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The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast / – 363. Rekindling the Spirit of the Classic Democrat | Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast – 363. Rekindling the Spirit of the Classic Democrat | Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

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In this episode of “The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast,” Jordan Peterson interviews Robert F. Kennedy Jr. about the current state of the Democratic party and the need to rekindle the spirit of classic democracy. Kennedy discusses how the party has strayed from its roots and the consequences of fear and ideology. He also highlights the dangers of the Doomsday climate narrative and the collusion between the Democratic party and big pharma. Kennedy believes that by returning to the values of the Kennedy Democrats, America can be united and a better future can be built.

Main Takeaways

Reviving the Spirit of Classic Democracy

  • Robert F. Kennedy Jr. discusses the current state of the Democratic party and how it has become one of fear and ideology.
  • Kennedy explains how the party has derailed from its roots in the middle class and started regarding people such as cops, firefighters, and union members as deplorables.
  • Kennedy believes that the era of Kennedy Democrats can be revived and can unite Americans across boundaries, both physical and philosophical.

The Democratic Party’s Struggles

  • Kennedy’s internal poll numbers show that he does much better against President Trump and Governor DeSantis than President Biden does.
  • Kennedy has been able to bridge the divide between Republicans and Democrats.
  • Kennedy appeals to a lot of independents and Republicans, in addition to Democrats.
  • Kennedy suggests the left goes too far when it pushes equity, which he sees as opposed to the best interests of both the working class and the middle class.
  • The Democratic Party has been hijacked by extreme ideologies and departure of common sense, according to Kennedy.
  • Kennedy believes that the Democratic Party needs to return to its roots and values to build a better America that people can be proud of.

The Influence of Big Pharma and Censorship

  • Kennedy finds it completely inexplicable that the Democrats are colluding with big pharma, which used to be their number one corporate enemy.
  • Pharmaceutical industry has a history of criminal activity, including lying to doctors, defrauding regulators, falsifying science, and killing hundreds of thousands of people.
  • Democrats traditionally struggle to get campaign money and had ideological resistance towards big pharma until Obamacare.
  • Obama collaborated with the pharmaceutical industry to pass Obamacare, resulting in Americans paying top dollar for drugs without bargaining over prices.
  • Censorship in corporate media has led to the use of nontraditional media, such as podcasts, to disseminate information.
  • Podcasts have the capacity to reach people and allow insurgent candidates to end run the corporate media monoliths.

The Climate Change Debate

  • The apocalyptic climate narrative has demoralized young people to a degree that’s almost incomprehensible.
  • Carbon and methane in the atmosphere increase warming, and this is supported by critical reading of science, but domain knowledge is required to understand the complexity of climate science.
  • The speaker believes that denying climate change is like denying the existence of the autism epidemic.
  • Exxon scientists in the 1970s warned their management that continued oil burning would warm the globe and melt the Arctic, which would be good for the company but bad for humanity and the planet.
  • The climate crisis is being used as a pretext for authoritarian controls by a cabal of people including intelligence agencies, the world economic forum, and billionaires at Davos.

The Russia-Ukraine Conflict

  • President Biden believes in the Ukraine war, which is a massive assault on Ukrainians.
  • US destroyed the democratically elected government in Ukraine and put in their own government.
  • US put a new government in that immediately makes a civil war against the Russian population of Dumbass.
  • Russia has wanted peace talks from the beginning, but NATO rebuffed them.
  • US put NATO into 14 countries, breaking the promise made to Russia in 1991.
  • We should be making friends with Russia, not pushing them into the hands of China.


Reviving Classic Democracy and Overcoming Ideology

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. discusses how the Democratic party has deviated from its roots and become a party of fear and ideology. He believes that by reviving the spirit of classic democracy, the party can unite Americans across boundaries and bring back the values of the Kennedy Democrats.

The Struggles of the Democratic Party

Kennedy highlights the struggles of the Democratic party, including the inability to draw a dividing line between moderate and radical types. He suggests that the party has been hijacked by extreme ideologies, leading to a departure from common sense. Kennedy believes that returning to the party’s roots and values is crucial for building a better America.

The Influence of Big Pharma and Censorship

Kennedy discusses the inexplicable collaboration between the Democrats and big pharma, despite the industry’s history of criminal activity. He also highlights the role of censorship in corporate media and the rise of nontraditional media platforms, such as podcasts, in disseminating information.

The Climate Change Debate

Kennedy addresses the demoralizing effects of the apocalyptic climate narrative, particularly on young people. He emphasizes the need for critical reading of climate science and compares denying climate change to denying the existence of the autism epidemic. Kennedy also criticizes the use of the climate crisis as a pretext for authoritarian controls.

The Russia-Ukraine Conflict

Kennedy highlights the complexities of the Russia-Ukraine conflict and criticizes the US’s involvement in the war. He argues for making friends with Russia instead of pushing them into the hands of China and emphasizes the importance of peace talks.


Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s discussion with Jordan Peterson sheds light on the current state of the Democratic party and the need to rekindle the spirit of classic democracy. Kennedy’s insights into the influence of big pharma, censorship, and the climate change debate provide a thought-provoking perspective. By returning to its roots and values, the Democratic party can build a better America that transcends fear and ideology.

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