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The Rich Roll Podcast / The ‘Ordinary’ Man Who Did 105 IronDistance Triathlons in 105 Days | The Rich Roll Podcast

The ‘Ordinary’ Man Who Did 105 Iron-Distance Triathlons in 105 Days | The Rich Roll Podcast

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In this episode of “The Rich Roll Podcast,” Rich Roll interviews Sean Conway, an extraordinary athlete who completed 105 iron-distance triathlons in 105 consecutive days. Sean’s journey from an unhappy school portrait photographer to a record-breaking endurance athlete showcases his adventurous spirit and determination. Join Rich Roll as he delves into Sean’s mindset, challenges, and the lessons learned from his incredible feat.

Main Takeaways

Sean Conway’s Extraordinary Endurance Journey

  • Sean Conway went from an unhappy school portrait photographer to completing an iron-distance triathlon every day for 105 days.
  • Despite being perceived as an “every man,” Sean had extensive experience in multi-day adventures, providing confidence and knowledge to tackle the challenge.
  • Sean reflects on past experiences and knowledge, realizing that he had forgotten some important things he learned years ago.
  • Sean completed 105 iron-distance triathlons in 105 consecutive days, aiming to surpass James’ record of 101.

The Importance of Planning, Experience, and Mindset

  • The 10 pillars of endurance include planning, experience, fitness, health, nutrition, hydration, sleep, muscle management, mindset/motivation, and community.
  • Sean emphasizes the importance of allowing oneself to heal and take a break, which can be challenging.
  • Family and support play a crucial role in keeping Sean busy and motivated.
  • Sean emphasizes the importance of sleep in managing physical strain and improving performance.
  • Sleep over physiotherapy was a game changer, leading to better mood, increased speed, and sustained pace.

The Challenges and Setbacks of Endurance Pursuits

  • Sean discusses his previous extreme endurance challenges, such as running a marathon a day for 44 days and cycling 180-200 miles daily.
  • The speaker believes that the run is the most likely activity to cause a serious injury and lead to failure.
  • He reflects on the difficult decisions and conversations with family members about the potential risks and limits of his endurance pursuits.
  • Despite maintaining fitness motivation, Sean felt physically and mentally drained.

The Mental and Emotional Journey of Endurance

  • Sean finds that doing long, difficult challenges makes him a better husband, father, and overall more satisfied in life.
  • Sean used to feel like there was something wrong with him for having different interests every five minutes, but now he understands and embraces the complementary nature of his two essences.
  • The monkey represents the problem-solving part of Sean’s mind, while the terrier symbolizes tenaciousness and single-mindedness to complete tasks.
  • The terrier’s single-mindedness and tenaciousness can sometimes be frustrating, as it can cause Sean to interrupt activities to complete a task immediately.
  • Sean finds that for him, the destination of a challenge is all that matters, despite the popular opinion that it’s about the journey, not the destination.


Sean Conway’s Extraordinary Endurance Journey

Sean Conway, an accomplished athlete, went from an unhappy school portrait photographer to completing an iron-distance triathlon every day for 105 days. Despite being perceived as an “every man,” Sean had extensive experience in multi-day adventures, providing confidence and knowledge to tackle the challenge. Reflecting on past experiences, Sean realized that he had forgotten some important things he learned years ago. His goal was to surpass James’ record of 101 iron-distance triathlons, and he successfully completed 105 in 105 consecutive days.

The Importance of Planning, Experience, and Mindset

Planning, experience, and mindset are crucial pillars of endurance. Sean emphasizes the importance of allowing oneself to heal and take a break, which can be challenging. Family and support play a crucial role in keeping Sean busy and motivated. Sleep is a game changer, improving mood, speed, and sustained pace. The 10 pillars of endurance, including fitness, health, nutrition, hydration, muscle management, and community, contribute to Sean’s success.

The Challenges and Setbacks of Endurance Pursuits

Sean discusses his previous extreme endurance challenges, such as running a marathon a day for 44 days and cycling 180-200 miles daily. He believes that running is the most likely activity to cause a serious injury and lead to failure. Difficult decisions and conversations with family members about risks and limits are part of the endurance journey. Despite maintaining fitness motivation, Sean felt physically and mentally drained, highlighting the toll these challenges can take.

The Mental and Emotional Journey of Endurance

Endurance challenges have a profound impact on Sean’s personal life. He finds that they make him a better husband, father, and overall more satisfied in life. Sean used to feel like there was something wrong with him for having different interests every five minutes, but now he understands and embraces the complementary nature of his two essences. The monkey represents the problem-solving part of his mind, while the terrier symbolizes tenaciousness and single-mindedness to complete tasks. However, the terrier’s single-mindedness can sometimes be frustrating, causing Sean to interrupt activities to complete a task immediately. For Sean, the destination of a challenge is all that matters, contrary to the popular opinion that it’s about the journey, not the destination.


Sean Conway’s remarkable journey from an unhappy school portrait photographer to completing 105 iron-distance triathlons in 105 consecutive days showcases his adventurous spirit, determination, and the power of endurance. Through planning, experience, and a resilient mindset, Sean overcame challenges and setbacks, highlighting the importance of allowing oneself to heal and finding support from family and the community. His extraordinary feats serve as an inspiration for anyone seeking to push their limits and embrace the transformative power of endurance pursuits.

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