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The Positive Mindset Podcast / – How to see the Positive outcome and receive what you desire.

The Positive Mindset Podcast – How to see the Positive outcome and receive what you desire.

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In this episode of “The Positive Mindset Podcast,” the host discusses how to see positive outcomes and receive what you desire by adopting an abundant mindset. Listeners are guided through meditation exercises and breathing techniques to remove limiting beliefs and negative energy.


Main Takeaways


Adopting an Abundant Mindset

  • The abundant mindset involves changing one’s frequency to always see positive outcomes and be open to receiving them.
  • View your goals as already achieved to remove stress and worry energy.
  • Operating as if you’ve already received frees you from a lack mindset.
  • Like attracts like – become the person that sees it working out for them.
  • Use gratitude to attach to the positive in any scenario.


Aligning with Your Future Self

  • Adopt a vision of your future self to level up your mindset.
  • Chase the version of you that you are meant to be.
  • It’s about the internal state in which you operate.
  • Raise your energy to tap into the new message and receive what you’ve perceived.


Removing Limiting Beliefs and Negative Energy

  • The episode begins with a meditation exercise to help listeners align with the frequency they desire.
  • Breathing exercises are used to remove limiting beliefs and negative energy.
  • Your perception of the world is based on the frequency that you’re in.
  • You don’t need external factors to work out; you need to focus on your internal state.


Creating Alignment in a Company

  • Aligning a company’s mindset using core values ensures that every employee is in alignment with the vision.
  • Job duties and scopes should be aligned with the company’s vision to create a clear goal for everyone.
  • Actions directly create what the company wants to achieve.




Adopting an Abundant Mindset

The episode emphasizes the importance of adopting an abundant mindset to overcome anxiety and worry about the future. By changing one’s frequency and always expecting positive outcomes, individuals can open themselves up to receiving what they desire. Viewing goals as already achieved and practicing gratitude help remove stress and worry energy, allowing individuals to attract positive experiences.


Aligning with Your Future Self

By adopting a vision of their future selves, individuals can level up their mindset and chase the version of themselves they are meant to be. It’s about operating from an internal state of alignment and raising one’s energy to tap into new possibilities. The episode guides listeners through meditation exercises and breathing techniques to remove limiting beliefs and negative energy, helping them align with their desired frequency.


Removing Limiting Beliefs and Negative Energy

The episode starts with a meditation exercise aimed at helping listeners align with the frequency they desire. Breathing exercises are used to remove limiting beliefs and negative energy, allowing individuals to shift their perception of the world. By focusing on their internal state rather than external factors, individuals can create a positive mindset and attract the outcomes they desire.


Creating Alignment in a Company

The importance of aligning a company’s mindset using core values is discussed. By ensuring that every employee is in alignment with the company’s vision, a clear goal is set for everyone. Job duties and scopes should also be aligned with the company’s vision to create a cohesive and focused work environment. Actions taken by employees directly contribute to achieving the company’s goals.



By adopting an abundant mindset, aligning with our future selves, and removing limiting beliefs and negative energy, we can create a positive internal state that attracts the outcomes we desire. Whether on an individual or organizational level, aligning with our vision and taking action leads to success and fulfillment.


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