiber

Protein supplements are often unnecessary, as most people get enough protein from their regular diet. Excess protein can be converted to fat in the body. The recommended protein intake is 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight, but many people consume more than they need. On the other hand, only about one in 20 people are getting enough fiber, which is crucial for good health, avoiding cancers, mental health, and longevity. Increasing fiber intake by just 5 grams can significantly reduce the risk of death. It’s important to focus on natural food sources of protein and prioritize a diverse range of fiber-rich foods in our diet.

The Impact of Ultra-Processed Foods on Health

Labels claiming low sugar, low fat, and high protein on ultra-processed foods can be misleading. These foods often contain chemicals that counteract good gut microbes and can lead to overeating. Processed snacks, in particular, can have negative effects on gut health and heart health. It’s important to be aware of marketing tactics used by companies to promote unhealthy foods and prioritize whole, unprocessed options.

The Importance of Gut Health and Fermented Foods

Gut health plays a crucial role in overall health, including digestion, mental health, and immunity. The diversity of microbes in our gut can be improved by consuming fermented foods, which are rich in beneficial bacteria. Fermented foods have a greater variety of microbes compared to probiotic capsules. Consuming a variety of fermented foods can improve gut health and delay the onset of chronic diseases. Fermenting vegetables at home is a cost-effective way to create probiotic-rich foods and reduce food waste.


Tim Spector’s insights shed light on the misconceptions surrounding protein, fiber, and ultra-processed foods. Prioritizing natural food sources of protein, increasing fiber intake, and incorporating fermented foods into our diet can have a significant impact on our long-term health. By making informed food choices and focusing on gut health, we can improve our overall well-being and prevent chronic diseases.

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