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The Prof G Pod with Scott Galloway / – Conversation with Simon Sinek — Finding Your Why, Feeling Stuck, and Building Strong Leaders

The Prof G Pod with Scott Galloway – Conversation with Simon Sinek — Finding Your Why, Feeling Stuck, and Building Strong Leaders

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In this episode of “The Prof G Pod with Scott Galloway,” Scott interviews Simon Sinek, a renowned leadership expert, author, and motivational speaker. They delve into Simon’s visionary concept of “Start with Why,” discussing insights on building strong teams, leadership, and feeling stuck in purpose. The conversation also touches on Scott’s personal experiences, making for an engaging and insightful discussion.

Main Takeaways

Discovering Your “Why”

  • “Why” is a deep-seated purpose, cause, or belief that drives every one of us.
  • Understanding your “why” can serve as a filter for decision-making and career choices.
  • Discovering your “why” involves reflecting on past experiences and finding patterns.
  • Childhood experiences, even difficult ones, can reveal your natural strengths and values.

Building Strong Leadership

  • Good leadership involves taking care of those in your charge and providing resources.
  • Institutionalizing a 90-day period of listening and learning can relieve pressure on new employees and foster growth.
  • Managing relationships, both personal and professional, requires active listening and making others feel seen and heard.
  • The younger generation entering the workforce brings unique skills and dynamics that require a balanced approach from older generations.

Overcoming Challenges and Finding Inspiration

  • Advocating for yourself is important, but it’s crucial to do it in a way that includes others in the process.
  • Failure can be soul-crushing, but learning to say “I don’t know” and asking for help is essential.
  • Treating everyone with respect and kindness can lead to unexpected support and success.
  • Personal tragedies can lead to a reevaluation of career goals and priorities.
  • Helping others find their own inspiration can lead to a fulfilling career.

Simon Sinek’s Journey and Business

  • Simon Sinek’s TED Talk on “Start with Why” has garnered 37 million views, popularizing the concept.
  • Simon’s business includes speaking engagements, books, and his online learning company, The Optimism Company.
  • The Optimism Company focuses on selling human skills and emphasizes the importance of understanding one’s “why.”
  • Simon’s ambition is to leave the world in a better shape than he found it, prioritizing impact over financial gain.


Discovering Your “Why” and Building Strong Leadership

Simon Sinek emphasizes the significance of understanding one’s “why” as a driving force in decision-making and career choices. By reflecting on past experiences and identifying patterns, individuals can uncover their natural strengths and values. Good leadership involves taking care of those under your charge, providing resources, and creating an environment for growth. Institutionalizing a period of listening and learning can foster relationships and relieve pressure on new employees. Additionally, managing relationships requires active listening and making others feel seen and heard, especially when navigating multi-generational dynamics in the workforce.

Overcoming Challenges and Finding Inspiration

Advocating for oneself is important, but it’s crucial to include others in the process and make them feel valued. Failure can be difficult, but learning to admit uncertainty and seek help is essential for growth. Treating everyone with respect and kindness can lead to unexpected support and success. Personal tragedies can prompt a reevaluation of career goals and priorities, while helping others find their own inspiration can lead to a fulfilling career.

Simon Sinek’s Journey and Business

Simon Sinek’s TED Talk on “Start with Why” has resonated with millions, popularizing the concept and emphasizing the importance of understanding one’s purpose. His business includes speaking engagements, books, and The Optimism Company, which focuses on selling human skills and helping individuals discover their “why.” Simon’s ambition is to make a positive impact on the world, prioritizing leaving a lasting legacy over financial gain.


In this episode, Scott Galloway’s conversation with Simon Sinek provides valuable insights into discovering one’s “why,” building strong leadership, overcoming challenges, and finding inspiration. By understanding our purpose and taking care of those in our charge, we can create meaningful relationships and make a positive impact in our personal and professional lives. Simon’s journey and business serve as a reminder that success is not solely measured by financial gain, but by the impact we have on others and the world around us.

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