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The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast / – 358. Drugs, Homelessness, and Shady Metro Dealings | Anthony Furey

The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast – 358. Drugs, Homelessness, and Shady Metro Dealings | Anthony Furey

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In this episode of “The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast,” Anthony Fury, journalist and potential mayor of Toronto, joins the podcast to discuss urban renewal in Toronto. Fury is running for mayor due to the acute challenges and concerns facing the city that the current political class cannot fix. The issues Fury has been focusing on include ramped up homelessness, demoralization of the police, urban and academic decay, and the need for a new vision on the artistic front. These issues are similar to those besetting cities across North America and the Western world. Fury believes that it takes someone who can withstand criticism from the mob to move forward on these issues. Municipal government is the most crucial level of government as it is responsible for the core services that people rely on in their daily lives.

Main Takeaways

Urban Renewal and Challenges in Toronto

  • Anthony Fury, journalist and potential mayor of Toronto, discusses the acute challenges and concerns facing the city.
  • Fury is running for mayor to address issues such as homelessness, demoralization of the police, urban and academic decay, and the need for a new vision on the artistic front.
  • These issues are prevalent in cities across North America and the Western world.
  • Municipal government is responsible for the core services that people rely on in their daily lives.

Focus on Niche Special Interests

  • Politicians and cities have started focusing on niche special interests instead of addressing crime and order issues.
  • Decay on streets and violence on subways are becoming prevalent issues in Toronto and other Western cities.
  • Majority of people in Toronto are against the obsession with putting bike lanes on every major road.
  • Polarization over bike lanes has transformed the simple act of riding a bike into a moral issue.

Public Safety and Drug Crisis

  • The drug crisis is a major factor in the random attacks and public safety concerns in Toronto.
  • Creating new injection sites is not a solution, and resources should be allocated to treatment centers to get people off drugs.
  • Presuming that homeless people have a right to municipal territory is not sensible or compassionate, and enabling drug use is not helpful to anyone.
  • Police will clear the parks and move homeless individuals to another location to reclaim public space for families.

Law and Order and Transportation Issues

  • The lack of beat cops in Toronto is a problem identified by officers and citizens alike.
  • Defunding of the police has resulted in fewer police officers in Toronto despite population growth.
  • Public transportation in Toronto is shoddy and insufficient compared to other cities of similar size and wealth.
  • Jordan Peterson plans to sue Metrolinx for breach of contract and damages for the delayed and incomplete Eglinton line project.

Beautification and Cultural Vibrancy

  • Toronto needs to handle its waterfront and downtown intelligently to become a cultural hub.
  • Approval processes for development and beautification are slow and rigid, and need to be expedited to create a beautiful city quickly.
  • Graffiti is a scourge that contributes to the general ugliness of a city and can encourage broader social misbehavior and crime.
  • The lack of consequences in the school system is a problem, where there is a lot of advocacy and activism but little academic excellence.

Getting Involved in Municipal Politics

  • Getting involved in municipal politics can help you fall in love with your city all over again and make meaningful human connections.
  • Joining a political campaign is a great opportunity to expand your social skills and network, and improve your ability to talk to a wide variety of people and listen to them.
  • Prioritizing law and order is necessary to bring back assurances and safety to the city.
  • All politics is local and cities need to be taken back from decay.


Urban Renewal and Challenges in Toronto

Anthony Fury, a journalist and potential mayoral candidate in Toronto, discusses the acute challenges facing the city. He highlights issues such as homelessness, demoralization of the police, urban and academic decay, and the need for a new vision on the artistic front. These challenges are not unique to Toronto but are prevalent in cities across North America and the Western world. Municipal government, responsible for core services, plays a crucial role in addressing these issues.

Focus on Niche Special Interests

Fury criticizes the focus of politicians and cities on niche special interests instead of addressing crime and order issues. Decay on streets and violence on subways are becoming prevalent in Toronto and other Western cities. The obsession with putting bike lanes on every major road has polarized public opinion and turned riding a bike into a moral issue.

Public Safety and Drug Crisis

The drug crisis contributes to random attacks and public safety concerns in Toronto. Fury argues against creating new injection sites and advocates for allocating resources to treatment centers instead. He believes that presuming homeless people have a right to municipal territory is not sensible or compassionate and enabling drug use is not helpful. Police intervention is necessary to reclaim public space for families.

Law and Order and Transportation Issues

Fury highlights the lack of beat cops in Toronto and the negative impact of defunding the police. Public transportation in Toronto is inadequate compared to other cities of similar size and wealth. Jordan Peterson plans to sue Metrolinx for breach of contract and damages for the delayed and incomplete Eglinton line project, highlighting corruption in transportation projects.

Beautification and Cultural Vibrancy

Toronto needs to handle its waterfront and downtown intelligently to become a cultural hub. The slow and rigid approval processes for development and beautification hinder progress. Fury emphasizes the negative impact of graffiti on the city’s aesthetics and its potential to encourage broader social misbehavior and crime. He also criticizes the lack of consequences in the school system, which contributes to urban decay and the broken windows theory.

Getting Involved in Municipal Politics

Fury encourages people to get involved in municipal politics to make a positive impact on their cities. Joining a political campaign provides opportunities to expand social skills, network, and improve communication abilities. Prioritizing law and order is crucial for reclaiming decaying cities. Fury emphasizes the importance of local politics and preventing extreme and incompetent individuals from taking over.


Anthony Fury’s discussion on urban renewal in Toronto highlights the acute challenges facing the city and the need for competent leadership. Issues such as homelessness, demoralization of the police, urban and academic decay, and the lack of a new vision on the artistic front require immediate attention. By prioritizing law and order, addressing transportation issues, promoting beautification, and getting involved in municipal politics, Toronto can reclaim its status as a thriving and vibrant city.

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