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The Ramsey Show / – If You Want To Get Rich Do What Rich People Do!

The Ramsey Show – If You Want To Get Rich Do What Rich People Do!

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In this episode of “The Ramsey Show”, Dave Ramsey and his team help callers navigate financial challenges and provide advice on building wealth and achieving financial freedom. From budgeting and emergency funds to paying off debt and investing, they offer practical tips and strategies for listeners to improve their financial situations.

Main Takeaways

Financial Planning and Emergency Funds

  • Having medical issues and car repairs are causing setbacks for a caller’s financial progress.
  • The hosts suggest liquidating a stock given by the caller’s grandmother to build up an emergency fund.
  • Chronic medical situations should be budgeted for, while car repairs can be planned for and are not emergencies.
  • An emergency fund is necessary to cover unexpected and rare emergencies.
  • Using the Every Dollar app can help with budgeting and learning from previous month’s expenses.

Student Loans and Debt

  • Student loan borrowers are emerging from a deep freeze and are confused, angry, scared, and frustrated as they restart their federal program.
  • Loan servicers may make the process difficult and confusing to keep borrowers in debt.
  • Don’t rely solely on loan servicers for information; educate yourself and be in the know.
  • Forgiveness is not happening; pay off your debts.

Building Wealth and Investing

  • A couple from Alberta, Canada shares their success story of becoming debt-free and saving for retirement using the Baby Steps program.
  • They have accomplished steps 1-4 and are now on steps 5-6.
  • Dave advises paying off the mortgage aggressively while still enjoying upgrades and vacations.
  • Consider temporarily lowering retirement contributions to save for land and building loans.
  • Building during a slow market can be advantageous due to availability of builders and stabilized prices.

Financial Mindset and Habits

  • Changing behaviors and habits is key to leveling up financially.
  • Therapy can help find a path forward in difficult situations.
  • Saving and being intentional with money can lead to financial success.
  • Consider setting up a separate scholarship fund for grandchildren’s education.
  • Control funds to ensure they align with desired values and character.

Debt Management and Financial Discipline

  • Paying off debt from smallest to largest, regardless of interest rates, is advised.
  • Lack of financial planning and organization leads to overspending and debt accumulation.
  • Living on less than you make is essential to getting out of debt.
  • Financial education is crucial to achieving financial freedom.
  • Communication and establishing boundaries are crucial in relationships and finances.


Building Financial Security and Resilience

One of the main topics discussed in this episode is the importance of financial planning and building an emergency fund. The hosts provide guidance on budgeting for chronic medical situations and planning for car repairs as expected expenses. They emphasize the need for an emergency fund to cover unexpected and rare emergencies. The Every Dollar app is recommended for budgeting and tracking expenses. Additionally, the episode highlights the challenges faced by student loan borrowers as they restart their federal loan program and offers advice on managing and paying off student loans.

Achieving Financial Freedom and Wealth Building

A success story is shared by a couple from Alberta, Canada, who became debt-free and saved for retirement using the Baby Steps program. The hosts provide advice on paying off the mortgage while still enjoying upgrades and vacations. They also discuss the advantages of building during a slow market and offer tips on temporarily adjusting retirement contributions to save for land and building loans. The importance of changing behaviors and habits, seeking therapy when needed, and being intentional with money is emphasized as key to achieving financial success.

Debt Management and Financial Discipline

The episode emphasizes the importance of paying off debt systematically, starting with the smallest debts regardless of interest rates. Lack of financial planning and organization is identified as a common cause of overspending and debt accumulation. Living on less than one makes and prioritizing financial education are highlighted as essential steps towards financial freedom. The hosts also stress the significance of effective communication and establishing boundaries in both relationships and finances.


This episode of “The Ramsey Show” provides valuable insights and practical advice on various aspects of personal finance, including budgeting, emergency funds, debt management, wealth building, and financial discipline. Listeners are encouraged to take control of their financial situations, change their behaviors and habits, and seek financial education to achieve long-term financial freedom and success.

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