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The Ramsey Show / – Finance Is Always Personal (Hour 2)

The Ramsey Show – Finance Is Always Personal (Hour 2)

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In this episode of “The Ramsey Show,” Dr. John Deloney, a Ramsey Personality and bestselling author, provides guidance on various topics related to mental health, relationships, and finance. He offers advice to Samantha from Kansas City, who is struggling with guilt and feeling stuck in her home after the loss of her husband. Dr. Deloney encourages her to move forward with her life and emphasizes the importance of honoring her husband’s memory by taking care of herself.

Main Takeaways

Overcoming Guilt and Moving Forward

  • Samantha from Kansas City lost her husband 146 days ago and is struggling with guilt and feeling stuck in their home.
  • Samantha is considering moving but feels unworthy and wants an outside, neutral perspective on the matter.
  • Dr. Deloney encourages Samantha to never question her worth and reassures her that her husband’s love is in her heart, not in their home.
  • Dr. Deloney advises Samantha that the best way to honor her husband is to go be well and move forward with her life.
  • Trauma can leave lasting imprints on your heart and mind.
  • Dr. Deloney advises moving out of the house to move forward with life.
  • Selling the house can provide emotional, spiritual, and financial healing.
  • Being debt-free and moving on can bring a whole new level of freedom.
  • John is not in the house, but in Samantha’s heart.

Mental Health and Breaking Free from Negative Associations

  • Memories and emotions can be linked to physical locations, causing a GPS-like stamp in the body.
  • Changing environments can be important for mental health and breaking free from negative associations.
  • Our bodies remember negative experiences from years ago, which can affect mental health and behavior.
  • Children can also be affected by negative associations with places or experiences.
  • Suicide can leave loved ones with guilt and pain, and it’s important to seek help if struggling with suicidal thoughts.
  • Intervening and reaching out to someone who may be considering suicide can make a difference and save a life.

Financial Advice and Investments

  • Diversifying investments by investing in a good growth stock mutual fund can provide more safety and stability.
  • Walmart pays for a master’s degree for employees from day one.
  • Getting an MBA just for knowledge collection is not recommended.
  • Real-life trading experience is also important for analytical people.
  • Working at Walmart can provide valuable lessons.

Charitable Giving and Making a Difference

  • Personal connection is key to choosing charities to support.
  • Ramsey family foundation supports charities that have a personal connection to the family.
  • Having a lot of money can be overwhelming, seek advice on how to manage it properly.
  • Find a cause that speaks to your heart and investigate related charities or ministries.
  • Look for a connection to your own life or your family’s life when choosing a charity to donate to.
  • Giving on the front end can be powerful as you get to see the results and impact.
  • Instead of just complaining about a problem, find someone who is already working on it and contribute to their efforts.

The Impact of Generosity

  • Larry Stewart, also known as Secret Santa, was a man who gave back by paying for meals and helping those in need.
  • Larry Stewart gave away tens of thousands of dollars by dressing up as Santa Claus and randomly handing out $1000 bills to people on the streets during Christmas time.
  • He was an incredible giver and even walked the streets of New York after 9-1-1 and New Orleans after Katrina to help those in need.
  • He started a Secret Santa school to teach others how to be randomly generous.
  • Giving back doesn’t have to be boring or traditional – it can be flamboyant, crazy, wild, and fun.


Overcoming Guilt and Moving Forward

Dr. Deloney provides valuable advice to Samantha, who is struggling with guilt and feeling trapped in her home after the loss of her husband. He emphasizes that Samantha should never question her worth and reminds her that her husband’s love is within her, not confined to their home. Dr. Deloney encourages Samantha to move forward with her life and suggests selling the house as a way to find emotional, spiritual, and financial healing. By being debt-free and embracing new opportunities, Samantha can experience a whole new level of freedom.

Mental Health and Breaking Free from Negative Associations

Dr. Deloney discusses the impact of negative associations and traumatic experiences on mental health. He explains how memories and emotions can become linked to physical locations, creating a GPS-like stamp in the body. To break free from these negative associations, changing environments can be crucial. Dr. Deloney also highlights the importance of seeking help for suicidal thoughts and the role of intervention in saving lives. He emphasizes the need to address mental health issues and support those who may be struggling.

Financial Advice and Investments

Dr. Deloney shares insights on financial advice and investments. He suggests diversifying investments by considering a good growth stock mutual fund, which can provide safety and stability. Dr. Deloney also mentions Walmart’s initiative of paying for employees’ master’s degrees from day one, highlighting the value of continuous learning and personal growth. He advises against pursuing an MBA solely for knowledge collection and emphasizes the importance of real-life trading experience for analytical individuals. Working at Walmart can also offer valuable lessons in the financial realm.

Charitable Giving and Making a Difference

Dr. Deloney discusses the significance of personal connection when choosing charities to support. He mentions the Ramsey family foundation, which focuses on supporting charities that have a personal connection to the family. Dr. Deloney encourages individuals to find causes that resonate with their hearts and investigate related charities or ministries. He emphasizes the power of giving on the front end, allowing individuals to witness the results and impact of their contributions. Instead of merely complaining about societal issues, Dr. Deloney encourages finding existing efforts and contributing to their progress.

The Impact of Generosity

Dr. Deloney shares the inspiring story of Larry Stewart, also known as Secret Santa, who dedicated his life to giving back. Larry Stewart’s acts of generosity, such as paying for meals and randomly handing out $1000 bills as Santa Claus, touched the lives of many. He even traveled to New York after 9-1-1 and New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina to help those in need. Dr. Deloney highlights the importance of flamboyant, unconventional acts of giving, emphasizing that generosity doesn’t have to be boring or traditional.


This episode of “The Ramsey Show” provides valuable insights into overcoming guilt, taking care of mental health, making wise financial decisions, and embracing the power of generosity. Dr. John Deloney offers practical advice and encouragement to listeners, reminding them that their worth is not defined by their circumstances and encouraging them to live their lives to the fullest. By seeking help, making informed financial choices, and giving back to causes that resonate with their hearts, individuals can find healing, freedom, and make a positive impact in the world.

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