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The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast / – JBP Reacts to Court Decision

The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast – JBP Reacts to Court Decision

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In this episode of “The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast,” Jordan Peterson reacts to a recent court decision that allowed the college of psychologists to restrict his freedom of speech. Peterson shares his thoughts on various topics, including his objection to climate fear mongering, the issue of therapists being required to lie about the gender identity of minors, and the genocidal impulse behind moralizing about overpopulation and climate change.

Main Takeaways

Restriction of Freedom of Speech

  • Canadian court allowed the college of psychologists to stop Jordan Peterson from having political opinions.
  • The court acknowledged Peterson’s freedom of speech but stated that he is bound by his professional organization.
  • Peterson plans to make everything public and fight back against the decision.
  • Peterson believes that the Supreme Court will support the most fundamental principle of a free society, which is freedom of speech.

Controversial Topics

  • Peterson criticized Justin Trudeau, his chief of staff, an Ottawa City Councilor, and the trans-butchery occurring around the world.
  • Peterson also objected to climate apocalyptic fear mongering and was deemed unprofessional by the college.
  • Peterson believes that surgeons who facilitate trans surgery on minors should be jailed for life.
  • He warns that energy being made expensive demolishes the poor and that progressives will sacrifice the poor to nature worship and imaginary catastrophes.

Legal and Professional Issues

  • People can submit a complaint to the College of Psychologists from anywhere in the world.
  • Peterson plans to appeal the decision made by the College of Psychologists in Canada.
  • He believes that professionals are afraid to make public statements in support of him due to the corrupt colleges they work for.
  • Dr. Peterson has been ordered to complete a remedial program regarding professionalism in public statements.

Importance of Civic Engagement

  • Peterson advises young people to volunteer for a political campaign as it will help them learn a lot, sharpen their political beliefs, and open up opportunities for them.
  • He warns that if citizens do not take responsibility for their society, they are headed for slavery.
  • Canadians make 60% as much as Americans, and the gap is growing, which is catastrophic.
  • Peterson suggests that average Canadians should get involved in the political process to stop their society from going in a bad direction.


Restriction of Freedom of Speech

In this episode, Jordan Peterson discusses a recent court decision that allowed the college of psychologists to restrict his freedom of speech. Although the court acknowledged Peterson’s freedom of speech, they stated that he is bound by the rules of his professional organization. Peterson plans to fight back against this decision and believes that the Supreme Court will support the fundamental principle of freedom of speech.

Controversial Topics

Peterson expresses his opinions on various controversial topics, including his criticism of Justin Trudeau, his objection to climate fear mongering, and his stance on trans surgery on minors. He believes that surgeons who facilitate trans surgery on minors should be jailed for life. Peterson also warns about the consequences of making energy expensive, as it disproportionately affects the poor.

Legal and Professional Issues

Peterson discusses the legal and professional issues he is facing due to the recent decision made by the College of Psychologists. He plans to appeal this decision and make everything public. Peterson also highlights the fear professionals have in making public statements in support of him due to the corrupt colleges they work for. He has been ordered to complete a remedial program regarding professionalism in public statements.

Importance of Civic Engagement

Peterson emphasizes the importance of civic engagement and advises young people to get involved in political campaigns. He warns that if citizens do not take responsibility for their society, they are headed for slavery. Peterson also highlights the economic disparity between Canadians and Americans, urging average Canadians to participate in the political process to prevent their society from going in a negative direction.


Jordan Peterson’s reaction to the court decision restricting his freedom of speech sheds light on the importance of protecting this fundamental right. He stands firm in his beliefs and plans to fight back against the decision. Peterson also encourages civic engagement and emphasizes the need for individuals to take responsibility for their society. As the episode concludes, Peterson remains confident in his ability to handle the situation and looks forward to future conversations.

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