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The Partially Examined Life Philosophy Podcast / – PEL Presents PvI#61: TEAM PLAY CIRCUS with Adal Rifai and Jenny Hansen

The Partially Examined Life Philosophy Podcast – PEL Presents PvI#61: TEAM PLAY CIRCUS with Adal Rifai and Jenny Hansen

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In this episode of “The Partially Examined Life Philosophy Podcast,” guests Adal Rifai and Jenny Hansen engage in a conversation that explores the intersection of philosophy and improv. Through scenes, chat, improv lessons, and philosophy lessons, they delve into the power of improvisation and the importance of philosophy in our lives.

Main Takeaways

Philosophy versus Improv: Two Stages Teach Each Other

  • Philosophy and improv engage in a playful exchange, each trying to teach the other a thing or two.
  • Through their conversation, Adal Rifai and Jenny Hansen explore the ways in which philosophy and improv can inform and enhance one another.

The Power of Improvisation

  • Improvisation is not only a form of entertainment but also a path for personal and professional success.
  • Adal and Jenny discuss the transformative potential of improv and how it can be applied in various aspects of life.

The Circus and its Challenges

  • The circus industry has undergone changes, replacing elephants with holograms, but still facing struggles in ticket sales.
  • The performers share their experiences and perspectives on the challenges they face in the circus world.

Language, Bullshit, and Philosophy

  • Exploring the philosophy of language, the discussion delves into the imprecision and disagreement surrounding the meaning of words and names.
  • They reference Harry Frankfurt’s essay “On Bullshit” and its relevance in today’s political climate.


Philosophy versus Improv: Two Stages Teach Each Other

Adal Rifai and Jenny Hansen embark on a conversation that explores the dynamic relationship between philosophy and improv. They discuss how philosophy can inform and enhance the practice of improv, and vice versa. Through their engaging exchange, they highlight the ways in which these two disciplines can learn from each other and contribute to personal growth and creative expression.

The Power of Improvisation

Adal and Jenny delve into the transformative potential of improvisation. They discuss how the skills developed through improv can be applied in various areas of life, including communication, problem-solving, and adaptability. By embracing the principles of improv, individuals can unlock their creative potential and navigate the uncertainties of life with confidence and spontaneity.

The Circus and its Challenges

The circus industry is undergoing changes, facing challenges in ticket sales and adapting to new technologies. Adal and Jenny share insights from their experiences in the circus world, shedding light on the behind-the-scenes dynamics and the dedication of performers. They discuss the importance of clear communication and acknowledgment of efforts within the circus community.

Language, Bullshit, and Philosophy

The conversation takes a philosophical turn as Adal and Jenny explore the imprecision and disagreement surrounding the meaning of words and names. They reference Harry Frankfurt’s essay “On Bullshit,” discussing the distinction between lying and bullshitting. They analyze how bullshitting has become prevalent in today’s society and its impact on discourse and truth-seeking.


This episode of “The Partially Examined Life Philosophy Podcast” offers a fascinating exploration of the intersection between philosophy and improv. Adal Rifai and Jenny Hansen provide valuable insights into the power of improvisation, the challenges faced by the circus industry, and the nuances of language and bullshit. Listeners are invited to engage in a thought-provoking conversation that highlights the importance of philosophy and creativity in navigating the complexities of life.

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