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The Ramsey Show / – Don’t Let Your Dream Become a Nightmare

The Ramsey Show – Don’t Let Your Dream Become a Nightmare

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In this episode of “The Ramsey Show,” John Deloney’s new book “Building a Non-Anxious Life” is discussed, along with the importance of life insurance for single parents and domestic violence survivors. The episode also features inspiring stories of debt payoff and financial success, as well as advice on buying a property for an RV park business. Dave Ramsey addresses various listener questions and offers guidance on debt payoff, career choices, and homeownership. The episode concludes with insights from Willie Robertson and a couple who paid off a significant amount of debt.


Main Takeaways


Building a Non-Anxious Life

  • John Deloney’s new book “Building a Non-Anxious Life” is setting publishing and sales records at Ramsey Solutions.
  • Anxiety is not the problem, but a symptom of something broken.
  • The book offers six daily choices to build a solid foundation in life and be prepared for scary situations instead of being overwhelmed with anxiety.
  • Choose reality: start by acknowledging the actual state of your health, relationships, and other aspects of your life.
  • There are six choices to make to improve your life, which are detailed in the book.
  • The book is a valuable treatment of an important subject and is carefully crafted to serve readers.


Life Insurance for Single Parents and Domestic Violence Survivors

  • Life insurance is an immediate purchase for single parents, as it ensures that their children will be taken care of if something happens to them.
  • Beneficiaries of life insurance policies can be designated to a trust, which is managed by a trustee selected by the policyholder.
  • The trust can be instructed to invest the policy’s payout in mutual funds, which can replace the policyholder’s income for their children.
  • Domestic violence survivors can protect their children’s financial future by designating a trust as the beneficiary of their life insurance policy.
  • Trustees of the trust do not have to be US citizens and can manage the money on behalf of the trust.
  • Life insurance policy should be bought from a reputable company like Zander Insurance.


Inspiring Debt Payoff Stories

  • A family paid off $335,000 of debt in 60 months and also paid off their house, with a net worth of $1.7 million.
  • The family’s journey to financial freedom started in 2012, and they have since built a fabulous and healed life together.
  • Combining finances and having a common goal improved communication and strengthened the marriage.
  • Starting a budget can be difficult at first, but it gets easier with time and practice.
  • Being debt-free brought peace and eliminated money-related fights in the marriage.
  • The debt-free journey had a tangible effect on making more money.


Buying a Property for an RV Park Business

  • A father wants the speaker to use their buying power to purchase a larger property for an RV park business.
  • The speaker made an offer on a property listed at $2.95 million with confusion on the payment amount.
  • The father would put initial infrastructure in and split profits above mortgage payments 50-50 with the speaker.
  • The speaker sees the investment as a source of security for their family.
  • There are six different places where the plan can go wrong and only one where it can go right.
  • The speaker’s home is at risk if the plan fails.


Listener Questions and Advice

  • A caller seeks advice on how to get out of debt, including $72,000 in car loans and $27,000 in credit card debt.
  • Dave advises the caller to sell the $50,000 car and prioritize paying off debt, as their income does not support such an expensive car.
  • A caller seeks advice on whether to pay off their mortgage with a chunk of savings, as a single parent by choice with no other debts.
  • The expert advises selling the house and moving closer to work to avoid a lengthy commute and prioritize time with children over obligations to a house.




Building a Non-Anxious Life

John Deloney’s new book “Building a Non-Anxious Life” is gaining popularity for its insights on managing anxiety. The book emphasizes that anxiety is not the problem itself but rather a symptom of something broken. Deloney offers six daily choices to build a solid foundation in life and be prepared for scary situations instead of being overwhelmed with anxiety. By choosing reality and acknowledging the actual state of one’s health, relationships, and other aspects of life, readers can improve their overall well-being. The book provides clear and kind guidance to help readers build a non-anxious life.


Life Insurance for Single Parents and Domestic Violence Survivors

Life insurance is crucial for single parents and domestic violence survivors to ensure the financial security of their children. By designating a trust as the beneficiary of a life insurance policy, the policyholder can ensure that the payout is managed by a trustee selected by them. This trust can invest the policy’s payout in mutual funds, providing a replacement for the policyholder’s income. Domestic violence survivors can protect their children’s financial future by utilizing this strategy. Trustees of the trust do not have to be US citizens and can effectively manage the funds on behalf of the trust. It is recommended to purchase life insurance from reputable companies like Zander Insurance.


Inspiring Debt Payoff Stories

The episode features inspiring stories of families who have successfully paid off significant amounts of debt. By combining finances, setting common goals, and starting a budget, these families were able to eliminate debt and improve their financial situations. The journey to financial freedom brought peace and eliminated money-related fights in their marriages. Additionally, being debt-free had a tangible effect on making more money, paving the way for a brighter future.


Buying a Property for an RV Park Business

A speaker discusses their plan to purchase a property for an RV park business with the support of their father. While the investment offers potential security for their family, there are risks involved. The speaker made an offer on a property but is concerned about the payment amount and the potential failure of the plan. The speaker’s home is at risk if the plan does not succeed. It is important to carefully consider the potential challenges and have an exit plan in place.


Listener Questions and Advice

Various listener questions are addressed, including how to get out of debt and whether to pay off a mortgage with savings. Dave Ramsey advises callers to prioritize paying off debt and making financial decisions that align with their income. He emphasizes the importance of budgeting, communication, and seeking expert advice when it comes to finances. Additionally, the expert advises a single parent to prioritize time with children over obligations to a house and consider selling the house to avoid a lengthy commute.



This episode of “The Ramsey Show” covers a wide range of topics, including managing anxiety, the importance of life insurance, inspiring debt payoff stories, buying a property for a business, and providing financial advice to listeners. The episode offers valuable insights and guidance for improving financial well-being and making informed decisions. Listeners are encouraged to take steps towards financial freedom and seek expert advice when needed.


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