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The Positive Mindset Podcast / – How to receive positive energy in your life and live in light.

The Positive Mindset Podcast – How to receive positive energy in your life and live in light.

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In this episode of “The Positive Mindset Podcast,” the host guides listeners through a meditative breathing exercise to align with positive frequencies and let go of negativity. The aim of the podcast is to raise the listener’s vibration and build a positive mindset. By using a positive perspective as a tool, the episode explores how to view the world and oneself in a way that attracts positive energy and fosters personal growth.

Main Takeaways

Building a Positive Mindset

  • Viewing the world affects how you receive it because the world is not as it is, it is as you are.
  • Using the perspective of a private jet to elevate your mindset and gain a higher perspective.
  • Transport yourself into the future as the person you want to be and view your life from that perspective.
  • Take a deep breath and imagine yourself on the private jet, processing whatever is troubling you from a place of success.
  • You can access this perspective anytime to make decisions in work or life.

Importance of Perspective

  • Building perspective is valuable for decision-making in work and life.
  • Visualizing yourself achieving something helps you figure out how to get there.
  • It’s not what you have to do, it’s who you have to be that matters.
  • Being the version of yourself that can achieve your goals is more important than the goals themselves.
  • Perspective sets you free and can help you see things positively, even if they are not necessarily beneficial to you.

Receiving Positive Energy

  • You are more than your current experience and need to remind yourself of that to receive more.
  • Material possessions will not solve internal issues, but the process of receiving good energy is the same.
  • Putting yourself in a different place or perspective can help you analyze your situation differently and understand how you got there.
  • View your situation from what’s possible, not just what currently is, and focus on being love, acceptance, forgiveness, joy, and power to receive more.
  • Changing your perspective can help you find the silver lining and love in any situation.

Expanding Your Energy

  • By receiving love, you can become love and expand your energy.
  • Follow the speaker on social media for more positivity and mindset coaching.
  • Changing your perspective can allow you to tap into your higher self and start receiving the good that is available now.
  • The speaker is a mindset coach and has a program that can help you become the version of yourself you want to be.


Building a Positive Mindset

Viewing the world through a positive perspective can greatly impact how you receive it. The host suggests using the metaphor of a private jet to elevate your mindset and gain a higher perspective. By imagining yourself as the person you want to be and viewing your life from that perspective, you can approach challenges and decisions from a place of success. This mindset can be accessed at any time and applied to both work and personal life, helping you make choices that align with your goals.

Importance of Perspective

Perspective plays a crucial role in building a positive mindset. It is not just about what you have to do, but who you have to be in order to achieve your goals. By cultivating the version of yourself that is capable of success, you can overcome obstacles and stay focused on personal growth. Perspective also sets you free, allowing you to see things in a positive light even when they may not directly benefit you. It helps you find the silver lining in any situation and approach challenges with love, acceptance, forgiveness, joy, and power.

Receiving Positive Energy

Receiving positive energy involves recognizing that you are more than your current experience. By shifting your perspective and focusing on what is possible, rather than just what currently is, you open yourself up to receiving more. Material possessions may not solve internal issues, but the process of receiving good energy remains the same. By putting yourself in a different place or perspective, you can gain a deeper understanding of how you arrived at your current situation. It is important to remind yourself of your potential and approach life with love, acceptance, forgiveness, joy, and power to attract positive energy.

Expanding Your Energy

Expanding your energy involves receiving love and becoming love. By embracing a positive perspective and tapping into your higher self, you can start receiving the good that is available to you now. The speaker, who is a mindset coach, offers social media content and coaching programs to support individuals in becoming the best versions of themselves. The journey towards expanding your energy and living in a positive mindset requires consistent practice and a willingness to embrace change.


Building a positive mindset and receiving positive energy is a transformative process that begins with shifting your perspective. By viewing the world and yourself through a positive lens, you can attract more positivity into your life. Remember that it’s not just about what you have to do, but who you have to be. Embrace love, acceptance, forgiveness, joy, and power in your daily life, and watch as your energy expands and your mindset evolves.

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