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The Daily / The Growing Republican Battle Over War Funding | The Daily

The Growing Republican Battle Over War Funding | The Daily

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In this episode of “The Daily,” the focus is on the growing battle within the Republican Party over war funding. The podcast explores the challenges faced by President Biden in securing aid for both Israel and Ukraine, as well as the political dynamics at play within Congress. The episode also delves into the importance of funding for Ukraine in preventing a major conflict with Russia and the potential consequences of withholding aid. Additionally, it highlights the role of Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell in rallying support for funding both Israel and Ukraine.

Main Takeaways

Republican Battle Over War Funding

  • Congress has yet to send any emergency aid to Israel, and is not close to doing so.
  • The House introduced a sharply partisan bill for Israel funding last week, which was dead on arrival in the Senate.
  • The battle within the Republican Party is over whether to keep funding Ukraine.
  • President Biden gave an address in the Oval Office, linking the importance of aiding both Israel and Ukraine.
  • The case he is really making in that speech was that this is an important moment for America to lead to show that we support our allies and that we support our allies crucially in standing up to tyrants and terrorists abroad.
  • Biden tied funding for Israel and Ukraine together in his speech
  • White House hopes to get more Ukraine skeptics on board by linking funding for Israel and Ukraine
  • Funding for Ukraine has become a politically toxic issue for House Republicans
  • Republican lawmakers are against continuing to send money to Kiev but support sending money to Israel
  • Republican constituents are angry about sending money to another country and want money to benefit Americans instead

McConnell’s Role and Strategy

  • McConnell sees aid to Ukraine as an important political fight and wants to build it into his legacy
  • He is concerned by the rising wave of isolationist feeling in his own party and is traveling across the US and globe to make the case to Republican politicians and voters
  • McConnell views this as an existential battle and is willing to lay his own personal capital down on the line for it
  • He argues that the fight in Israel is intertwined with the fight in Ukraine and that Congress must fund both
  • While he has a bully pulpit as the Republican leader in the Senate, there are House Republicans who view him as insufficiently conservative and don’t necessarily want to take his advice
  • McConnell’s leverage is in keeping Senate Republicans united around funding for Ukraine and Israel
  • Senate will have leverage in negotiations if they have bipartisan votes for one bill to fund both Ukraine and Israel

The Importance of Funding for Ukraine

  • Aid to Ukraine is critical in preventing a U.S. ally from losing the biggest war in Europe since World War II
  • American funding is keeping Ukraine afloat and if the US doesn’t continue it, Ukraine’s fight against Russia could collapse
  • US support is symbolically important as other European countries may follow suit
  • This issue is important for the White House, Schumer, McConnell, and a handful of House Republicans
  • Passing this bill will be a bitter and messy battle.
  • Funding for Ukraine is up for debate earlier than expected, potentially leaving Ukraine vulnerable to Putin’s desires
  • Putin’s strategy is to wait out the West and eventually gain control over Ukraine
  • Choking off aid to Ukraine would prove Putin right and is a frightening prospect for European allies


The Battle Over War Funding

The battle within the Republican Party over war funding is centered around the issue of whether to continue funding Ukraine. While there is support for sending aid to Israel, funding for Ukraine has become politically toxic for House Republicans. President Biden has linked the importance of aiding both Israel and Ukraine, hoping to gain more support for Ukraine funding by tying it to Israel’s strong support in Washington. However, Speaker Mike Johnson defied Biden’s request and put a standalone Israel bill on the floor, further complicating the situation. Senate Republicans and Democrats have a rare meeting of the minds when it comes to Ukraine funding, but House Republicans largely oppose it. Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell is playing a crucial role in rallying support for funding both Israel and Ukraine, viewing it as an important political fight. McConnell’s strategy involves emphasizing the interconnectedness of the fights in Israel and Ukraine and keeping Senate Republicans united. Strategies to get House Republicans on board include rolling Ukraine funding into a bill that keeps the government open and pairing it with border security funding. The fate of the bill ultimately rests on Speaker Mike Johnson’s decisions.

The Importance of Funding for Ukraine

Funding for Ukraine is critical in preventing a major conflict with Russia and keeping Ukraine afloat in its fight against Russian aggression. With Ukraine being a key U.S. ally, the loss of this war would have significant implications for Europe and the global balance of power. American support is not only vital for Ukraine’s survival but also sends a strong symbolic message to other European countries. However, the debate over funding comes at a crucial time, potentially leaving Ukraine vulnerable to Russia’s desires. Putin’s strategy is to wait out the West and gain control over Ukraine, and choking off aid to Ukraine would only prove him right. This prospect is concerning for European allies who rely on U.S. support. Passing the bill for Ukraine funding will be a challenging and messy battle with far-reaching consequences.


The growing battle within the Republican Party over war funding, particularly regarding aid for Ukraine, highlights the complex political dynamics at play. President Biden’s efforts to link funding for Israel and Ukraine have faced resistance from House Republicans, who are against continuing to send money to Kiev. Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell is playing a crucial role in rallying support for funding both Israel and Ukraine, viewing it as an important political fight. The fate of the bill ultimately rests on Speaker Mike Johnson’s decisions. The importance of funding for Ukraine cannot be understated, as it is critical in preventing a major conflict with Russia and keeping Ukraine’s fight against Russian aggression alive. The consequences of withholding aid to Ukraine could have far-reaching implications for Europe and the global balance of power. As the debate continues, the battle over war funding remains a contentious and significant issue.

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