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The Ramsey Show / – Can You Afford to Light $80,000 on Fire and Walk Away? (Hour 2)

The Ramsey Show – Can You Afford to Light $80,000 on Fire and Walk Away? (Hour 2)

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In this episode of “The Ramsey Show,” Michael, who is in a good financial position, contemplates whether he should spend $80,000 on a car or invest it. The hosts discuss the importance of enjoying money while also prioritizing generosity towards others. They also provide insights on budgeting, debt management, and building wealth.

Main Takeaways

Financial Decision Making

  • Michael is in a good financial position and wants to treat himself to a second car.
  • He feels it would be wasteful to spend $80,000 on a car when he could put the money in an online savings account.
  • The hosts encourage Michael to get the car and enjoy his money, while also prioritizing generosity towards others.
  • They suggest considering if his spending on himself is more than his giving to others.
  • Ratio of spending on self vs. giving to others is important to consider.

Developing Healthy Spending Habits

  • Learning to enjoy spending is a new muscle to develop.
  • Association with always saving money can make spending feel weird and uncomfortable.
  • Emotions can make it difficult to spend money, especially after experiencing financial hardship.
  • Luxury items like extravagant travel can be a waste of money as the experience is temporary.
  • Enjoyment and luxury purchases should be kept to a small percentage of your expenses to avoid guilt.

Financial Planning and Budgeting

  • Term life insurance is a top priority for financial planning, with a recommended coverage of 10-12 times your income for 15-20 years.
  • Every dollar should have a name and a mission before the month begins.
  • Budgeting is essential for financial planning.
  • Irregular income can make budgeting difficult but not impossible.
  • is the best budgeting app in the world.

Debt Management and Wealth Building

  • The speaker has $27,000 credit card debt at 27% interest.
  • The speaker has four jobs and makes approximately $60,000 from teaching, $6,000 to $8,000 from driving, $2,000 from drivers ed, and $3,000 from coaching spread out throughout the year.
  • The speaker’s base bills come to $2,388 and that doesn’t include gas, groceries, or medical copays.
  • The speaker advises finding a side gig that brings in more money steadily.
  • The goal is to create a real tutoring business to pay off debt.


Financial Decision Making and Developing Healthy Spending Habits

Michael, who is financially secure, contemplates whether to spend $80,000 on a car or invest it. The hosts emphasize the importance of enjoying money while also prioritizing generosity towards others. They discuss the need to develop healthy spending habits and avoid excessive guilt associated with luxury purchases. It is crucial to strike a balance between personal enjoyment and giving back.

Financial Planning, Budgeting, Debt Management, and Wealth Building

The podcast delves into the importance of financial planning, including having term life insurance and budgeting effectively. Budgeting is essential for managing finances, even with irregular income. The hosts recommend as a reliable budgeting app. They also address debt management strategies, such as finding additional income sources and creating a side business. Building wealth and investing for the future are emphasized.


Financial decision-making, healthy spending habits, budgeting, debt management, and wealth building are key topics discussed in this episode of “The Ramsey Show.” Listeners are encouraged to strike a balance between personal enjoyment and generosity towards others, while also focusing on long-term financial goals. By developing healthy financial habits, individuals can achieve financial peace and build a secure future.

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