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The Crazy Ones / The Power of Intention | The Crazy Ones

The Power of Intention | The Crazy Ones

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In this episode of “The Crazy Ones” podcast, Jackie Chrisilogo shares her personal journey of transitioning out of a nine-to-five job to pursue her passions and goals. She explores the power of intention and how it can manifest positive outcomes in life. Jackie also discusses the importance of understanding energy, intuition, and the impact of inherited programming on personal growth.

Main Takeaways

Transitioning to Pursue Passions

  • Jackie Chrisilogo shares her journey of transitioning out of a nine-to-five job to pursue her passions and goals.
  • She feels a bigger calling and realizes she can’t express it within the confines of a structured job.
  • Jackie explores her passions and seeks sustainable income doing what she loves.

The Power of Intention

  • Jackie discusses the power of intention and its definition – setting a particular goal and committing to it.
  • She shares a personal example of setting an intention for her cat to come out from under the bed.
  • The intention manifested when she arrived home and her cat had come out from under the bed.
  • Intention and visualization can manifest positive outcomes in life.
  • The power of intention lies in getting clear on what you want and visualizing it happening.

Energy and Psychic Connections

  • Our psychic connection with others is beyond physical and can influence our interactions.
  • Energy and psychic connections exist not only between people, but also between animals and even inanimate objects.
  • We can choose to let go of or keep the attachments formed with objects, as all of it is energy.
  • Negative energies from others can impact us, leading to misconceptions about our own truth.

Inherited Programming and Personal Growth

  • Understanding how the body communicates, intuition, and energy flow is crucial for personal growth.
  • Carrying around guilt and shame from family influences can affect mental well-being.
  • Gratitude for learning to separate inherited traits and embracing one’s true self.
  • We inherit more than just physical traits from our parents; spiritual DNA also shapes us.
  • The need to reprogram and release inherited programming for personal growth.

Clarity of Intention and Overcoming Perfectionism

  • Many people are experiencing transformation and insight at a rapid rate.
  • Overcoming inherited perfectionism and old ways of being is a journey that takes time and effort.
  • Feeling the need to please everyone led to exhaustion and mental shutdown.
  • Clarity of intention is crucial, as others’ intentions can muddy our own.

Meditation and Personal Transformation

  • Meditation has been transformative and more important than food at times.
  • Through meditation, clarity emerges, leading to transformative insights and ideas.
  • Encouragement to explore personal intentions and dreams, and identify what’s holding one back.
  • Release anything within you that doesn’t belong to you and let it go.
  • Embrace simplicity and positivity in your daily life.


Transitioning to Pursue Passions

Jackie Chrisilogo shares her inspiring journey of leaving her nine-to-five job to pursue her passions and goals. Feeling a bigger calling, she realized that she couldn’t fully express herself within the confines of a structured job. Determined to find sustainable income doing what she loves, Jackie embarked on exploring her passions and seeking new opportunities.

The Power of Intention

Jackie explores the concept of intention and its incredible power to manifest positive outcomes in life. Setting a clear goal and committing to it, she shares a personal example of setting an intention for her cat to come out from under the bed. To her surprise, when she arrived home, her cat had indeed come out from under the bed. This experience highlights the effectiveness of intention and visualization in creating the reality we desire.

Energy and Psychic Connections

Jackie delves into the fascinating realm of energy and psychic connections. Beyond physical interactions, our psychic connection with others extends to animals and even inanimate objects. She emphasizes the importance of understanding these connections and the ability to choose whether to hold onto or let go of the attachments formed. Negative energies from others can impact us and distort our perception of our own truth, making it essential to be mindful of the energy we surround ourselves with.

Inherited Programming and Personal Growth

Understanding how the body communicates, intuition, and energy flow is crucial for personal growth. Jackie discusses the impact of carrying around guilt and shame from family influences, which can affect mental well-being. Expressing gratitude for the journey of separating inherited traits and embracing one’s true self, she highlights the significance of spiritual DNA in shaping who we are. To foster personal growth, it is necessary to reprogram and release inherited programming that no longer serves us.

Clarity of Intention and Overcoming Perfectionism

Many individuals are experiencing rapid transformation and profound insights. Overcoming inherited perfectionism and old ways of being requires time and effort, but it is a worthwhile journey. Jackie shares her experience of feeling the need to please everyone, which ultimately led to exhaustion and a mental shutdown. She emphasizes the importance of gaining clarity of intention, as others’ intentions can sometimes cloud our own. By focusing on our own desires and goals, we can navigate our path more authentically.

Meditation and Personal Transformation

Meditation plays a transformative role in Jackie’s life, surpassing the importance of even food at times. Through meditation, clarity emerges, leading to profound insights and ideas. She encourages listeners to explore their personal intentions and dreams, identifying any barriers that may be holding them back. The key lies in releasing anything within ourselves that doesn’t belong to us and embracing simplicity and positivity in our daily lives.


Jackie Chrisilogo’s journey of transitioning to pursue her passions and her exploration of the power of intention provide valuable insights for personal growth and transformation. By understanding our energy, psychic connections, and the impact of inherited programming, we can navigate our paths with greater clarity and authenticity. Embracing meditation and releasing what no longer serves us allows us to embrace simplicity and positivity, creating a fulfilling and purposeful life.

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