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The Mel Robbins Podcast / – “You’re Not Obsessed With Your Ex, Patsy; You’re an Addict.” Mel’s Advice, Listener Questions, and More!

The Mel Robbins Podcast – “You’re Not Obsessed With Your Ex, Patsy; You’re an Addict.” Mel’s Advice, Listener Questions, and More!

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In this episode of “The Mel Robbins Podcast,” Mel shares some of the top things she has learned from her guests on the show. She also provides advice to listeners on various topics, including dealing with exes, resolving conflicts in relationships, and finding meaning in life. Mel offers insights and practical tips to help listeners create positive change in their lives.

Main Takeaways

Organization and Mental Health

  • Dana Kay White’s tidying method involves immediately moving items to their proper place instead of making piles.
  • Having too many things in your life can make it difficult to stay organized.
  • Anxiety is often triggered by feeling separate from others or one’s power.
  • Effective mental health solutions involve taking care of the nervous system and physical habits.

Breaking Free from Exes

  • Social media stalking an ex is a damaging and toxic cycle that can become addictive.
  • Similar to addiction to horror movies, gambling, or alcohol, it is important to treat it as such.
  • Blocking the ex on all social media platforms is necessary to break the cycle.
  • It is crucial to tell friends not to enable the behavior and to hold oneself accountable.

Resolving Conflicts in Relationships

  • Couples that fight and resolve conflicts tend to stay together longer than those who never fight.
  • When arguing with your partner, always assume good intent and teach yourself to listen as much as you talk.
  • Never walk away from a fight without creating a bridge to continue the conversation later.
  • It’s okay to take a break from the argument, but make sure to set a time to pick up where you left off.

Finding Meaning and Believing in Something Greater

  • Believing in a higher power and being connected to others is important.
  • Signs from the universe can guide you in the right direction.
  • Synchronicities and connections with others are meaningful and come from a greater force.
  • Opening yourself up to these experiences can lead to something extraordinary.

Cultivating Intimacy and Dealing with Difficult Parents

  • Intimacy can be cultivated without penetration.
  • Focus on affection and connection over sex.
  • Dealing with difficult parents of your kids’ friends depends on the ages of your kids.
  • It’s important to set boundaries and communicate openly with the parents of your kids’ friends.

Actions and Self-Worth

  • Personal development should translate to action, not just consumption.
  • Behavioral activation therapy involves acting like the person you want to be.
  • Write down the habits of the version of you that feels worthy and do them.
  • Taking actions that someone who feels worthy takes creates a positive feedback loop.


Organizing Your Life and Mental Health

Dana Kay White’s tidying method emphasizes the importance of immediately putting items in their proper place to stay organized. Having too many things in your life can lead to anxiety and feeling disconnected from others. Taking care of your nervous system and physical habits is crucial for effective mental health solutions.

Breaking Free from Exes

Social media stalking an ex can become addictive and toxic. Treating it as an addiction and blocking the ex on all social media platforms is necessary to break the cycle. It’s important to ask friends not to enable this behavior and to hold yourself accountable. Moving on and creating a healthy relationship requires ending the relationship with the past.

Resolving Conflicts in Relationships

Couples who fight and resolve conflicts tend to have longer-lasting relationships. When arguing with your partner, assuming good intent and practicing active listening are crucial. It’s important to create a bridge to continue the conversation later instead of walking away from a fight. Taking breaks is acceptable, but setting a time to pick up where you left off is essential.

Finding Meaning and Believing in Something Greater

Believing in a higher power and feeling connected to others can bring meaning to life. Paying attention to signs from the universe and embracing synchronicities can guide you in the right direction. Opening yourself up to these experiences can lead to extraordinary outcomes.

Cultivating Intimacy and Dealing with Difficult Parents

Intimacy can be fostered through affection and connection, not just through sexual acts. When dealing with difficult parents of your kids’ friends, it’s important to set boundaries and communicate openly. Parents should not force their kids into social situations where they are not wanted, allowing children to form their own relationships.

Actions and Self-Worth

Personal development should result in taking action, not just consuming information. Behavioral activation therapy involves behaving like the person you want to be. Writing down and practicing the habits of the version of yourself that feels worthy creates a positive feedback loop. Taking actions that align with feeling worthy can improve self-worth and create a better life.


In this episode of “The Mel Robbins Podcast,” Mel shares valuable insights and advice on various topics, including organization, breaking free from toxic exes, resolving conflicts in relationships, finding meaning in life, cultivating intimacy, dealing with difficult parents, and taking actions to improve self-worth. By implementing these strategies, listeners can create positive change and lead happier, more fulfilling lives.

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