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The Prof G Pod with Scott Galloway / – Office Hours Special: Algebra of Masculinity Part 3

The Prof G Pod with Scott Galloway – Office Hours Special: Algebra of Masculinity Part 3

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In this episode of “The Prof G Pod with Scott Galloway,” Richard Reeves joins the show to discuss the changing definition of masculinity and the decline of male connection. They explore the impact of pornography on young men, the educational gaps between boys and girls in low-income areas, and the importance of institutional support for men. The conversation also touches on the concept of relational masculinity and the need for men to provide for others. MoVember, a sponsor of the podcast, encourages men to share their experiences and support each other.

Main Takeaways

The Changing Definition of Masculinity

  • The definition of masculinity is evolving, with a trend towards men being more open about their emotions.
  • Relational masculinity is a concept that emphasizes the importance of male connection and providing for others.
  • The decline of male connection and the deinstitutionalization of male support networks have negative consequences for men.

The Impact of Pornography on Young Men

  • Pornography has become a retreat for young men, affecting their views on sexual relations.
  • The exact impact of pornography on young men is still not well-researched, but some reports suggest it can shape their attitudes.

Educational Gaps and Opportunities

  • Educational gaps between boys and girls are significant in low-income white areas of the US.
  • Girls are outperforming boys in school and are more likely to pursue better opportunities outside their local communities.
  • The surplus of men in certain areas can lead to higher crime rates and support for reactionary politics.

The Importance of Institutional Support for Men

  • Men and boys are the gender that needs institutional support to thrive, but they are the least likely to receive it in places like churches and colleges.
  • The lack of institutional support for men compounds the challenges they face in today’s society.
  • National service programs and funding for organizations like the Boy Scouts can help address the need for male support networks.

Relational Masculinity and Providing for Others

  • Relational masculinity emphasizes the importance of men providing for others, not just economically but also emotionally and socially.
  • Masculinity is defined by concentric circles, starting with self-care and expanding to caring for the community.
  • The ultimate expression of masculinity is being able to take care of people who may never know your name.


The Changing Definition of Masculinity and the Decline of Male Connection

Richard Reeves discusses the evolving definition of masculinity, highlighting the trend towards men being more open about their emotions. He introduces the concept of relational masculinity, which emphasizes the importance of male connection and providing for others. The decline of male connection and the deinstitutionalization of male support networks have negative consequences for men’s well-being and societal dynamics.

The Impact of Pornography and Educational Gaps

The discussion delves into the impact of pornography on young men, exploring how it has become a retreat for them and potentially shapes their views on sexual relations. The educational gaps between boys and girls in low-income white areas of the US are also highlighted, with girls outperforming boys and having better opportunities for upward mobility.

The Importance of Institutional Support for Men

Reeves emphasizes the need for institutional support for men, as they are the gender that often lacks the necessary support networks to thrive. However, churches and colleges, which traditionally provide support, are less likely to offer it to men. National service programs and funding for organizations like the Boy Scouts are suggested as potential solutions to address this gap.

Relational Masculinity and Providing for Others

The concept of relational masculinity is explored further, highlighting the importance of men providing for others in various aspects of life. Masculinity is seen as a series of concentric circles, starting with self-care and expanding to caring for the community. The ultimate expression of masculinity is being able to take care of people who may never know your name.


This episode of “The Prof G Pod with Scott Galloway” delves into the changing definition of masculinity and the decline of male connection. Richard Reeves provides valuable insights into the impact of pornography on young men, the educational gaps between boys and girls, and the need for institutional support for men. The concept of relational masculinity and the importance of providing for others are emphasized throughout the conversation. By addressing these issues and promoting open discussions, society can work towards a more inclusive and supportive environment for all genders.

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