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The Ramsey Show / – Don’t Take Financial Advice From Broke People! (Hour 1)

The Ramsey Show – Don’t Take Financial Advice From Broke People! (Hour 1)

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In this episode of “The Ramsey Show,” Dave Ramsey debunks common financial myths and provides valuable advice on building wealth and making smart financial decisions. He emphasizes the importance of staying out of debt and not taking financial advice from broke people. Dave also shares success stories of individuals who have achieved financial freedom by following his principles.

Main Takeaways

Debunking Financial Myths

  • Poor people use debit cards, rich people use credit cards – myth debunked
  • Rich people don’t necessarily need credit cards to build wealth
  • Building credit by going into debt is a vicious cycle
  • Staying out of debt is the key to building wealth
  • FICO scores are not the only measure of financial success
  • It is possible to buy a house with a zero credit score through manual underwriting

Avoiding Financial Pitfalls

  • Financial advice should not be taken from broke people
  • The vast majority of Americans live paycheck to paycheck and have poor financial habits
  • Don’t follow what the majority is doing if it leads to financial struggles
  • Just because something is marketed heavily does not mean it’s true
  • Credit score is the most aggressively marketed product, but also the most purchased
  • Having an ID theft protection plan is a necessity in the digital world

Starting a SaaS Business

  • Starting a SaaS business while working a part-time job can be scary but feasible
  • It’s important to constantly maintain and market the product
  • Introducing the product at a conference for the industry can be a good marketing strategy
  • It’s important to test the product before quitting a full-time job
  • Social proof, meaning money, is necessary to know if the product works
  • The marketplace is tough on ideas, and only 5% of ideas work while the rest are forgotten or leave psychological scars

Achieving Debt Freedom

  • Pay off debt success story of $975,000 in 7.5 years
  • Baby steps were key to their success in paying off debt
  • Budgeting was a game-changer for their finances and communication as a couple
  • Building a house and hog building debt were significant financial challenges
  • They found financial freedom at age 34 and have wiggle room for life’s unexpected challenges

Considering Mortgage Payoff and Career Choices

  • Paying off your mortgage early could have tax implications if the money comes out of a 403B account
  • It’s still recommended to pay off the mortgage even if it’s at a low interest rate
  • Education is a rewarding career field
  • Teachers can be millionaires, according to a study
  • The top five millionaire professions are engineers, teachers, accountants, business executives, and lawyers
  • Doctors didn’t make the top five and are notoriously bad with money

Planning for Financial Freedom

  • A couple received a million-dollar buyout and are considering paying off their mortgage and moving to Idaho
  • It’s important to consider taxes and not let the government keep the money for too long
  • The couple should develop a game plan for their future and figure out what they want to do with their newfound freedom
  • The Get Clear Assessment and From Paycheck to Purpose can help the couple figure out their path forward
  • This is a defining moment for the couple, but it’s important to remember that it’s just the first act and they have the freedom to do anything they want


Debunking Financial Myths

Dave Ramsey debunks the myth that poor people use debit cards while rich people use credit cards. He emphasizes that building credit by going into debt is a vicious cycle and staying out of debt is the key to building wealth. FICO scores are not the only measure of financial success, and it is possible to buy a house with a zero credit score through manual underwriting.

Avoiding Financial Pitfalls

Dave advises against taking financial advice from broke people and highlights the poor financial habits of the majority of Americans who live paycheck to paycheck. He encourages listeners not to follow the majority if it leads to financial struggles and not to believe everything that is heavily marketed, especially when it comes to credit scores. He also emphasizes the importance of having an ID theft protection plan in the digital world.

Starting a SaaS Business

Dave discusses the feasibility of starting a SaaS business while working a part-time job. He emphasizes the importance of constantly maintaining and marketing the product and suggests introducing it at industry conferences for effective marketing. He advises testing the product before quitting a full-time job and highlights the need for social proof, meaning money, to determine if the product works. Dave also acknowledges the tough marketplace where only a small percentage of ideas succeed.

Achieving Debt Freedom

Dave shares a success story of a couple who paid off $975,000 in 7.5 years. He highlights the importance of following his baby steps and implementing budgeting as a game-changer for financial success. The couple faced significant financial challenges with building a house and hog building debt but found financial freedom at age 34 and now have the flexibility to handle unexpected challenges.

Considering Mortgage Payoff and Career Choices

Dave discusses the considerations of paying off a mortgage early, including potential tax implications if the money comes out of a 403B account. He recommends paying off the mortgage even at a low interest rate. He also highlights the rewarding nature of a career in education and shares that teachers can be millionaires, unlike doctors who are notorious for being bad with money.

Planning for Financial Freedom

Dave advises a couple who received a million-dollar buyout to consider paying off their mortgage and plan for their future. He emphasizes the importance of not letting the government keep the money for too long and suggests using resources like the Get Clear Assessment and From Paycheck to Purpose to figure out their path forward. Dave reminds the couple that this is just the first act of their financial journey and they have the freedom to pursue anything they want.


In this episode of “The Ramsey Show,” Dave Ramsey debunks financial myths, provides advice on avoiding financial pitfalls, shares success stories of debt freedom, and discusses considerations for mortgage payoff and career choices. He emphasizes the importance of staying out of debt, making smart financial decisions, and not taking advice from broke people. Dave inspires listeners to take control of their finances and work towards achieving financial freedom.

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