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The Prof G Pod with Scott Galloway / – Office Hours: The EdTech Industry, Why European Startups Fail to Scale, and the Global Brands of the Premier League and NFL

The Prof G Pod with Scott Galloway – Office Hours: The EdTech Industry, Why European Startups Fail to Scale, and the Global Brands of the Premier League and NFL

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In this episode of “The Prof G Pod with Scott Galloway,” Scott discusses various topics including the state of the EdTech industry, the challenges faced by European startups, and the global brands of the Premier League and NFL. He provides insights into the growth potential of EdTech, the reasons behind European startups’ struggle to scale, and the strategies employed by sports leagues to attract viewers and build their brand. Scott’s analysis offers valuable perspectives on these industries and their impact on society.

Main Takeaways

Challenges in the EdTech Industry

  • The EdTech industry has been a disappointment for investors despite its potential for disruption.
  • Education has grown faster than inflation, highlighting the need for a better way.
  • EdTech companies lack pricing power and struggle to command price premiums for their offerings.
  • There is still a societal belief that traditional education is necessary for success, hindering the adoption of online learning.
  • Coursera’s stock plummeted after going public, indicating the challenges faced by EdTech companies in the market.

Challenges Faced by European Startups

  • Europe struggles to scale small companies compared to the US, Israel, and China.
  • European startups have a 1 in 200 chance of scaling, significantly lower than their counterparts in the US.
  • Access to private funding and talent is more constrained for high-growth European startups.
  • European startups are more likely to use public support for funding compared to US startups.
  • The cultural factor of risk-taking contributes to the success of US startups, which is less prevalent in Europe.

The Global Brands of the Premier League and NFL

  • The NFL is the most watched sports league in the US, attracting significant advertising dollars.
  • Premier League clubs have experienced revenue growth and have the potential to become global brands.
  • The NFL’s “helmets off” strategy focuses on players’ personalities off the field to appeal to a younger audience.
  • The NFL’s draft system creates a certain egalitarianism, contributing to its success.
  • Fans of Premier League football are incredibly committed and bring communities together.


The Challenges in the EdTech Industry

The EdTech industry, despite its potential for disruption, has been a disappointment for investors. While education has grown faster than inflation, there is still a societal belief that traditional education is necessary for success, hindering the widespread adoption of online learning. EdTech companies struggle with pricing power and face challenges in commanding price premiums for their offerings. Coursera’s stock plummeting after going public highlights the difficulties faced by EdTech companies in the market.

The Struggles of European Startups

European startups face significant challenges in scaling compared to their counterparts in the US, Israel, and China. The chances of European startups scaling are much lower, and access to private funding and talent is more constrained. High-growth European startups often rely on public support for funding, creating a different dynamic compared to US startups. The cultural factor of risk-taking, deeply ingrained in America’s DNA, contributes to the success of US startups, while Europe tends to have a more risk-averse culture.

The Global Brands of the Premier League and NFL

The NFL is the most watched sports league in the US, attracting significant viewership and advertising dollars. Premier League clubs have experienced revenue growth and have the potential to become global brands. The NFL’s “helmets off” strategy, focusing on players’ personalities off the field, aims to appeal to a younger audience and increase brand recognition. The NFL’s draft system, which promotes egalitarianism, contributes to its success. Premier League football fans are known for their unwavering commitment and ability to bring communities together.


The EdTech industry continues to face challenges in realizing its disruptive potential, while European startups struggle to scale compared to their counterparts in the US, Israel, and China. The Premier League and NFL, as global sports brands, employ various strategies to attract viewers and build their fan base. Understanding these industries and their dynamics is crucial for investors, entrepreneurs, and anyone interested in the future of education and sports.

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