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The Mel Robbins Podcast / – The Best Advice I Ever Heard: From Motivation to Paper Plates, 10 Genius Hacks for Keeping Yourself and Your Home Organized

The Mel Robbins Podcast – The Best Advice I Ever Heard: From Motivation to Paper Plates, 10 Genius Hacks for Keeping Yourself and Your Home Organized

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In this episode of “The Mel Robbins Podcast,” Mel Robbins shares 10 genius hacks for keeping yourself and your home organized. From the importance of momentum over motivation to the concept of fair rest in dividing household labor, Mel provides valuable insights and practical tips to help you stay on top of your tasks and create a more balanced life.

Main Takeaways

Momentum is Key

  • Momentum is more important than motivation in getting things done.
  • Research shows that momentum builds once we start going.
  • Sometimes motivation precedes the action.
  • Focusing on building momentum can help with task initiation.
  • Using 5% momentum to do 5% of the task can help with feeling overwhelmed.

The Power of Self-Compassion

  • Self-compassion is motivating and leads to greater psychological functioning.
  • Shame causes paralysis, while self-compassion acknowledges the need to process emotions.
  • Good enough is perfect, and it’s important to give yourself reasonable expectations.
  • Humans make mistakes and still deserve compassion and the opportunity to grow and heal.

Creating an Accessible Environment

  • Accessibility is important for those with chronic pain or disabilities.
  • Upgrading the environment can make tasks easier.
  • Criticizing oneself leads to less productive solutions.

Mindset Shifts and Hacks

  • Mindset flips and hacks can help with anxiety and overwhelming tasks.
  • Overwhelming tasks can cause anxiety and stress.
  • Simple mindset shifts can help with survival and functionality.

Self-Care and Rest

  • Self-care and outsourcing tasks can help alleviate stress and overwhelm.
  • Rest should be seen as a right, not a reward for productivity.
  • Start with one small thing that feels good to do for yourself at night.
  • Taking breaks is important, but it’s not always feasible for everyone.

Fair Rest and Division of Household Labor

  • Fair rest is a concept for dividing household labor fairly.
  • Traditional division of labor based on equal work can lead to competition and comparison.
  • Time autonomy can help balance workloads between partners with different schedules.
  • Explicit conversation about minimum standard of functionality is important to avoid accusations and promote grace.

Supporting Each Other

  • Proactive involvement of non-default parent is necessary for the first call parent to rest, even if they are still at home.
  • Helping someone in a hard time can be as simple as leaving a stack of paper plates on their front porch.
  • Small gestures like paying for a cleaning service or sitting with someone can make a huge difference.


Momentum is Key

Mel Robbins emphasizes that momentum is more important than motivation when it comes to getting things done. Research shows that once we start taking action, momentum builds, making it easier to continue. By focusing on building momentum and taking small steps, even just 5% of a task, we can overcome the feeling of overwhelm and initiate action.

The Power of Self-Compassion

Mel highlights the importance of self-compassion for motivation and psychological well-being. While shame can cause paralysis, acknowledging the need to process emotions through self-compassion can lead to greater productivity. It’s essential to set reasonable expectations, understand that mistakes are part of being human, and offer ourselves compassion and the opportunity to grow and heal.

Creating an Accessible Environment

Mel emphasizes the significance of creating an accessible environment, especially for individuals with chronic pain or disabilities. Upgrading the environment can make tasks easier and more manageable. Instead of criticizing oneself, it’s important to focus on finding productive solutions.

Mindset Shifts and Hacks

Mel suggests adopting mindset flips and hacks to combat anxiety and overwhelm. Overwhelming tasks can cause stress, but simple mindset shifts can help us navigate them more effectively. By recognizing that life is not always perfect and that cognitive and emotional energy is required to process difficult situations, we can approach challenges with a more functional mindset.

Self-Care and Rest

Mel emphasizes the importance of self-care and rest in reducing stress and overwhelm. Rest should be seen as a right rather than a reward for productivity. Starting with small self-care actions, such as moving a pair of slippers or automating coffee-making, can have a significant impact. While taking breaks may not always be feasible, making things easier for oneself can provide much-needed relief.

Fair Rest and Division of Household Labor

Mel introduces the concept of fair rest in dividing household labor. Traditional division based on equal work can lead to competition and comparison. Instead, time autonomy and explicit conversations about minimum standards of functionality can promote a more compassionate approach. It’s important to recognize that adopting traditional masculine values of work can be harmful and that involving both partners in the division of labor can improve equality and partnership.

Supporting Each Other

Mel emphasizes the importance of supporting each other during difficult times. Small gestures, such as leaving a stack of paper plates or paying for a cleaning service, can make a significant difference. Kindness, compassion, and the absence of shame and judgment are crucial in helping each other through low moments and high moments.


In this episode, Mel Robbins shares valuable insights and practical tips for staying organized and balanced in life. From the power of momentum and self-compassion to the importance of creating an accessible environment and practicing self-care, Mel provides guidance on navigating overwhelming tasks and dividing household labor. By supporting each other and being kinder and more compassionate, we can create a better life for ourselves and those around us.

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