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The Ramsey Show / – Don’t Take Financial Advice From Your Broke Friends!

The Ramsey Show – Don’t Take Financial Advice From Your Broke Friends!

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In this episode of “The Ramsey Show,” Dave Ramsey provides valuable financial advice to listeners. From paying off debt to investing for retirement, Dave covers a wide range of topics to help individuals achieve financial freedom.

Main Takeaways

Building Wealth and Financial Freedom

  • Kristen and her husband have a good income of over $300,000 a year and no debt except for $35,000 on their mortgage
  • They have successfully paid off $125,000 in student loans and have no revolving credit or debt
  • They have two children in college and are cash flowing their education
  • They are currently putting 15% of their income into retirement (10% in a 401k and 5% in a Roth IRA)
  • If they continue to put 15% of their income into retirement for the next 10 years, they will be wealthy even without a raise

Strategies for Financial Success

  • Start by moving your emergency fund to a high yield savings account
  • Consider selling one of your properties to pay off your house and reach financial freedom
  • Max out every 401k and Roth IRA available to you
  • Avoid buying non-income producing real estate until your retirement is underway
  • Be generous with your wealth once you’ve reached financial freedom

Student Loan Debt and Real Estate Investments

  • Paying off your house is a big priority
  • Invest in growth stock mutual funds averaging 11% for retirement
  • Be precise in your next steps to avoid buying unnecessary things
  • Attend the upcoming student loan live stream on September 12th at 7 pm Central time
  • Consider Churchill Mortgage for fast pre-approval and a secured interest rate in a competitive home buying market

Stories of Debt Freedom and Financial Success

  • Isaiah paid off his mortgage in 6 years, starting with an income of $41,000 and ending with $95,000
  • A couple paid off $160,000 in debt after taking Financial Peace University and seek further advice
  • A couple paid off $80,000 of debt in 5 years while making $36,000 to $88,000
  • A couple paid off $40,000 in debt in four months through sacrifice and selling assets
  • A couple in San Antonio, Texas became millionaires by their 30s, paying off $620,000 of debt in 39 months


Building Wealth and Financial Freedom

Kristen and her husband demonstrate the power of a good income and smart financial decisions. With no debt except for their mortgage, they have successfully paid off a significant amount of student loans and are cash flowing their children’s college education. By putting 15% of their income into retirement, they are on track to achieve wealth even without a raise.

Strategies for Financial Success

Dave Ramsey provides practical advice for building wealth and reaching financial freedom. He suggests moving your emergency fund to a high yield savings account and considering selling properties to pay off debt. Maxing out 401k and Roth IRA contributions is essential, and it’s important to avoid non-income producing real estate until retirement is underway. Once financial freedom is achieved, Ramsey encourages generosity with wealth.

Student Loan Debt and Real Estate Investments

Paying off the house is a crucial priority for financial success. Investing in growth stock mutual funds can provide a solid return for retirement. Ramsey advises being precise in financial decisions to avoid unnecessary purchases. Listeners are also encouraged to attend the upcoming student loan live stream and consider Churchill Mortgage for pre-approval and competitive interest rates.

Stories of Debt Freedom and Financial Success

Isaiah’s journey of paying off his mortgage in 6 years showcases the power of determination and discipline. Other couples share their success stories of paying off significant amounts of debt while making modest incomes. These stories serve as inspiration for listeners on their own debt-free journeys.


From building wealth and paying off debt to investing for retirement and achieving financial freedom, “The Ramsey Show” provides valuable insights and advice for listeners. By following the strategies and stories shared in this episode, individuals can take control of their finances and work towards a debt-free and prosperous future.

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