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The Prof G Pod with Scott Galloway / – Office Hours: Digital Accessibility, Do I Need to Be Wealthy to Invest in Sports Teams? and How to Cultivate Your Personal Brand

The Prof G Pod with Scott Galloway – Office Hours: Digital Accessibility, Do I Need to Be Wealthy to Invest in Sports Teams? and How to Cultivate Your Personal Brand

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In this episode of “The Prof G Pod with Scott Galloway,” Scott Galloway discusses various topics, including digital accessibility, investing in sports teams, and cultivating a personal brand. He explores the importance of accessibility for people with disabilities, the potential investment opportunities in sports teams, and the benefits of building a personal brand. Let’s dive into the main takeaways from this episode.

Main Takeaways

Digital Accessibility

  • Over 90% of web and mobile advancements are inaccessible to people with disabilities, leaving them excluded from valuable tools and services.
  • Accessibility is crucial for the nearly 61 million Americans who identify as disabled.
  • Metta’s latest product, threads, launched with an app largely inaccessible to the disabled community.
  • Entrepreneurs are starting businesses focused on helping brands create inclusive digital experiences and close the accessibility gap.
  • Companies need to prioritize integrating accessibility into their core strategies to ensure more inclusiveness across the digital landscape.

Investing in Sports Teams

  • US football clubs may be undervalued and represent a good investment opportunity, but accessing this asset class can be difficult for ordinary people.
  • Sports teams are a good investment opportunity due to their increasing value over time.
  • Limited supply and high demand for sports teams have sent their value skyrocketing.
  • TV contracts and live sports are a major source of revenue for sports teams.
  • Fractional ownership of sports teams is possible through investing in their corporate parents.

Cultivating Your Personal Brand

  • Cultivating a personal brand can be meaningful and attract attention from recruiters and potential employers.
  • Pick 2-3 things you want your personal brand to be known for.
  • Engage in thought leadership by picking a content area and creating content across emerging platforms.
  • It takes discipline and hard work to build a personal brand.
  • Over time, building a personal brand can lead to more opportunities for writing, speaking gigs, and other professional development.


Digital Accessibility: Bridging the Gap

Accessibility is a pressing issue in the digital landscape, with the majority of advancements excluding people with disabilities. This exclusion hinders the access to valuable tools and services for over 61 million Americans. Entrepreneurs are emerging to address this gap, creating businesses focused on helping brands develop inclusive digital experiences. Companies must prioritize integrating accessibility into their core strategies to ensure inclusiveness for all.

Investing in Sports Teams: A Lucrative Opportunity

Sports teams, particularly US football clubs, present attractive investment opportunities due to their increasing value over time. Limited supply, high demand, and revenue streams from TV contracts and live sports contribute to the soaring value of sports teams. While accessing this asset class can be challenging for ordinary individuals, fractional ownership through investing in their corporate parents provides an alternative. Minor league teams also offer potential growth and lower costs for investment.

Cultivating Your Personal Brand: Unlocking Opportunities

Building a personal brand can have meaningful outcomes, attracting attention from recruiters and potential employers. To cultivate a personal brand, identify 2-3 key areas you want to be known for and engage in thought leadership by creating content across emerging platforms. Discipline and hard work are essential in building a personal brand, but the long-term benefits include increased opportunities for writing, speaking engagements, and professional development.


From addressing digital accessibility to exploring investment opportunities in sports teams and the importance of personal branding, this episode of “The Prof G Pod with Scott Galloway” offers valuable insights. It emphasizes the need for inclusiveness in the digital landscape, highlights the potential returns in sports team investments, and encourages individuals to build their personal brands for career growth. By prioritizing accessibility, exploring investment opportunities, and cultivating personal brands, individuals can navigate their way to success in a rapidly evolving world.

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