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The Ramsey Show / – The Best Calls of the Year So Far (Part 3)

The Ramsey Show – The Best Calls of the Year So Far (Part 3)

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In this episode of “The Ramsey Show,” Dave Ramsey and John Deloney answer callers’ questions about finances, relationships, real estate, and more. The hosts provide practical advice and insights to help listeners navigate their financial journeys and improve their overall well-being.

Main Takeaways

Wedding Planning and Finances

  • Leon is questioning whether finances should stop his wedding plans.
  • Leon’s approach to marriage is pragmatic, while his fiancé’s is idealistic.
  • Leon did some math and realized that getting married will significantly increase their expenses, particularly their health coverage.
  • Dave and John advise Leon to go all in and let go of the last little piece of control and hurt from his past.
  • Married couples have a higher probability of wealth and net worth than singles, according to the marriage advantage data.

Relationships, Health, and Finances

  • Healthier relationships and better health can lead to better financial outcomes.
  • Two horses pulling together in tandem create synergy, where one plus one equals more than two.
  • Asking questions about marriage can help identify areas for healing and growth in relationships and finances.

Property Ownership and Legal Issues

  • Putting a property in a trust or will is a good way to keep it in the family.
  • Quit claiming a property to someone without discussing it with them is inappropriate.
  • The potential legal repercussions of the situation are a concern for the speaker and her family.
  • It’s important to communicate with family members and get their approval before making decisions that affect them, especially when it comes to property ownership.

Financial Education and Real Estate

  • Financial Peace University has helped over 10 million people.
  • Therapy can help figure out what’s holding you back from doing what you know you should do and make your brain your friend.
  • Starting small and learning from mistakes is key to success in real estate.
  • Flipping houses can be profitable, but requires knowledge and research.

Marriage and Property Issues

  • The ex-husband needs to handle the situation before he dies, either by taking the woman’s name off the deed or evicting her.
  • The situation is strange and weird, and the ex-husband needs to make a decision.
  • It’s important for the husband to take responsibility for his family’s mess and handle it himself.

Wealth Building and Debt

  • Principle is the most powerful wealth-building tool for increasing probability and speed towards becoming wealthy.
  • Getting rid of debt increases the probability and speed towards becoming wealthy.
  • Wealthy people do big math, meaning they look at the big chunks and where that’s taking them, instead of getting caught up in the nuances of the math.
  • Concentrate on the big things that will take you where you want to go, instead of the small things like 2% cashback on credit cards.

Immigrants and Financial Challenges

  • Lack of credit history creates financial obstacles for immigrants in the US.
  • The US economy counts on people to borrow money and stay in debt.
  • Many first-generation immigrants fall into debt traps trying to build credit scores.
  • Cultural shift is needed to prioritize financial freedom over debt.

Marriage and Trust

  • Hiding financial information from your spouse can be a difficult burden to bear.
  • Being transparent about finances with your spouse is important.
  • Trust funds can provide a significant amount of income.

Debt Repayment and Career Choices

  • Jonathan has $87,000 in student loan debt, $8,000 in savings, and needs to start with Baby Step 2 to pay off debts before moving to Baby Step 3.
  • Paying off $65,000-$70,000 a year will allow Jonathan to be debt-free in 2 years.
  • Getting rid of debt is the shortest distance to financial peace and wealth.
  • Following the plan without deviation is key to success.


Wedding Planning and Finances

Leon is grappling with the financial implications of his upcoming wedding. While he takes a pragmatic approach, his fiancé is more idealistic. Dave and John advise Leon to let go of control and embrace the marriage advantage, which shows that married couples have a higher probability of wealth and net worth than singles. They emphasize the importance of open communication and identifying areas for healing and growth in relationships and finances.

Property Ownership and Legal Issues

A caller shares a concerning situation where her father-in-law quit claimed a property to her husband without their knowledge or approval. The potential legal repercussions and ownership issues are a cause for worry. Dave and John stress the importance of communication and getting family members’ approval before making decisions that affect them. They suggest involving a real estate lawyer and exploring options like putting the property in a trust for proper ownership and estate planning.

Financial Education and Real Estate

The hosts highlight the benefits of financial education programs like Financial Peace University, which has helped millions of people gain control of their finances. They also discuss the potential profitability of real estate, emphasizing the importance of starting small, learning from mistakes, and being cautious with contractors. Dave and John advise against getting caught up in get-rich-quick schemes and stress the need for discipline and perseverance in real estate ventures.

Marriage and Property Issues

A caller seeks advice on a complicated situation involving her ex-husband’s inheritance of a property from his father, which she currently lives in rent-free. The ex-husband’s father expects him to keep the house after his passing, but the caller’s children are grown, and she has no reason to live there anymore. Dave and John stress the importance of the ex-husband taking responsibility for the situation, either by removing the caller’s name from the deed or evicting her. They emphasize open communication and addressing the issue before it escalates further.

Wealth Building and Debt

The hosts discuss the principles of wealth building, including the significance of getting rid of debt and focusing on the big financial decisions that will lead to long-term success. They caution against getting caught up in small percentages and emphasize the importance of common sense and discipline in financial planning. Dave and John also highlight the challenges faced by first-generation immigrants in the US, who often struggle with credit history and debt traps, and stress the need for a cultural shift towards prioritizing financial freedom.

Marriage and Trust

Trust and transparency are crucial in relationships, especially when it comes to finances. The hosts discuss the importance of being upfront and honest with your spouse, as hiding financial information can strain the relationship. They also mention the potential benefits of trust funds for generating income. Dave and John emphasize the need for open communication and building a relationship based on integrity and trust.

Debt Repayment and Career Choices

A caller named Jonathan seeks guidance on paying off his student loan debt. Dave and John advise him to start with Baby Step 2, focusing on aggressively paying off his debt before moving on to other financial goals. They stress the importance of following the plan without deviation and making permanent changes in behavior to achieve financial peace. Dave and John also discuss the career choices of millionaires, debunking stereotypes and highlighting the importance of hard work and determination.


“The Ramsey Show” offers valuable insights and advice on various financial topics, including wedding planning, property ownership, real estate, debt repayment, and trust in relationships. The hosts emphasize the importance of open communication, discipline, and making informed financial decisions. By following the principles shared on the show, listeners can achieve financial peace and build a solid foundation for their future.

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