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The Mel Robbins Podcast / – 6 Steps to Navigating Major Change Like a Pro (a Hilarious Guide to BacktoSchool and College DropOff Season!)

The Mel Robbins Podcast – 6 Steps to Navigating Major Change Like a Pro (a Hilarious Guide to Back-to-School and College Drop-Off Season!)

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In this episode of “The Mel Robbins Podcast,” Mel Robbins discusses how to navigate major life changes like a pro, using the example of back-to-school and college drop-off season. She shares valuable insights and strategies for managing the emotions and challenges that come with transitions.

Main Takeaways

Supporting Loved Ones Through Change

  • Major life changes can be exciting, but also nerve-wracking.
  • Saying goodbye can be triggering for everyone involved.
  • It’s important to be strong for loved ones going through change.
  • Empaths may struggle with taking on others’ emotions during change.
  • Encouragement is key in helping others navigate change.

Parenting Through Transitions

  • Parents should not show their emotions during their children’s transitions.
  • Parents should push their children to stick with their decisions and not give up easily.
  • Tough love can be beneficial in helping children adapt to new situations.

Managing Discomfort and Expectations

  • Managing discomfort around transitions can be done through making lists and organizing.
  • Moving to a new place can be overwhelming and uncomfortable.
  • It’s important to acknowledge and validate feelings of discomfort.
  • It’s normal to build up expectations and then feel disappointed when reality doesn’t match them.
  • Making lists and organizing can help manage discomfort around transitions.

Embracing Change and Building Confidence

  • Give yourself time to adjust and ride the wave of change.
  • Embrace change and give yourself time to adjust.
  • Moving forward in life is inevitable, whether we want it or not.
  • Making lists can be a helpful process in preparing for change.
  • Believing in someone more than they believe in themselves can be a powerful source of motivation.
  • Encouragement can help someone triumph and move up the ladder of life.

Managing Emotions and Self-Reflection

  • Goodbyes can be triggering and painful, especially when it comes to people we love.
  • Creating a bridge between the present moment and something in the future can provide emotional stability and comfort.
  • Building up a child’s confidence and encouraging them can help them triumph and move up the ladder of life.
  • Showing up in moments of change and lending our belief in someone can make a significant impact on their ability to succeed.
  • Borrowing belief can ground someone in the understanding that they can do it, rather than panic about not being able to do it.
  • Borrowing confidence from others is a life skill that helps manage oneself through change.


Supporting Loved Ones Through Change

Major life changes can bring a mix of excitement and anxiety. Saying goodbye can be emotionally triggering for everyone involved, and it’s important to be strong for loved ones going through change. Empaths may struggle with taking on others’ emotions during these transitions, but encouragement and support can help them navigate the challenges.

Parenting Through Transitions

When it comes to parenting through transitions, it’s crucial for parents not to show their own emotions during their children’s transitions. Instead, they should push their children to stick with their decisions and not give up easily. Tough love can be beneficial in helping children adapt to new situations and develop resilience.

Managing Discomfort and Expectations

Managing discomfort around transitions can be done through making lists and organizing. Moving to a new place can be overwhelming and uncomfortable, but acknowledging and validating these feelings is important. It’s normal to build up expectations and then feel disappointed when reality doesn’t match them, but making lists and organizing can help manage discomfort and create a sense of control.

Embracing Change and Building Confidence

Embracing change and giving yourself time to adjust is essential because moving forward in life is inevitable. Making lists can be a helpful process in preparing for change and staying organized. Believing in someone more than they believe in themselves can be a powerful source of motivation, and encouragement can help individuals triumph and move up the ladder of life.

Managing Emotions and Self-Reflection

Goodbyes can be triggering and painful, particularly when it involves loved ones. Creating a bridge between the present moment and something in the future can provide emotional stability and comfort during transitions. Building up a child’s confidence and lending belief in their abilities can significantly impact their success. Borrowing belief and confidence from others is a valuable life skill that helps manage oneself through change.


Navigating major life changes like a pro requires managing emotions, supporting loved ones, and embracing the discomfort and growth that come with transitions. By implementing strategies like making lists, organizing, and borrowing confidence from others, individuals can navigate change with resilience and confidence. Remember, change is temporary, and with the right mindset, it can lead to personal growth and new opportunities.

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