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The Prof G Pod with Scott Galloway / – Conversation with Jennifer Cohen — Building Healthy Habits and Staying Confident

The Prof G Pod with Scott Galloway – Conversation with Jennifer Cohen — Building Healthy Habits and Staying Confident

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In this episode of “The Prof G Pod with Scott Galloway,” Scott Galloway engages in a conversation with Jennifer Cohen, an entrepreneur brand strategist and host of the business podcast Habits and Hustle. They delve into the importance of building healthy habits, staying confident, and the key to achieving success. Jennifer Cohen’s scrappy and authentic journey in reinventing herself and her passion for wellness meets fitness is also explored.

Main Takeaways

Building Confidence and Achieving Success

  • Building confidence is essential in achieving success.
  • Boldness is the secret to success, not intelligence.
  • Retrain your brain to be more bold and curate the life you want in all areas, not just business.
  • Allow kids to fail and learn from rejection instead of curating a stale environment of success around them.
  • Boldness is a skill that needs to be practiced, not something you are born with.

Netflix’s Success Story

  • Netflix made bold and strategic moves, including going into streaming, launching on mobile, and expanding internationally.
  • Netflix’s visionary CEO, Reed Hastings, traded on an international multiple and invested ahead of the curve.
  • Netflix invested ahead of the curve, valuing growth over profitability, which allowed them to make strategic investments that competitors couldn’t.
  • They went vertical, producing their own content, which set off an arms race in streaming and helped them pull away from the competition.
  • Netflix’s decision to create infrastructure overseas and have international content was a huge strategic advantage.

Importance of Movement and Physical Confidence

  • Incorporating more movement into your day can lead to better overall health and wellness.
  • Building physical confidence can help build mental confidence and make you more bold.
  • Walking is the most basic and beneficial health hack that anyone can do, with both physical and mental benefits.
  • Movement is crucial for overall health and success, and strength training is important for preventative health and anti-aging.

Curating a Fulfilling Life

  • Success is about having fulfilling relationships and experiences, not just a great career.
  • Setting goals around working out or fitness can increase confidence and discipline.
  • Leaning into your strengths can build confidence and lead to success.
  • Self-doubt and insecurity can prevent people from taking action and curating their lives.
  • Personal practices like meditation and breath work may not work for everyone.


Building Confidence and Achieving Success

Building confidence is a crucial aspect of achieving success in various areas of life. It is not intelligence but boldness that serves as the secret to success. By retraining our brains to be more bold, we can curate the life we desire, not just in business but in all aspects. Encouraging children to experience failure and learn from rejection rather than shielding them from it fosters growth and resilience. Boldness is a skill that can be developed through practice, allowing individuals to overcome self-doubt and embrace opportunities.

Netflix’s Success Story

Netflix’s success can be attributed to its bold and strategic moves. The company ventured into streaming, launched on mobile, and expanded internationally before its competitors. By valuing growth over profitability, Netflix made strategic investments that set them apart. Producing their own content allowed them to dominate the streaming industry and create an arms race among competitors. Additionally, their decision to build infrastructure overseas and offer international content gave them a significant advantage in content production.

Importance of Movement and Physical Confidence

Incorporating more movement into our daily routines can have a profound impact on our overall health and wellness. Building physical confidence through activities like walking and strength training can also enhance our mental confidence and make us more bold in various aspects of life. Walking, in particular, is a simple yet highly beneficial health hack that anyone can incorporate into their routine. Movement and regular exercise are essential for maintaining good health, preventing age-related issues, and promoting success.

Curating a Fulfilling Life

Success should not be solely defined by career achievements but also by the quality of relationships and experiences. Setting goals related to fitness and working out can boost confidence and discipline. Identifying and leveraging our strengths can lead to success and fulfillment. Overcoming self-doubt and insecurity is crucial in taking action and curating a life aligned with our desires. It’s important to find personal practices that work for us instead of blindly following others. By trying different methods through trial and error, we can discover what truly resonates with us.


Building confidence, making bold moves, and curating a fulfilling life are key ingredients for success. By embracing boldness, incorporating movement into our routines, and focusing on personal growth, we can achieve our goals and lead a more fulfilling life. The success story of Netflix serves as a testament to the power of bold and strategic decision-making. It’s essential to find what works for us individually and not be afraid to take risks. By doing so, we can unlock our true potential and create a life we love.

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