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The Ramsey Show / – Are You Tired Of Living From Crisis To Crisis?

The Ramsey Show – Are You Tired Of Living From Crisis To Crisis?

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In this episode of “The Ramsey Show,” Dave Ramsey discusses various topics related to student loans, debt repayment, homeownership, retirement planning, and personal finance. He provides practical advice, shares success stories, and addresses specific financial concerns of callers. Listeners will gain insights into managing their finances, paying off debt, and building wealth for a secure financial future.

Main Takeaways

Student Loans and Debt Repayment

  • Ramsey Solutions is offering a free live stream on September 12th about student loans.
  • Many people are scared, angry, and confused about their student loans.
  • A quarter of the 40 million people with student loans have had their loan servicer change during the repayment period, causing confusion about where to make payments.
  • Private student loans often have variable interest rates that can increase over time.
  • There is no easy way out of student loan debt.
  • Student loans are a big business, and payment plans are products intended to make money off of you.
  • Student loan servicers have one goal, to keep you in debt as long as they can, because they are blood-sucking parasites.
  • Banks are not your friend, and these servicers want your payment, not your peace.
  • Interest will accrue during a 12-month on-ramp where you don’t have to make payments, and your FICO score is getting lied to.
  • To get out of debt, you have to get mad and understand compound interest, forbearance, and that loans have to be paid back.
  • Private student loans can be dark and complicated, but there are solutions available.
  • Refinancing can help reduce payments and debt.
  • Actual solutions are better than vague promises from politicians.

Homeownership and Retirement Planning

  • The freedom to make your own medical decisions is important, and Christian Healthcare Ministries offers that.
  • The school you attend for law doesn’t matter as much as actually learning the law and gaining knowledge.
  • Consider alternative options to pay for education such as fellowships, scholarships, or military service.
  • Choose your heart – work hard now or pay off student loan debt later.
  • Don’t rely solely on pensions, contribute to 401k, Roth IRA, or 457 to secure financial future.
  • Aim to leave an inheritance for future generations.
  • Impact the community and help those in need.
  • Building wealth allows you to be generous and help those in need.
  • Churchill Mortgage Home Buyer Edge offers fast pre-approval and a $10,000 seller guarantee.
  • Neighborly offers top-quality home repair, maintenance, and improvement services.
  • To calculate retirement needs, use a calculator to determine necessary income and reverse engineer the nest egg needed to achieve it.
  • Good growth stock mutual funds can average an 11% return and allow for living on $90,000 a year with no debt.
  • Being debt-free with a paid-for home at retirement is important because you don’t need as much money to live on.
  • It’s important to consider the burn rate on your principal when stepping on it, but you’ll still be alright with a 14-year burn rate.
  • Leave your retirement account alone and let it double a couple more times before withdrawing more money.
  • There’s a high correlation between people that have money and people that save money, so it’s important to actually invest and put money in over time.

Financial Stability and Personal Growth

  • Therapy can help find a path through difficult decisions and struggles.
  • BetterHelp is an online therapy service that connects you with licensed therapists.
  • Selling a house may be a good decision when facing a new chapter in life.
  • Being debt-free and having an emergency fund can provide financial freedom.
  • Selling the house would allow the speaker to pay off all consumer debt, reimburse someone $47,000, and have a fully funded emergency fund of six months, with $20,000 to $30,000 left for a future down payment.
  • Refinancing the house would be tough, as it would double the speaker’s current rate of 3.8%.
  • Renting the house and having a fresh start with a clear debt would be a good option.
  • There are more reasons to sell the house than to keep it, and the speaker’s children are not emotionally attached to it.
  • The speaker owes $8,000 to the IRS, and needs to put the house on the market as soon as possible before Thanksgiving and Christmas.
  • Short term, selling the house will help clean up financial mess and start a new chapter in life.
  • Long term, owning a home is a good investment.
  • Budgeting for AC repair while paying off debt: consider repairing instead of replacing, use emergency fund to cover repair costs, use remaining funds to pay off smallest debt.
  • Use debt snowball method to pay off debts, starting with smallest balance.
  • Repair or replace AC unit after paying off debts.
  • Live from plan to plan, not crisis to crisis.
  • Use debt snowball method to pay off debts, starting with smallest balance.
  • Get on a budget using EveryDollar app to find extra income.
  • Consider converting term life insurance policy to whole life policy in certain circumstances.
  • Converting term life insurance policy to whole life policy does not make you money, it costs you money.
  • Term insurance is about 5% as expensive as whole life insurance, and whole life builds up a savings, but you don’t need an extra expense right now to build up a savings inside of an insurance policy.
  • Disability waiver does not change the dynamic of converting to whole life insurance because the whole life insurance is 20 times more expensive.
  • Financial advisor is a Northwest Mutual Life Insurance salesman, and it is not recommended to mess with the premium because of bad experiences with insurance companies.
  • It is important to have term life insurance policy and disability writer to cover expenses.
  • Getting term life insurance should be a top priority when starting a financial plan.
  • Locking in rates for 15 or 20 years gives you time to get out of debt and build wealth.
  • Xander Insurance is a recommended company for finding affordable term life rates.
  • When taking out a mortgage, ensure that the monthly payment is not more than 25% of your take-home pay to avoid financial strain.
  • There is no government plan to forgive student loans that is actually working, statistically only 1.97% of people who apply actually get forgiveness.
  • Becoming debt-free, including student loans, before purchasing a home is the best method of building the best possible life with the most wealth.
  • Have an emergency fund plus a down payment before purchasing a home.
  • Use the baby steps method to get out of debt and become wealthy, which has helped more people than any other system in America.
  • The baby steps method is the most effective way to get out of debt and become wealthy in America.
  • Many people believe the lie that their student loans will be forgiven, but only 1.6% of people get forgiveness after 10 years.
  • The new 30-year program is even worse and will leave people 20 years further in debt.
  • Student loans can strangle your ability to purchase a home and have peace about it.
  • It’s important to deal with your debt and not shove it into a closet, or else it will always cause you to stub your toe, have a bloody nose, and a black eye.
  • Traveling occupational therapist paid off $83,000 in student loans.
  • Traveling therapy is the highest paid possibility.
  • Traveling job covers food and lodging expenses.
  • Pays more than regular hospital jobs.
  • The importance of having a plan to pay off student loans.
  • Don’t wait to pay off student loans, start now.
  • Budgeting is key to paying off debt.
  • Side hustles can help you stay on track with debt repayment.
  • Having no debt provides peace of mind.
  • The best time to start planning for your financial future is now.
  • Ramsey is a well-known name in the household for financial advice.
  • The best time to start planning for your financial future is now.
  • John from Amarillo, Texas paid off $83,000 in 17 months, making $120 to $150.
  • When you work more, you don’t spend as much because you don’t have time to sit and doom scroll Amazon or influencers.
  • John receives a live and give box, including the Total Money Makeover book and a membership to Financial Peace University.
  • Spending too much time on the internet leads to spending more money.
  • Every Dollar app helps with budgeting, planning, and saving for important moments.
  • Free budgeting webinars offered by Ramsey personalities to teach how to budget, handle irregular income, and integrate baby steps.
  • Every Dollar app includes features such as scheduling payments and projecting net worth.
  • Budgeting webinars have had up to 10,000 sign-ups and allow for direct interaction with Ramsey personalities.
  • A single mother who graduated from law school with no debt is considering using her savings of $64,000 to start her own law practice instead of getting a regular job.
  • Dave Ramsey suggests taking a job first to learn how to be a lawyer before opening a law practice, as law school only teaches how to pass tests about the law.
  • Ramsey suggests hiring a law coach for best practices, but warns that running a law firm is running a business, which requires a different skill set.
  • Starting a law practice requires learning how to practice law and run a business at the same time, which can be challenging.
  • Ramsey suggests taking a job to learn how to practice law and watch how they run their business at a law firm.
  • Running a law firm is like running a small business, and one needs to learn how to run a business.
  • Being a lawyer and running a business are two different skill sets.
  • Working at a law firm can teach one how to practice law and how to run a business.
  • Opening a law firm requires a lot of effort and is more of an uphill climb than expected.
  • It’s okay to work at a firm for a few years before opening a law firm.
  • A sudden loss of retirement and savings due to cancer can leave someone vulnerable in their later years.
  • It’s important to create an emotionally sustainable situation for a loved one in need.
  • Short-term needs should be covered before considering long-term investments.
  • Working at a firm before opening a law firm is a viable career path.
  • Seeking advice from a financial professional can help create a game plan for financial stability.
  • Investing in good growth stock mutual funds can double money every 7 years.
  • Seeking advice from a financial professional can help create a game plan for financial stability.
  • It’s important to create a sustainable life that is good for mental health and personal growth.
  • Personal finance is as much personal as it is finance, and dealing with relational issues is important.
  • Help includes encouragement to go be somebody and live a fulfilling life.
  • Ramsey Solutions is offering deals on their best-selling books and pre-orders for Dr. John Deloney’s new book.
  • Help includes encouragement to go be somebody and live a fulfilling life.
  • Caller paid off $39,000 in car debt after listening to the show for just two weeks.
  • Caller is now debt-free and wants advice on investing his savings.
  • Dave recommends increasing wife’s contributions to retirement to reach 15% and paying off home in 4-5 years if feasible.
  • Dave recommends being intentional about paying off the house without sacrificing everything.
  • Wait until the house is paid off before investing more than 15%.
  • Have an emergency fund of 3 to 6 months of expenses.
  • Set aside $30,000 in a separate account only for emergencies.
  • Paying off the house quickly frees up money to invest and can lead to significant wealth in the future.
  • Using financial calculators can be motivating and informative.
  • Investing just your house payment can lead to significant wealth in the future.
  • Paying off your house quickly frees up money to invest.
  • It’s important to max out retirement savings before investing in other accounts.
  • Becoming debt-free can be achieved in a few years with dedication and hard work.
  • Ryan and his wife made a lot of money by doing daycare for families with special needs.
  • They had a debt of $128,000, mostly from student loans, car loans, and credit cards.
  • They used the three years of no interest time to get out of debt.
  • They started their debt-free journey after reading Dave Ramsey’s book, Total Money Makeover, and taking the Financial Peace University class.
  • They feel fantastic and at peace now that they are debt-free and have been able to do more things, like buying their daughter’s first car and being intentional about her college education.
  • Don’t go to school just because everyone else is doing it, and don’t take out student loans.
  • Homeschooling became part of their journey, and they jumped on the bandwagon during the pandemic.
  • Paying off debt opens up opportunities and options in life.
  • Trust the process and stay the course to get out of debt.
  • The biggest gift they can give their kids is a different future.
  • George Camel’s podcast on Spotify simplifies complex financial topics and debunks money myths.
  • Mary K. A. says “it’s far better to be exhausted from success than to be rested from failure”.
  • Dave Ramsey advises a caller struggling to pay back an SBA loan for a failed franchise.
  • The biggest gift parents can give their kids is a different future.
  • Carrie and her husband borrowed $223,000 for a moving franchise that ultimately failed, leaving them with debt and no assets.
  • The franchise has expired and dissolved, meaning they have lost their rights to it.
  • Carrie’s husband was making $109,000 in logistics before quitting to start the franchise.
  • They are hoping his new job in operations and logistics management will help increase their income.
  • Carrie’s husband has lost confidence and doesn’t feel like he’s worth what he actually is due to the failure of the franchise.
  • Recovering from bankruptcy can be a traumatic experience that can make one feel like an idiot and lose confidence.
  • It’s normal to feel wounded and grieve the death of a dream, but it’s important to keep perspective and move forward.
  • Getting a job and increasing income can help recover from bankruptcy.
  • Business debt is not good debt, and buying a business with an SBA loan can be a mistake.
  • It’s important to stop accumulating debt and take responsibility for financial decisions.
  • Achieving financial peace is important and requires taking responsibility for financial decisions.
  • Walking daily with Christ Jesus is the ultimate way to financial peace.
  • Taking baby steps towards financial stability is key.
  • Visit and click Get Started to figure out the best next step for your specific situation.
  • offers resources to help you achieve financial peace.


Student Loans and Debt Repayment

Ramsey discusses the challenges and complexities of student loans, emphasizing that there is no easy way out of student loan debt. He highlights the predatory nature of student loan servicers and advises listeners to understand compound interest, forbearance, and the necessity of repaying loans. Refinancing and exploring alternative options for education expenses are recommended.

Homeownership and Retirement Planning

Ramsey provides insights into homeownership, retirement planning, and building wealth. He emphasizes the importance of securing financial freedom through debt-free homeownership and making wise investment choices. Ramsey also encourages listeners to consider alternative funding options for education, maximize retirement contributions, and leave an inheritance for future generations. Various services and resources related to mortgage, home repairs, and retirement planning are mentioned.

Financial Stability and Personal Growth

Ramsey addresses various financial concerns and offers advice on achieving financial stability and personal growth. He highlights the importance of therapy for navigating difficult decisions and struggles, encourages responsible financial planning, and emphasizes the significance of budgeting, debt repayment, and creating an emergency fund. Ramsey also provides insights into insurance policies, homeownership decisions, and the importance of seeking professional advice. Personal growth, generosity, and living a fulfilling life are emphasized throughout the episode.


In this episode of “The Ramsey Show,” Dave Ramsey covers a wide range of topics related to student loans, debt repayment, homeownership, retirement planning, and personal finance. Listeners gain valuable insights into managing their finances, paying off debt, and building wealth. Ramsey’s practical advice, success stories, and addressing specific financial concerns of callers provide a comprehensive guide to achieving financial peace and stability. It’s never too late to start taking control of your financial future.

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