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The Narcissistic Abuse & Trauma Recovery Podcast / – Teen Red Flags In Relationships

The Narcissistic Abuse & Trauma Recovery Podcast – Teen Red Flags In Relationships

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The Narcissistic Abuse and Trauma Recovery Podcast aims to provide awareness, understanding, and education about the devastating effects of narcissistic abuse. It serves as a beacon of hope for those who have experienced narcissistic abuse and helps them move from post-traumatic stress to post-traumatic growth. In this episode, the focus is on teenagers and healthy relationships, discussing red flags to look out for.

Main Takeaways

Recognizing Red Flags in Teenage Relationships

  • Red flags in relationships can be subtle and insidious, and it’s important to recognize psychological and emotional abuse.
  • Teenagers need to understand what is good in a relationship (green flag) and what is a red flag.
  • Inappropriate picture-taking and sharing is a massive red flag and against the law.
  • Physically hurting someone on purpose is a red flag behavior.
  • Controlling behavior is insidious and can include monitoring, isolation, jealousy, and invasion of privacy. It is a red flag and a form of abuse that centers around control.

Signs of Emotional Abuse

  • Intimidation can come in many forms, from towering over someone to using fear and threats against them. This is abusive and a red flag behavior.
  • Embarrassing or belittling someone in front of others is a form of abuse and a red flag.
  • Monitoring someone’s behavior, such as constantly checking their phone or social media, is a form of control and abuse.
  • Taunting and bullying are never acceptable in any type of relationship and are also forms of abuse.
  • Unexpected bouts of anger can be a sign of abuse and leave you feeling like you’re walking on eggshells in your relationship.

Controlling and Manipulative Behaviors

  • Pressure to do things you’re not comfortable with and getting mad or making fun of you for saying no is a red flag.
  • A partner who always wants the relationship on their terms and doesn’t compromise is controlling.
  • Excessive jealousy can be unhealthy, and it’s important to have independence in a relationship.
  • Teaching children about healthy relationships can minimize the potential for them to be in narcissistic relationships.
  • Having conversations with teenagers about healthy relationships is crucial.


Recognizing Red Flags in Teenage Relationships

Recognizing red flags in teenage relationships is crucial to prevent getting into a relationship with a narcissist or recognizing it sooner. Red flags can be subtle and insidious, so it’s important to be aware of psychological and emotional abuse. Inappropriate picture-taking and sharing is a massive red flag and against the law. Physically hurting someone on purpose is also a red flag behavior. Controlling behavior, such as monitoring, isolation, jealousy, and invasion of privacy, is insidious and a form of abuse centered around control.

Signs of Emotional Abuse

Emotional abuse can take various forms, including intimidation, where someone uses fear and threats to control another person. Embarrassing or belittling someone in front of others is also a form of abuse. Monitoring someone’s behavior, taunting, and bullying are all red flags and forms of emotional abuse. Additionally, unexpected bouts of anger can be a sign of abuse and create a tense and fearful environment in the relationship.

Controlling and Manipulative Behaviors

Controlling and manipulative behaviors are red flags in relationships. Pressure to do things you’re not comfortable with, and negative reactions when saying no, are signs of manipulation and control. A partner who always wants the relationship on their terms without compromise is displaying controlling behavior. Excessive jealousy can also be unhealthy and restrict independence within the relationship. It’s crucial to have conversations with teenagers about healthy relationships and use educational tools like this podcast to teach them about red flags and healthy boundaries.


Recognizing red flags in relationships, especially during teenage years, is essential for preventing and addressing narcissistic abuse. By promoting open communication and teaching children about healthy relationships, we can minimize the potential for them to be in toxic relationships. The next episode will delve into completing trauma response cycles, exploring how this process can aid in healing and recovery.

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