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The Positive Mindset Podcast / – How to find your positive purpose and receive it in the world.

The Positive Mindset Podcast – How to find your positive purpose and receive it in the world.

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In this episode of “The Positive Mindset Podcast,” the host explores the idea of finding one’s positive purpose and how it can bring fulfillment and positive change to the world. Through deep breathing exercises and insightful discussions, listeners are guided on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

Main Takeaways

Finding Your Positive Purpose

  • Purpose comes from pain, and the world reflects the energy that individuals allow within themselves.
  • Solving what’s within us makes us part of the positive change in the world.
  • Healing what’s within us turns us into a healed person that heals people instead of a hurt person that hurts people.
  • All the hurt, pain, and negative things in the world can turn into gifts when we realize that’s our purpose.
  • We have the power to choose love, forgiveness, and light in every situation.

The Power of Inner Peace

  • Inner peace is directly correlated with forgiveness in every situation.
  • The highest energy is free, powerful, and never runs out of power.
  • Perception is reception – as you see, you will receive.
  • You always have a choice to be something, and it’s a journey of becoming, not a destination-bound trip.
  • Life is happening for you to become something, not to achieve or receive something.

Creating Positive Change

  • Observing anger and pain within you creates more of it in the world.
  • You can’t turn off or change the laws of energy and frequency.
  • To change the world, change yourself and be the example.
  • Purpose is to become the rising tide that lifts all ships.
  • Mindset coach available for those seeking positive perspectives and growth.


Finding Your Positive Purpose

The episode emphasizes that purpose is often born out of pain, and the energy we allow within ourselves is reflected in the world. By solving and healing the wounds within us, we become agents of positive change. The host encourages listeners to embrace their past experiences and transform them into gifts that contribute to their positive purpose. Choosing love, forgiveness, and light in every situation empowers individuals to create a better world.

The Power of Inner Peace

Inner peace is closely linked to forgiveness. By cultivating forgiveness in every situation, individuals can achieve a state of inner harmony. The episode highlights the unlimited power of the highest energy, which is free and never runs out. Perception plays a crucial role in shaping our reality, as what we see, we receive. The host reminds listeners that personal growth is a continuous journey, and life is about becoming rather than achieving or receiving.

Creating Positive Change

The episode emphasizes the importance of self-awareness in creating positive change. Observing and releasing anger and pain within ourselves is essential to prevent perpetuating negativity in the world. The laws of energy and frequency cannot be changed, so it is crucial to align ourselves with positive energy to effect meaningful transformation. The host encourages listeners to be the change they wish to see by embodying positivity and becoming an example for others. Additionally, the episode mentions the availability of a mindset coach for those seeking guidance and growth.


Discovering and living out one’s positive purpose is a transformative journey that brings fulfillment and contributes to a better world. By healing ourselves and choosing love, forgiveness, and light, we become catalysts for positive change. The power to create a positive mindset and make a difference lies within each individual.

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