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The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett / The No.1 Celebrity Therapist: The WEIRD Trick To Get Your Sex Life Back, Fix Erections & Increase Fertility! – Marisa Peer | The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett

The No.1 Celebrity Therapist: The WEIRD Trick To Get Your Sex Life Back, Fix Erections & Increase Fertility! – Marisa Peer | The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett

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In this episode of “The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett,” Steven interviews Marisa Peer, the No.1 Celebrity Therapist. Marisa shares valuable insights on how our beliefs shape our lives, the impact of language on our sex lives, and the power of hypnosis in transforming our relationship with food and overcoming negative childhood experiences. She also discusses the importance of maintaining desire in long-term relationships and offers advice on finding love and building self-esteem. Tune in to discover Marisa’s unique perspective on personal growth and well-being.

Main Takeaways

Beliefs and Personal Growth

  • Three things are wrong with every person that turns up at your door, according to Marisa Peer
  • Success is down to your beliefs, says Marisa Peer
  • We can choose our beliefs and change them to improve our lives, according to Marisa Peer
  • Constantly upgrade, update, and question your beliefs
  • Your grandmother’s belief is not your belief
  • Lie to yourself, cheat fear, and steal back the confidence you were born with
  • Repeat positive affirmations to yourself to change your subconscious feelings and beliefs
  • The subconscious mind doesn’t think, it only feels
  • When you’re scared, your mind empties and you can’t think clearly
  • Every thought you think is a blueprint for your mind and body to make real

Sexual Dysfunction and Relationships

  • Language can mess up your sex life, for example calling your partner “mommy” or “daddy”
  • Sexual dysfunction can be caused by negative thoughts and can be resolved by changing them
  • Pressure to perform sexually can cause anxiety and negative thoughts
  • Fantasy can bridge the gap between eroticism and intimacy in a relationship
  • Introducing newness and variety in a long-term relationship can help maintain desire and excitement
  • Great sex requires mystery and eroticism, which is not the same as intimacy
  • Pressure in the bedroom is the antithesis of good sex because comparison is a thief of joy
  • Porn sets an impossible expectation for sex and damages many people
  • Many men struggle with sexual dysfunction issues, which can lead to avoiding sex altogether
  • Understanding what makes your sex life tick is key to a great relationship

Overcoming Fear of Commitment

  • If you can’t express your feelings verbally, your body may find ways to express them for you
  • Self-sabotage can be a common behavior pattern when it comes to commitment and relationships
  • Fear of commitment may stem from past experiences or insecurities
  • It’s important to examine and address these underlying issues to overcome fear of commitment
  • Fear of commitment can stem from the belief that commitment is like a prison
  • It’s important to communicate honestly with your partner about your readiness for commitment and sex

Finding Love and Building Self-Esteem

  • People can pick up on micro-expressions and behaviors that signal a low sense of worth, which can affect dating success
  • Being in search of a partner doesn’t make you less valuable, but needing someone to complete you can be problematic
  • It’s important to be happy and have a great life before finding someone to share it with
  • Having a high sense of self-worth is important to attract healthy relationships
  • Success can change beliefs about oneself and increase self-esteem
  • Reading books on how to be high value is not enough to change micro expressions of low value that communicate a lack of self-worth
  • Self-esteem cannot be found outside of oneself, it must be elevated from within
  • It’s not what’s wrong with you, it’s what happened to you
  • There are only three things wrong with every person: I’m different, so I can’t connect; I want something, it’s not available; I’m not enough
  • The way we think and speak about ourselves shapes our reality

Transforming Relationship with Food

  • The dietless life aims to resolve the underlying cause of overeating, which is often related to sugar addiction
  • Sugar is highly addictive and it’s important to be aware of our sugar intake and how it affects our bodies
  • The feeling of being deprived of sugar can make us feel out of control
  • Choosing to say no to sugar can be empowering and help us feel in control
  • Hypnosis can be used to change our relationship with sugar and other foods
  • Reviewing past experiences with sugar can help us understand how they have shaped our relationship with it today
  • Overcoming childhood feelings of having less than others can be liberating
  • Hypnosis can help reduce sugar intake by getting into the mind and making better choices


Beliefs and Personal Growth

Marisa Peer emphasizes the importance of our beliefs in shaping our lives. By constantly upgrading and questioning our beliefs, we can choose to change them and improve our lives. She encourages the use of positive affirmations to reprogram our subconscious feelings and beliefs. Our thoughts and beliefs act as blueprints for our mind and body to make real, and by choosing empowering beliefs, we can unlock our true potential.

Sexual Dysfunction and Relationships

Marisa Peer discusses the impact of language on our sex lives, highlighting the importance of maintaining desire and introducing newness in long-term relationships. She emphasizes that great sex requires a balance between eroticism and intimacy, and that pressure in the bedroom can hinder sexual satisfaction. Marisa also addresses the influence of porn and societal pressures on our expectations of sex. She provides valuable insights on overcoming sexual dysfunction and creating a fulfilling and exciting sex life.

Overcoming Fear of Commitment

Marisa Peer delves into the fear of commitment and its underlying causes. She emphasizes the importance of addressing past experiences and insecurities to overcome this fear. Marisa highlights the role of open and honest communication in relationships, allowing partners to express their readiness for commitment and sexual intimacy. By examining and addressing the underlying issues, individuals can overcome their fear of commitment and build healthy and fulfilling relationships.

Finding Love and Building Self-Esteem

Marisa Peer offers valuable advice on finding love and building self-esteem. She emphasizes the importance of self-worth and being happy before seeking a partner. Marisa encourages individuals to focus on their own personal growth and development, rather than relying on someone else to complete them. By cultivating a high sense of self-worth and embracing their unique qualities, individuals can attract healthy and fulfilling relationships.

Transforming Relationship with Food

Marisa Peer explores the relationship between our beliefs and behaviors around food, particularly sugar addiction. She highlights the addictive nature of sugar and the feeling of deprivation that can lead to loss of control. Marisa introduces the concept of the dietless life, which aims to address the underlying causes of overeating. She discusses the power of hypnosis in changing our relationship with food and making better choices. By understanding our past experiences with food and addressing childhood beliefs, we can transform our relationship with food and regain control over our eating habits.


In this episode, Marisa Peer shares profound insights on personal growth, relationships, and transforming our relationship with food. She emphasizes the power of beliefs in shaping our lives and encourages us to constantly upgrade and question them. Marisa provides practical advice on maintaining desire in long-term relationships, overcoming fear of commitment, finding love, and building self-esteem. She also offers valuable strategies for transforming our relationship with food and regaining control over our eating habits. Tune in to this enlightening conversation with Marisa Peer to unlock your true potential and improve various aspects of your life.

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