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The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett / The Mental Health Doctor: “Sitting Is Increasing Your Anxiety!”, Your Phone Is Destroying Your Brain, You May Have ‘Popcorn Brain’! | The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett

The Mental Health Doctor: “Sitting Is Increasing Your Anxiety!”, Your Phone Is Destroying Your Brain, You May Have ‘Popcorn Brain’! | The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett

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In this episode of “The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett,” Steven interviews Dr. Aditi Naruka, a Harvard physician and stress expert, about the rising levels of stress, burnout, and mental health problems in society. Dr. Naruka shares her own experience with stress and offers valuable insights and strategies for managing stress and achieving resilience. The conversation covers topics such as the impact of chronic stress on mental and physical health, the importance of setting boundaries with technology, and the role of exercise and self-care in stress management.

Main Takeaways

Rising Levels of Stress and Burnout

  • 72% of people are struggling with stress, and 70% have at least one feature of burnout, indicating a rise in mental health problems.
  • Studies have shown increased rates of depression, sleep disorders, fatigue, and burnout due to higher stress levels.
  • Two-thirds of parents also experience burnout, yet it is isolating, with 330 million people going two weeks without speaking to anyone.

The Impact of Acute and Chronic Stress

  • Under periods of acute stress, we shore up our internal reserves and keep it together at all costs, but when the acute stressor is over, our psychological defenses come down and our true emotions can emerge.
  • Chronic stress from everyday challenges keeps the fight or flight response constantly active, leading to burnout.
  • Burnout is no longer just characterized by classic symptoms like apathy and lethargy; it can also manifest as an inability to disconnect from work.

The Concept of Toxic Resilience

  • Toxic resilience is the societal pressure to tough it out and carry on, often praised as a hallmark of society today.
  • True resilience involves honoring boundaries, making time for rest, and focusing on self-compassion.
  • Toxic resilience is characterized by productivity at all costs and a mind-over-matter mindset.

Recognizing and Managing Stress Symptoms

  • Stress can manifest in various physical symptoms such as palpitations, headaches, neck pain, shoulder pain, back pain, gastrointestinal issues, dizziness, fatigue, sleep problems, irritability, and anger.
  • Everyone has a “canary” within them that signals stress-related issues, but it may take time to identify the specific symptoms.
  • Stress symptoms can be subtle and may vary for different individuals, such as experiencing tongue ulcers, skin issues, or other physical manifestations.

Strategies for Managing Stress and Achieving Resilience

  • Get clear on what matters most in times of stress and set meaningful goals using the MOST framework (Motivating Objectives, Small and Timely).
  • Incorporate regular exercise and movement into daily routines, even in small increments.
  • Establish digital boundaries and reduce reliance on phones and social media.
  • Practice diaphragmatic breathing and use the “Stop breathe be” technique to calm the stress response.
  • Engage in therapeutic writing to process emotions and prevent impulsive actions during stress.
  • Create a balanced and fulfilling life by focusing on key areas such as childhood, work, solitude, vacation, family, and retirement.

The Impact of Media Consumption on Stress

  • Excessive consumption of graphic content triggers the fight or flight response, increasing the risk of PTSD and mental health conditions later in life.
  • Setting digital boundaries and limiting engagement with graphic content can protect mental health and well-being.

The Importance of Connection and Community

  • Loneliness levels are higher globally, with 330 million people going two weeks without speaking to anyone.
  • Building and maintaining connections with others is crucial for combating stress and its adverse health effects.


Rising Levels of Stress and Burnout

According to studies, the majority of people are struggling with stress, leading to increased rates of burnout, depression, sleep disorders, and fatigue. This is not limited to specific demographics, as even parents and individuals in highly engaged jobs experience burnout. The feeling of isolation and lack of social connection further exacerbate the impact of stress on mental health.

The Impact of Acute and Chronic Stress

Acute stress triggers the fight or flight response, which is a natural survival mechanism. However, chronic stress from everyday challenges keeps the stress response constantly active, leading to burnout and an inability to disconnect from work. Burnout is no longer solely characterized by apathy and lethargy but can also manifest as an addiction to work and an inability to shut off.

The Concept of Toxic Resilience

Toxic resilience, often praised as a hallmark of society, involves pushing through challenges at all costs. However, true resilience involves setting boundaries, prioritizing rest, and practicing self-compassion. Toxic resilience is characterized by a mindset of productivity at all costs and neglecting one’s well-being.

Recognizing and Managing Stress Symptoms

Stress can manifest in various physical symptoms, and it is important to be aware of these signs. Everyone has their own unique stress symptoms, and it may take time to identify them. Stress symptoms can range from palpitations and headaches to gastrointestinal issues and skin problems.

Strategies for Managing Stress and Achieving Resilience

To manage stress and achieve resilience, it is important to get clear on what matters most and set meaningful goals. Regular exercise, even in small increments, can have a significant impact on stress levels. Establishing digital boundaries and reducing reliance on phones and social media is crucial. Breathing techniques, therapeutic writing, and creating a balanced and fulfilling life are also effective strategies for managing stress and achieving resilience.

The Impact of Media Consumption on Stress

Excessive consumption of graphic content triggers the fight or flight response, leading to increased stress and the risk of developing mental health conditions. Setting digital boundaries and limiting engagement with graphic content can protect mental health and well-being.

The Importance of Connection and Community

Loneliness levels are higher than ever, with millions of people going weeks without speaking to anyone. Building and maintaining connections with others is crucial for combating stress and its adverse health effects. Social connection plays a significant role in overall well-being and resilience.


The episode highlights the rising levels of stress and burnout in society and provides valuable insights and strategies for managing stress and achieving resilience. It emphasizes the importance of setting boundaries, prioritizing self-care, and building connections with others. By implementing these strategies, individuals can improve their mental and physical well-being, leading to a more balanced and fulfilling life.

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