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The Mel Robbins Podcast / – From PMS to Menopause: How to Hack Your Hormones and Use Science to Lose Weight, Sleep Better and Get Your Mojo Back

The Mel Robbins Podcast – From PMS to Menopause: How to Hack Your Hormones and Use Science to Lose Weight, Sleep Better and Get Your Mojo Back

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In this episode of “The Mel Robbins Podcast,” Mel Robbins is joined by Dr. Amy Shaw, an expert on hormones, to discuss the impact of hormone changes in women, from PMS to menopause. They delve into the misconceptions surrounding menopause and hormone fluctuation and provide valuable insights on how to hack your hormones to lose weight, sleep better, and get your mojo back.

Main Takeaways

Hormone Changes and Menopause Symptoms

  • Hormone changes in women affect half of the population
  • Misinformation about menopause and hormone fluctuation is prevalent online
  • Menopause symptoms include increased anxiety, decreased energy, brain fog, and itching
  • Menopause symptoms include brain fog, mood changes, hot flashes, and changes in body temperature
  • Increase in fat around the middle is a common complaint during menopause
  • Menopause can feel like a loss of control similar to puberty, but without the same level of understanding and support

The Historical Exclusion of Women in Medical Studies

  • There is a lack of guidance and medical research on menopause due to historical exclusion of women in medical studies
  • Medical studies and interventions were historically only done on men, leaving women as the “forgotten gender” in healthcare
  • Women were often prescribed smaller doses of medication, assuming it would affect them the same way as men
  • Women were not included in medical studies until the 1980s, and even then, the impact on hormones was not considered
  • Many OB-GYNs lack knowledge about hormones and menopause, leaving women confused and unsupported

The Impact of Hormones on Women’s Health

  • Hormones are chemical messengers that impact many aspects of our health, but the impact on women’s hormones is not well understood or studied
  • Estrogen is like a risk-taker sister, while progesterone is the calm and level-headed one
  • Menopause leads to a decrease in estrogen and progesterone, causing changes in energy levels, activity, and anxiety
  • Understanding your menstrual cycle can help optimize your health and lifestyle choices
  • Eating and training differently during different phases of the menstrual cycle can help match the changes in hormones

Managing Menopause Symptoms and Weight Gain

  • During menopause, it’s important to pull back on stressful activities and be mindful of what you eat
  • Weight training and protein intake are essential to maintain muscle mass and prevent weight gain during menopause
  • Walking more is recommended to counteract the changes in estrogen levels
  • Non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) is a bigger driver of weight loss than high-intensity exercise
  • PMS symptoms are similar to menopause symptoms and can be improved with the same lifestyle changes
  • Hormone replacement therapy does not help with menopause weight gain, but can improve hot flashes and pain with sex

Taking Control of Hormonal Health

  • Sleep, exercise, weight training, and food choices are key to unclogging hormone traffic
  • Top three things for better sleep: cold room, pitch black, and nightly routine
  • Menopause makes you less stress-resilient, so avoid caffeine, alcohol, and sugar
  • Insulin resistance can be controlled by cutting sugar intake and adding fiber to regulate blood sugar
  • Women should seek out physicians who are interested, educated, and can be an advocate for them and not just dismiss their complaints


Hormone Changes and Menopause Symptoms

Dr. Amy Shaw and Mel Robbins shed light on the impact of hormone changes in women, particularly during menopause. They discuss the prevalence of misinformation online and the need for more open conversations about menopause. The symptoms of menopause, including increased anxiety, decreased energy, brain fog, and itching, are explored, along with the common complaint of weight gain in the middle section. It is emphasized that menopause can feel like a loss of control, similar to puberty, but without the same level of understanding and support.

The Historical Exclusion of Women in Medical Studies

The historical exclusion of women in medical studies is highlighted as a major reason for the lack of guidance and research on menopause. Dr. Shaw and Mel discuss how medical studies and interventions were predominantly done on men, leading to a lack of understanding of women’s hormonal health. Women were often prescribed smaller doses of medication, assuming it would affect them the same way as men. The importance of seeking out knowledgeable physicians who can provide support and guidance is emphasized.

The Impact of Hormones on Women’s Health

The role of hormones as chemical messengers that impact various aspects of women’s health is explored. The differences between estrogen and progesterone are discussed, with estrogen being likened to a risk-taker sister and progesterone to a calm and level-headed one. The decrease in estrogen and progesterone during menopause is highlighted as a cause of changes in energy levels, activity, and anxiety. Understanding the menstrual cycle and adapting lifestyle choices accordingly is emphasized.

Managing Menopause Symptoms and Weight Gain

Strategies for managing menopause symptoms and weight gain are discussed. Dr. Shaw and Mel emphasize the importance of reducing stress, being mindful of diet, and incorporating weight training and protein intake to maintain muscle mass. Walking is recommended to counteract the changes in estrogen levels, and the significance of non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) for weight loss is highlighted. The similarities between PMS and menopause symptoms are explored, and the potential benefits of hormone replacement therapy for hot flashes and pain with sex are mentioned.

Taking Control of Hormonal Health

Dr. Shaw and Mel provide practical tips for taking control of hormonal health. They emphasize the importance of sleep, exercise, weight training, and food choices in maintaining hormonal balance. Strategies for better sleep, including creating a cold room, pitch-black environment, and establishing a nightly routine, are discussed. The impact of menopause on stress resilience is highlighted, with recommendations to avoid caffeine, alcohol, and sugar. The role of insulin resistance in menopause weight gain is explained, along with strategies to regulate blood sugar through diet. The importance of finding knowledgeable physicians who can advocate for women’s hormonal health is emphasized.


Dr. Amy Shaw and Mel Robbins provide valuable insights into the impact of hormone changes in women, particularly during menopause. They highlight the need for more open conversations and accurate information about menopause. The importance of understanding and managing hormonal health through lifestyle choices, proper sleep, exercise, and seeking knowledgeable physicians is emphasized. By taking proactive steps, women can feel good and maintain their vitality well into their 40s, 50s, and beyond.

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