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The Positive Mindset Podcast / – How to create a positive experience with dealing with hard times.

The Positive Mindset Podcast – How to create a positive experience with dealing with hard times.

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In this episode of “The Positive Mindset Podcast,” the host explores how to create a positive experience when dealing with hard times. The episode focuses on techniques to align your mindset, the power of visualization, our role as creators, the importance of gratitude, and the opportunity for growth in difficult situations.

Main Takeaways

Aligning Your Mindset

  • Taking deep breaths with a positive word can help align your mindset.
  • Visualizing yourself in a positive frequency during deep breaths can help release negative energy.
  • Surrounding yourself with healing energy during deep breaths can help align yourself to receive positive messages.

Our Role as Creators

  • We are a part of God of the highest frequency and have so much value to offer.
  • We forget our true value when we’ve been hurt, failed, or lost sight of our higher power.
  • We are the creators of the pain and suffering in the world, not just God or the universe.
  • We are observers and creators, just like the higher power, which is creative energy and love.
  • The higher power is creative energy and love, and we are observers and creators just like it.
  • Our group consciousness creates everything we see in the world, and we are all contributors to it.

Techniques for Growth

  • To change the world, we must change ourselves internally because our perception is our reception.
  • Selfishness can be good if it is focused on becoming the best version of ourselves to give to the world.
  • We should focus on doing the good things, the gifts, instead of being consumed by anxiety.
  • We all have struggles, such as anxiety, negative mindset, depression, or work ethic, that we need to work on.
  • Gratitude is a powerful tool to connect with energy and lift ourselves up.
  • True gratitude is an act of service and love, not just saying thank you for things we have.
  • We can pump the things we struggle with full of love and use them as an opportunity to grow and improve ourselves.
  • When we start loving the things that are difficult for us, it can reflect positively on the world around us.
  • Healing ourselves can inspire others to heal.
  • Honor the higher version of yourself and operate as love at all times.
  • The difficulties and hardships in life are opportunities for growth.
  • You must become the version of yourself that is always loving, no matter what is going on externally.
  • Change your perspective on what’s difficult and pump positive, healing, loving energy into it.


Aligning Your Mindset

Taking deep breaths with a positive word, visualizing positive frequencies, and surrounding yourself with healing energy can help align your mindset. By practicing these techniques, you can release negative energy and open yourself up to receiving positive messages.

Our Role as Creators

We are all part of God, the highest frequency, and possess immense value. However, we often forget our worth when we’ve experienced pain, failure, or lost sight of our higher power. It’s important to recognize that we are not only observers but also creators. Just like the higher power, which is creative energy and love, we contribute to the creation of the world through our group consciousness.

Techniques for Growth

To make a positive impact on the world, we must first change ourselves internally. This involves focusing on personal growth and becoming the best version of ourselves. Selfishness can be beneficial if it is directed towards self-improvement for the purpose of giving back to others. Instead of being consumed by anxiety, we should focus on utilizing our gifts and doing good things. Gratitude is a powerful tool that allows us to connect with positive energy and elevate our mindset. By embracing the challenges we face and approaching them with love, we can grow and inspire others to heal.


In this episode, we learned valuable techniques for creating a positive experience when dealing with hard times. By aligning our mindset, recognizing our role as creators, and embracing opportunities for growth, we can overcome challenges and make a positive impact in the world. Remember to honor the higher version of yourself and operate as love at all times, regardless of external circumstances. Embrace difficulties as opportunities for growth and pump them full of positive energy. By doing so, you can create a positive experience even in the face of adversity.

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