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The Positive Mindset Podcast / – How to remove barriers and live a positive life.

The Positive Mindset Podcast – How to remove barriers and live a positive life.

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“The Positive Mindset Podcast” is a free platform on Spotify that aims to help listeners raise their vibration, lift their perspective, and build a positive mindset. In this episode, the focus is on removing barriers and living a positive life. The podcast begins with a guided meditation to align listeners with a positive frequency and release negativity. Join the host as they explore the power of mindset and perception in creating our reality.

Main Takeaways

Internal Barriers and Self-Talk

  • Our beliefs and self-talk can block us from receiving what we want.
  • Changing our self-talk can help us level up and shift our perspective.
  • Your perception is your reception.

Perception and Reality

  • Our perception of the world is shaped by our beliefs and perspective.
  • Your perception of obstacles becomes the limiting factor, not the obstacles themselves.
  • Your unique perspective creates your reality.

Shifting Mindset and Energy

  • Raise your perspective to raise your frequency.
  • Take your power back by shifting your mindset and tapping into your highest energy.

Tapping into Personal Power

  • Your journey is always inward.
  • You have the power to uplift yourself and create your own experience.

Connecting with the Speaker

  • Follow the speaker on social media for more inspiration and updates on future episodes.
  • The speaker is a mindset coach who helps people tap into their highest energy.
  • The speaker is currently full but may have availability in the future, reach out via Instagram for more information.


Internal Barriers and Self-Talk

Internal barriers, such as our beliefs and self-talk, can often limit us from achieving what we desire. By changing our self-talk and shifting our perspective, we can break free from these barriers and open ourselves up to new possibilities. Remember, your perception shapes your reception, so cultivating a positive mindset is crucial in attracting positive experiences.

Perception and Reality

Our perception of the world is heavily influenced by our beliefs and perspective. It’s important to recognize that the obstacles we face are not the true limitations, but rather our perception of them. By shifting our perspective and raising our vibration, we can transform challenges into opportunities for growth and success. Our unique perspective has the power to shape our reality.

Shifting Mindset and Energy

By raising our perspective and shifting our mindset, we can elevate our frequency and tap into our highest energy. This allows us to reclaim our power and create a positive and fulfilling life. It’s essential to be mindful of our self-talk and consciously choose thoughts that empower and uplift us. By doing so, we can attract more positivity and abundance into our lives.

Tapping into Personal Power

Our journey towards a positive life always begins within ourselves. We have the power to uplift ourselves and create our own experiences. By taking responsibility for our mindset and actively working on personal growth, we can overcome internal barriers and unlock our full potential. Remember, you have the ability to shape your reality and create a life filled with joy and fulfillment.

Connecting with the Speaker

If you’re seeking ongoing inspiration and guidance, make sure to follow the speaker on social media. As a mindset coach, they specialize in helping individuals tap into their highest energy and live a positive life. Although they may currently be at full capacity, reaching out via Instagram can provide more information on future availability and opportunities for personal growth.


By removing internal barriers and cultivating a positive mindset, we can transform our lives and create a reality filled with joy, abundance, and fulfillment. Remember, your perception shapes your reality, so choose thoughts that empower and uplift you. Embrace the power within you and take charge of your journey towards a positive life. Together, let’s raise our vibration and build a positive mindset!

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