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The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast / – 360. Obesity, Diabetes, Cancer and You | Dr. Peter Attia

The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast – 360. Obesity, Diabetes, Cancer and You | Dr. Peter Attia

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In this episode of “The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast,” Dr. Jordan Peterson interviews Dr. Peter Attia on the topics of obesity, diabetes, cancer, and their impact on overall health and longevity. They discuss the importance of health span, the role of exercise in cognitive and physical health, the effects of diet on insulin resistance, and the potential benefits of a carnivore diet. They also delve into the prevention and early detection of diseases like cancer and Alzheimer’s, as well as the significance of emotional health in maintaining a high quality of life. Join them as they explore strategies for improving health and well-being.

Main Takeaways

Pursuing Health Span and Quality of Life

  • Health span is a broader concept than lifespan and refers to the quality of life, including cognitive, physical, and emotional health.
  • Pursuing health span can lead to a better quality of life overall, and may even increase lifespan benefits.
  • The medical definition of health span is limited to the period of time free of disability and disease, but it is not a helpful definition for most people.
  • Cognitive and physical health span generally decline with age, but preserving them as long as possible is important for quality of life.
  • Quality of life is also important, including relationships, sense of purpose, and existential quality of life.

The Role of Exercise in Cognitive and Physical Health

  • Cognitive decline is a major problem for productivity and general competence.
  • Cardiovascular exercise and weightlifting can maintain cognitive function and delay/prevent dementia.
  • Writing about past traumas and future plans can reduce general uncertainty and improve physical health.
  • Exercise is empirically the most valuable tool for both cognitive and physical components of health.
  • Exercise acts on multiple levels, including metabolic and energy consumption in the brain.

The Impact of Diet and Insulin Resistance

  • Hemoglobin A1c is a valuable blood test for detecting type 2 diabetes.
  • VO2 max is the most highly correlated metric of length of life, followed by a composite metric of strength and muscle mass.
  • Intense weightlifting can improve coordination and may be a good marker for improved neurological function.
  • Consuming excess sugar and developing insulin resistance can lead to obesity, inflammation, and chronic diseases.
  • The food pyramid and the standard Western diet contribute to insulin resistance and obesity.

Prevention and Early Detection of Diseases

  • Early detection through screening is crucial for improving survival rates of diseases like cancer.
  • Obesity, smoking, and environmental toxins are major risk factors for cancer.
  • Prevention strategies should focus on avoiding risk factors, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and reducing inflammation and high growth factors.
  • Collaboration between psychologists, medical doctors, and nutrition experts can help create effective prevention strategies.
  • Emotional health plays a significant role in motivating people to follow prevention strategies.

The Significance of Emotional Health

  • Emotional health is important for longevity and can be a direct threat to life.
  • Negative relationships with oneself can prevent individuals from taking care of themselves, leading to a bigger impact on length and quality of life.
  • Deaths of despair, including suicide, overdose, and alcohol-related deaths, have been increasing in the US.
  • Addressing childhood issues and developing a vision for the future can improve emotional well-being.
  • Writing exercises can be beneficial for psychological and physiological health.


Pursuing Health Span and Quality of Life

Health span, which encompasses cognitive, physical, and emotional health, is crucial for a better quality of life. While the medical definition of health span focuses on the absence of disability and disease, it fails to capture the broader aspects of well-being. Preserving cognitive and physical health as we age is essential for maintaining a high quality of life, including relationships, purpose, and existential satisfaction.

The Role of Exercise in Cognitive and Physical Health

Exercise is a powerful tool for improving both cognitive and physical health. It can maintain cognitive function, delay/prevent dementia, and reduce uncertainty and improve physical health. The benefits of exercise extend to multiple levels, including metabolic and energy consumption in the brain. Regular exercise can also produce neurotropic growth factors that support neuronal health and reduce brain damage over time.

The Impact of Diet and Insulin Resistance

Diet plays a significant role in insulin resistance and obesity. Hemoglobin A1c is a valuable blood test for detecting type 2 diabetes. VO2 max and strength/muscle mass are highly correlated with longevity. Intense weightlifting can improve coordination and neurological function. Excess sugar consumption and insulin resistance can lead to obesity, inflammation, and chronic diseases. The standard Western diet and the food pyramid contribute to insulin resistance and obesity.

Prevention and Early Detection of Diseases

Early detection through screening is crucial for improving survival rates of diseases like cancer. Obesity, smoking, and environmental toxins are major risk factors for cancer. Prevention strategies should focus on avoiding risk factors, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and reducing inflammation and high growth factors. Collaboration between psychologists, medical doctors, and nutrition experts can help create effective prevention strategies. Emotional health plays a significant role in motivating people to follow prevention strategies.

The Significance of Emotional Health

Emotional health is essential for longevity and overall well-being. Negative relationships with oneself can prevent individuals from taking care of themselves, leading to a significant impact on length and quality of life. Deaths of despair, such as suicide, overdose, and alcohol-related deaths, are on the rise. Addressing childhood issues and developing a vision for the future can improve emotional well-being. Writing exercises can have positive effects on psychological and physiological health.


Improving health span and quality of life requires a holistic approach that includes exercise, a healthy diet, prevention strategies, and addressing emotional well-being. By prioritizing these aspects of health, individuals can enhance their overall well-being and potentially increase their lifespan. Collaboration between experts and the integration of behavioral change strategies are crucial for creating sustainable and motivating prevention strategies. Remember, small changes in habits and lifestyle can have a significant impact on health and longevity.

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